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What? Don't we late shift no more?


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Leigh Monster loses its cool
23:59 / 26.03.07
aaaaa! that's the pr0n i'm funding?

actually ze's kind of cute..
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
00:00 / 27.03.07
I worry that this is just sci-fi Ron Jeremy syndrome.
Saint Keggers
00:12 / 27.03.07
"sci-fi Ron Jeremy syndrome"??
00:15 / 27.03.07
Yeah, do explain, Papers. (i'm grading papers* right now.)

*US universities--we use the terms "essay" and "paper" interchangeably. Is that true in Canada?
Saint Keggers
00:18 / 27.03.07
Hi alas!

Yeah, I think papers usually has more gavitas to it (longer, more important) but in general, I believe they're pretty much interchangeable here too.
00:20 / 27.03.07
can you explain these papers to me, then? Not a speck of gravitas amongst the lot...

(Aww, I'm just kiddin'. They're ok.)
Saint Keggers
00:47 / 27.03.07
What the heck is "Ron Jeremy syndrome"?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
00:50 / 27.03.07
The original script idea had a beautiful biologist growing topiary men in her hothouse, to engage in weird sex pleasures. I was more envisioning Swamp Thing meets Tom of Finland.

Ron Jeremy Syndrome, by contrast, usually pits a conventionally unattractive man with an attractive woman in a porn film. Ron Jeremy is the best known example of this; he was on the Surreal Life for a while *shudder*.
Saint Keggers
01:02 / 27.03.07
I was thinking more..The look of Farscape meets Barbarella meets somethign much more erotic.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:03 / 27.03.07

We should have really drawn up some concept art.
01:05 / 27.03.07
or blown up some concept art.
Saint Keggers
01:07 / 27.03.07
heheh... inflatable mandroids.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:14 / 27.03.07
Just started watching Guy Maddin's Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary, adapting Mark Godden's ballet.
01:21 / 27.03.07
'zit any good?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:24 / 27.03.07
So far, yes. faux-1930s expressionistic black & white silent film with Mahler soundtrack. All ballet. Intertitles. Much of it is shot as though through a pinhole camera. 's really good.

Lucy's neck wounds exposed! Following Van Helsing's rather dubious examination.
01:27 / 27.03.07
that sounds really beautiful. Can I finish watching it for you, while you grade these Papers, Papers?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:29 / 27.03.07
What're the papers on?
01:34 / 27.03.07
Women's Studies; midterm exams.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:35 / 27.03.07
Cool! Anything particularly interesting, questions-wise?

The use of colour in this movie is stunning. Ostensibly black and white, it uses red -- vivid red -- in the lining of Drac's cloak, Lucy's wounds, any evidence of blood. Cribbed from Schindler's List, sure, but very effective.
01:39 / 27.03.07
Well, this is the essay section, and I'm trying to have them draw connections between three literary works we've read this term--Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, and Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." So there are questions working connections--reproduction, relationships between men and women, relationships between women, and, my favorite, the role of doctors.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:44 / 27.03.07

Between Handmaid's Tale and Yellow Wallpaper, they could have also done something with women in confinement and how they cope; Offred staring at the latin graffiti in the Major (Colonel?)'s house, all locked in for the night, Gilman's heroine staring at the wallpaper...

Not familiar with the other text, though.
01:46 / 27.03.07
Yep--that's sort of the overall theme, actually. My courses all end up being about women in captivity. Babes in Bondage, I sometimes call it, jokingly of course...
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:47 / 27.03.07
Done any Wonder Woman work?

I'll have to track down that third text. I read the Atwood in Grade...10...? It's the reason I love Atwood. Gilman I read not two months ago (coincidence!) and think on, often. I read it in a heat at one in the morning.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:49 / 27.03.07
Lucy as the Vampire Queen in bloody fantastic! Such violent, violent dancing. This actress has a really expressive face, as well.
01:52 / 27.03.07
Incidents in the a fascinating re-discovered slave narrative written by a woman named Harriet Jacobs. It was long dismissed as probably being a novel written by a white woman, because the events are just so extraordinary--she hides in an attic crawl space for 7 years. Straight. In the South. Within sight of her "master's" house.

Her master is a lecherous old man who is trying, like a man straight out of Samuel Richardson, to "have his way with her" starting when she turned about 14. She takes a lover (who eventually becomes a US congressman) in order to gain some control over her life and body, and then becomes pregnant, with children who, of course, are now owned by the evil old man. (Actually by his 4 year old's complex).

I won't tell you more. But the cool thing is that the whole story has been scrupulously documented. And her narration is just amazing.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:54 / 27.03.07
I'll see if I can track it down over here.

This movie really is amazing. Harker's time at Castle Dracula is reduced to five minutes of high-speed trailer nested in his journal after the main action with Lucy and before Mina comes into the picture; compressed storytelling genius & timeline switching.
01:59 / 27.03.07
I'm jealous! Two more to go...
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
02:03 / 27.03.07
's the wiki page for it.

Soon you will be free...
02:06 / 27.03.07
And here's a site about Harriet Jacobs, with full text of the narrative

One more!
02:12 / 27.03.07
and, I'm done. To bed! G'night empty late shift....
Saint Keggers
02:12 / 27.03.07
G'night alas!
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
02:14 / 27.03.07
Sleep tight!
Saint Keggers
03:12 / 27.03.07
Its quiet.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:16 / 27.03.07
It is.

I'm mustering the strength of will to write a paragraph right now, possibly followed by a second.
Saint Keggers
03:24 / 27.03.07
A paragraph on?

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