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March Mix: Six-Word Story Soundtracks


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MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:34 / 17.01.07
I never forgot this thread, as I thought it was a cool idea and rife for plundering.

So let us plunder. Musically. We're a creative bunch, and I'm sure up to the additional challenge of giving our musical mix choices a bit more ballast on the text end.

This is what I want to do: a mix with a six-word story, a recording of you or somebody else reading it, AND a song to act as your "soundtrack." The soundtrack will probably be much longer than the story. That's okay. But tracks of less than six minutes are a good idea.

And I don't mean that these have to be "soundtrack" recordings, like Ennio Morricone and stuff. Just a good song that somehow works with your six-second story.

I don't anticipate mixing the stories into the songs (except for maybe a second of bleed). I reserve the right to change my mind on this, though.

You don't have to record yourself reading your six-second stories. Friends, AppleTalk, your mom... anyone (or anything's) voice will do. In a pinch, I can do some (but I'd prefer not to, as then the same voice would occur multiple times on the CD).

What say you?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:06 / 17.01.07
I think you're insane. But I'm in.

16:08 / 17.01.07
Using the stories from link or our own?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:44 / 17.01.07
Your own!
Char Aina
16:46 / 17.01.07
man, so many six worders it's like i'm writing a poem...
i'm in, but i may drop off as this goes on.
16:56 / 17.01.07
I'm in!
Mike Modular
17:33 / 17.01.07
Ooookayyyy... Yeah, I'd like to have a go...
17:44 / 17.01.07
me to!
18:12 / 17.01.07
I want to play! (though i've been in for the past few mixes, so don't mind stepping out if someone else needs a slot)
Kiltartan Cross
18:53 / 17.01.07
Yes please, although ditto the proviso about dropping in favour of more deserving bods.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:47 / 17.01.07
This will expand to accomodate. If it has to be two, it'll be two (although packaging may become a slick cover and envelopes rather than those price two-CD case things).

A CD-ROM costs like $0.25 these days, so going to two CDs won't break the bank.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
22:19 / 17.01.07
Er -- and in case the above was not crystal clear, DO NOT post your six-word stories here. Identities revealed only upon permission of the author/contributor.
uncle retrospective
11:05 / 18.01.07
Ok, I'm in.
15:31 / 18.01.07
In like a worm with a bottle of tequila.

Lama glama
23:19 / 18.01.07
I've never taken part in one of these mixes before, and the idea behind this one is wonderfully tempting. So, yeah. Count me in!
23:28 / 18.01.07
can the music be original?
it seems that this is the sort of mix that calls for an original piece as opposed to just selecting a track
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
08:22 / 19.01.07
Original music would be great!
Lama glama
19:59 / 10.02.07
Just looking for an appropriate song to go with my six word story now and I find myself being infuriated with my music collection. It seems that I have a lot of stuff that most Barbeloids probably have already and that's sort of irritating, as there's no fun for the listener if it's already something they have in their collection.

How are other people getting on with this?
20:25 / 10.02.07
I'm not sure whether to send in the music by the relatively well known artist (Patrick Wolf famous, not Queen Elizabeth famous)or to send in some original stuff.

Of course, my inability to sing or play the guitar gives me a natural bias to choose the latter.
21:01 / 10.02.07
Have you got enough people or is there room for me? I'd really like to join in.
Lama glama
22:35 / 10.02.07
Aaand I've decided to go with something that's so absolutely ghastly, that it's wonderful.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
00:32 / 11.02.07
Of course there's room for more, Ling-Ling! I've just sent some reminders for those not perusing the thread, too.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
09:48 / 11.02.07
Hmm, I'd like a go at this. Never joined in on one of these though.
13:25 / 11.02.07
If there's still room, I'll give it a go.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
22:51 / 11.02.07
Room for all!
uncle retrospective
09:44 / 15.02.07
I should have this for you on monday
10:23 / 15.02.07
Do the stories have to be in english?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:33 / 15.02.07
Hmm. I'd say no, the story and the out-loud reading doesn't have to be in English, but a translation to be footnoted or something in the liner notes would be nice.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
18:30 / 15.02.07
Incidentally, this is what I had in mind when I started this -- people sending

(a) one little file with them reading the story,
(b) one big file with a song of some sort.

But people are really doing neat things in the presentation of this, and far be it from me to hamper the creative process. So -- as long as there's a (comprehensible) six-word story and music, in some way, shape or form, let fly!
18:51 / 24.02.07
Am I too late to play? Pretty please?

This both terrifies and excites me...
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
00:20 / 25.02.07
Never too late! Time is drawing NIGH, though.
22:10 / 25.02.07
Excellent! When's the deadline, and is there a specific format of file?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
08:18 / 06.03.07
Okay! Deadline is basically NOW. I'm going on vacation in the third week of March, and I want to get this sorted by then.

File format is MP3, which is probably the most universal. If you have a Mac and everything is in M4A, there seems to be an online conversion tool at

Again, I need:
1. Your music file
2. Your six-word-story file
3. Your mailing address

If I don't have everything by this weekend, though, it's probable that this will become something that gets done in the last week of March for delivery mid-April.
12:31 / 06.03.07
Technical problems mean I may have to bow out, unfortunately- can't get an audio file of me.
12:44 / 06.03.07
Now I'm being the poky one! I have to record the story file and pick a music file. will get them to you ASAP sorry for the delay.

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