Some things:
1)Heart, seriously, this is not thread about how great big penis are, rather an attempt to integrate big-penises in our system of thought.
2)And all that thing of find racism in African and Asiatic references. Phew. All matriarchal societies pointed by someone in the temple thread are african or asiatic, as it happens, or, well, just not western.
3)Electrix: i didn't have any sexual satisfaction in this thread if you mean this. Thank you for the thing of pervert. No, i was having fun discussing, since i was been not conscient about how offensive this thread was to people, as someone pointed in the Barbanoid thread.
4)Sorry, i've worked in night pubs for enough time to see wild heg parties(sp?),modern dyonisiac cults were wine and cock-shaped-hats were predominant themes, along with all kind of jokes about size referencing tripods, stallions, etc ...
4)Again, i didn't stated how great big penis are OVER THE REST of the things in the world. But the whole negation of the issue of size matters as something that "it's just wrong" has something that doesn't fit to me, sorry.
Dionisiac cults have a lot of phallic symbolism,related to fertility, and it is know that also they were very tolerant in issues of gender, sexuality and that kind of things.
Maybe girls being penetrated by big penises are more able to "find pleasure in pain", and maybe it is a fertility indicator, since they are supposedly more able to carry, i don't know, multiple pregnancy.
Or maybe having a longer penis provoques the ejaculation of the sperm be near to the situation of the ovule settling that a shorter penis, so fecundation can be easier.
Yesterday i talked with a friend of mine who studies these themes and she told me that yeah, i was wrong with the thing of the womb's neck. She told me that that point-G is at the bottom of the vagina and having a bigger penis gives the man "the chance to hit more times in the point".
Also I asked her to the psychosomatic link and all that, and she said she has no idea, but she has readed about how many first-time mothers arriving to labor with an athropy of the womb's muscles, since the contact in our culture with "primitive nervious nodes" (I suppose she refers to "lower chakras", I see it as the same thing) related to survival has decreased as our contact with wild nature has decreased.
Why all that "primitive" tribes have that rituals on hanging stones with the dick in order to made them larger? Are just stupid?
Again: I'm not advocating for a phallic-centered society. I became the freak of the class telling the teacher i didn't understand why male gynecologists exists. I swear. Sorry for giving that impression.
Since Barbelith is virtually one of the few places when i can talk about all my ill thoughts, I tend to be very impulsive. Sorry for that too. I live it with an excess of passion. |