In some humanist labor, it was found that, the less the neocortex is excited while labor (your human part of the brain, Quantum) and the less the lymbic/cortical system is uninhibited (your monkey/lizzard legacy, Quantum), less pain is experienced by women.
OK. I'm going to have a crack at decoding this nonsense. What's humanist labor? Fuck knows, let's move on to the brain in labour. the less the neocortex is excited while labor... and the less the lymbic/cortical system is uninhibited let's rephrase that double negative there, to 'the more the limbic system is inhibited'.
Hmm. I don't think digital horus eye is quite sure of his neuroanatomy there, let's do some linking;
The limbic system (Latin limbus: "border" or "edge") includes the structures in the human brain involved in emotion, motivation, and emotional association with memory. The limbic system includes many different cortical and subcortical brain structures ...
So the lymbic/cortical bit probably refers to a specific part of the brain involving pleasure, if the rambling about orgasms is any indication, so probably the 'pleasure centre';
The limbic system is highly interconnected with a structure known as the nucleus accumbens, commonly called the brain's pleasure center. The nucleus accumbens plays a role in sexual arousal and the "high" derived from certain recreational drugs.
The 'cortical' part I'm not sure of, I think it's just bunged in to sound clever. Cortex is latin for bark as any fule kno, and often refers to the cerebral cortex, the outermost layer of the brain, but that's not the same as the limbic system so maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Here's a clue- your monkey/lizzard legacy, Quantum aha! Perhaps he means the reptilian or R-complex, the oldest part of the brain;

But wait- as we can see, the R-complex, Limbic system and Neocortex are three different areas of the brain, how puzzling for Digital Horus Eye.
Anyway, he seems to say that the less the outer, evolutionarily newer part of the brain is excited and the more the limbic system is excited, the less pain women feel in labour. Looking up labour pain it turns out lots of factors influence the perceived pain of childbirth;
Many factors affect pain perception; fear, number of previous births, fetal presentation, cultural ideas of childbirth, birthing position, support given during labor, beta-endorphin levels, and a woman's natural pain threshold.
I notice that nowhere on that list does it say 'having a regular, good deep dicking from a big fat cock' as a diminishing factor of the pain of childbirth.
So, Digital Horus Eye, perhaps you could tell us a bit more about your revolutionary gynaecological insights and breakthrough understanding of neuroscience? I for one am fascinated to hear what you will come up with next. And by the way, you weren't excluded from the Temple, these aren't it's steps, and you're not Jesus. No matter how big a cock you are *ahem* I mean, have. |