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What? Don't we late shift no more?


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Leigh Monster loses its cool
02:59 / 29.03.07
silly drunkard. throbbing gristle are for kids.

like, you know, the trix commercial? you know, for...only...

erg. sleep for laoi!
Saint Keggers
03:04 / 29.03.07
AH! That makes sense. I get jokes!

Beacuse of the lith whenever I hear someo say Trix are for Kids my mind imeadiatly creates a romance novel cover type image of Justrix and Captain Kidd.
Leigh Monster loses its cool
23:55 / 29.03.07
good evening.
00:01 / 30.03.07
Just so long as it isn't Captain Crunch. I am off his dope.

Silly rabbit. Strong crunch.
Leigh Monster loses its cool
00:03 / 30.03.07
oh yeah that stuff is deadly.
00:08 / 30.03.07
We have a box of Shiraz. A freakin' box....of Shiraz!

I feel like such classy broad.
00:13 / 30.03.07
Clearly, I have traded the box of cereal for a box of wine.

You know the stuff, eh, laoi? Awful. Crack for preschoolers. *shudder*
Leigh Monster loses its cool
00:39 / 30.03.07
my roommates are 20, and they're still addicted to it. also, apparently you used to be able to get lucky charms in ireland and you can't anymore, and they've been begging me to have the stuff shipped to us. you should see the glint in their eyes when they talk about how the marshmallows sweeten the milk.
Saint Keggers
01:05 / 30.03.07
and here I was thinking Captain Crunch was streetslang for actual drugs.

Hi all.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:07 / 30.03.07
Ugh. Too much sugar.

Boxes of wine are highly classy, Trix, although I prefer my four dollar poet-piss, Boone's Sangria, which rots stryofoam cups and probably eats away at your esophagus on the way down. Good for sunny days out in the park.

At work; on my way to pick up some shitty deli food for dinner after the unsuccessful attempt to find some new restaurant, an old man with white hair tufting from his ears waddled up and shouted "THE PENTAGON IS LOADED," at me.

The most random book of the day to come through work was Discovering Old Buttons, by one Ms. Primrose Peacock. Her author biography included the line that she is interested in twine merchandising, horticulture, and antique tiles.
Saint Keggers
01:14 / 30.03.07
My grandmother had a large tin, about the size of a hat box, filled with hundreds upon hundreds of buttons. I used to love whenever it was opened. Id pick out the strangest buttons I could find and imagine the people who'd wear such buttons.

As a kid, I liked buttons.

and magnets.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:16 / 30.03.07
I was always big on those magnetic marbles you could get at Science World in cubic packs -- hundreds of little planets in primary colours, bound together by invisible forces.

I wonder if it's acceptable to post in the Temple's coincidence log thread when the coincidence is the Universe throwing ridiculous toilet humour at you.
Saint Keggers
01:17 / 30.03.07
I find it more amazing when the universe isnt throwing ridiculous toilet humour at me. Me and the universe has issues.
19:18 / 30.03.07
Early-evening shift anyone?

I went out for a couple of quiet beers... as I was about to leave one of my drinking buddies offered me a dab of MDMA powder. As a result I no longer feel the need to eat (which was why I left the pub when I did...) but am a bit fucked.

Videogames and maybe a movie soon, but I thought a quick bit of shifting might be just the ticket, as it were.
19:23 / 30.03.07
How does the powder differ in effect to the pill? More intense or just easier t0 disguise as squirell poison?

Anyway, good evening Sir Stoat.
electric monk
19:32 / 30.03.07

Hello all you happy people.
19:51 / 30.03.07
I´ve spent the whole day more or less on this PC doing nothing. I´m tempted to start on the wine, I mean it´s already open so that makes it ok right?
19:52 / 30.03.07
19:53 / 30.03.07
YES!!! (and Bear, hello sir! Lovely to see you!)

Powder's better than pills, but you never really know how much you're getting with a line or a dab. My drunken stupor has been replaced by a "NEVER SLEEP AGAIN!" thirst.

That said, I just ordered a pizza, so I hope I can fucking eat the bastard.
19:54 / 30.03.07
(Not that it's not lovely to see yous, swashbuckling and monk... just that seeing Bear is more of a rarety).
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
19:54 / 30.03.07
Geez, Stoat, I'm still working away in the earliest regions of the afternoon. It's sunny out.

I'm excited! I get to go see the Dracula ballet tomorrow night!
19:55 / 30.03.07


it would seem the drugs are having more of an effect that I thought, otherwise I'd have had a much better response for you, Papers.

Mind you, that "wicked" was heartfelt.
19:57 / 30.03.07
Stoat what kind of Pizza? And can you mail me a Dominos Vegetarian Delux?
19:59 / 30.03.07
A really rubbish one. From fucking Pizza Hut. While walking past the place that does the REALLY NICE pizzas on Church Street, I decided pizza was a bad idea. After getting home and walking the dog, I changed my mind.

DAMN THEM and their handiness to my house.
19:59 / 30.03.07
Anchovies on pizza is good. But squid on pizza is better.

Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
19:59 / 30.03.07
"Wicked!" would have been a better response if "Wicked" was a ballet rather than a musical, and then the whole thing would have descended into a (rather niche-marketed) pun-fest, so it's really rather a good thing that the production in question is indeed a musical rather than a ballet.


Excitement is good, though, Stoat. Hope you're having a fun trip.
electric monk
20:24 / 30.03.07
Ha! I thought I'd cleared the place out.

And it's "Hawaiian" pizza or nothing.
20:26 / 30.03.07
Oh, this one was vegetarian with chilis.

Mind you, I've just eaten the side dishes and am finding the pizza itself quite daunting.
electric monk
20:27 / 30.03.07
There's a ghost job in my queue, and it's scaring me.
20:29 / 30.03.07
Oooh, they SCARY.
electric monk
20:33 / 30.03.07
Your veggie pizza with chilis is making my mouth water and, in a roundabout way, has reminded me to pick up beer on my way home.
20:34 / 30.03.07

Though I'm thinking I might have an early night tonight... well, I may lie in bed and read comics for hours.
20:36 / 30.03.07
And I started on the wine.. and I´m sitting here wishing I could have a veggie pizza with extra chilli... I had the best Vegan pizza ever the around Christmas and then the store closed down.

And I´m curious about pizza now, when did it catch on in the UK? I can´t remember having pizza when I was kid.
electric monk
20:37 / 30.03.07
Which ones d'you have in mind?
electric monk
20:37 / 30.03.07
Which comics, I mean.

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