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March Mix: Six-Word Story Soundtracks


Page: 123(4)56

20:36 / 22.04.07

Got it! Very happy.
Loving the presentation, and assuming the more frequent male voice was you Mat? Very nice mixing, wish I'd gotten you to record mine now!

Unfortunately 'A rook house for Bobby' skips on my cd, but only a little.

Now for the scoring... mew. I definitely need an afternoon to sit and compare. I forgot about the voting when I signed up to do it!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
12:05 / 23.04.07
I've got all the files mixed as separate MP3s, which I'll put online archivally when everyone's got their CDs in the mail. Yeah, the dorky-sounding voice that pops up more often is mine; also in two distorted forms (I got sick of listening to it so I started dicking around).

It weirds me out that England has the CDs before people in Maine, Atlanta and Florida. I could have WALKED to XK's house faster than this, and yet people in Wales are listening to these things... hmm.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
12:36 / 23.04.07
Well, I'm one hundred miles away from my mail box so I have no idea if I got it or not. We shall see come Sunday!
16:48 / 23.04.07
Am I the only one who thinks that Matt sounds like a young Patrick Bateman/Christian Bale?
Essential Dazzler
10:34 / 24.04.07
No, you aren't.
16:11 / 24.04.07
It's hot isn't it?
21:09 / 24.04.07
Of course, now the shame and embarrasment at my pick is quite tangible.

For many of us. I think.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
23:51 / 24.04.07
Damn my lavish commitment to quality! I was going to upload a big zip tonight, but it's all in .wav format and therefore huge. I'll have to MP3 it and zip it up tomorrow.
16:25 / 25.04.07
I got back to work today and thus finally received the CD.

And some of the tracks give me chills (good chills).

Thank you for this!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:04 / 26.04.07
Still no joy from the USA receipients? This is getting freakin' ridiculous... it's been how long now?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:10 / 26.04.07
I check the mailbox everyday. But then you know about my nosy crackhead problem.

Maybe today it will be there.
17:31 / 26.04.07
Maybe today?
18:02 / 26.04.07
Don't make me sing the theme from The Littlest Hobo.
Kiltartan Cross
19:08 / 26.04.07
Still no joy from the USA receipients?

Sobs and sniffs. Ni moi.
18:54 / 27.04.07
I've just been listening again. I really want you to get the CD because I want to post my vote! It's so complicated. I have a different vote for the best six word story, and the best amalgamation. I could also vote on effort and amusement.

I have really enjoyed being a part of this; it's lovely to listen to everyone's voices and guess about them. For me this wasn't at all about making mine the best; I hardly ever am the best at anything. So I just adore being a part of something wicked; it's lovely to be listening to a work of art, and to somehow be 'in the gang'.

I'm sorry if I sound like a tit. I just got happy, lovely feelings about everyone when I listened to it again and in true American fashion I thought I should 'share'.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:55 / 27.04.07
My mailbox remains stubbornly empty.
19:02 / 27.04.07
mine too.

I could have walked to your house and back by now.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:09 / 27.04.07
I am entirely convinced the Canadian postal service has a personal grudge against me.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:10 / 27.04.07
USPS is ass.

Okay, I'll create a big-arsed MP3 download an' slap it up tomorrow. I know this won't help Kali particularly, but at least The Others can get this thing.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:16 / 27.04.07

Am I doomed to not hear this thing or what?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:17 / 27.04.07
Those who do not have broadband are doomed to silence. THAT IS THE WHOLE OF THE INTERWEB LAW.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:29 / 27.04.07
Nah, for my money, your postal system blows goats.
20:13 / 27.04.07
I'm sorry if I sound like a tit. I just got happy, lovely feelings about everyone


Concurrently I wish I'd been able to record my voice, and then don't - because it would have been nice on one hand but I'm incredibly shy on the other. Besides, Matt did such a sterling job on my SWS that I don't think I'd have done better, just agonised over intonation.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
01:23 / 28.04.07
Well, for those who can't wait, MP3s of the tracks and a PDF (print, cut and fold) of the sleeve:

Right-click here, then select "Save Link As," put this on your hard drive and unzip it. I'm uploading now, so it should be good to go at about 3 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time.

Terribly sorry about the post office. Well, I would be, but it's kind of beyond my control. No idea what the hell's going on...
The Ghost of Tom Winter
06:01 / 28.04.07
This is nice, very nice indeed.

I predict most of us will now get our copy in the mail tomorrow or right after we download the zip.
16:00 / 28.04.07
It's hot isn't it?

16:09 / 28.04.07
Can anyone download it? Do you have a limit, or would that be intrusive?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
18:05 / 28.04.07
No, go to town. Don't, er, spread it around too much, though.
01:52 / 30.04.07

strong magic.
Kiltartan Cross
10:14 / 01.05.07
Appreciative noises, songs downloaded, most happy.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
11:37 / 01.05.07
Well, I'll probably be getting them all back in the mail with the USPS "WE WERE ON A SMOKE BREAK AND DIDN'T FEEL LIKE DELIVERING THIS" stamp on them.

I've mailed a LOT of stuff to the States in my time, and I experience about a 10% failure rate. Maybe all my bad USPS karma has balled up into one big lump with this send.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:10 / 01.05.07
I've stopped looking for it in the mailbox. Along with my state refund check.
16:33 / 01.05.07
gotten in mail, that is....
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:57 / 01.05.07
Hooray, then!

So: voting. I have two prizes.

One is for best six-word story.
Other is for best six-word-story + song combination.

No prize for "best song" standalone, because, well, that's not really the point of the thing, is it?

SEEKRIT BALLOT. PM me your choices!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
08:27 / 03.05.07
Yes, voting! The sport of kings! The breakfast of champions! The right of all, from spring-heeled youth to wizened ancient! Voting! Voting! Voting! How wonderful it is!

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