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Heroes -- Speculation and Spoilers


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16:18 / 29.11.06
Well, like I said, Sylar in the school hallway really reminded me of Magneto, pulling stuff off walls and tossing it at people.

By the way, his power seems to be "fixing things," yeah? I think he's just opening up people's brains to see how they work. And then fixing his own to work the same way. (The link between mutation and cancer, and the waitress with the aneurysm, makes me think our special people might have broken brains, too. And short lifespans as a result.)
Jack Fear
17:14 / 29.11.06
...occasionally there are these ads for Fidelity Investments that come up before the chapters. Does anyone know what song they're using for a jingle?

I can't find the ads you're talking about (although I just heard Iggy Pop's "Success" being used to sell Cadillacs—go, Jim!), but Fidelity used to use Billy Preston's "Nothing from Nothing" in its ad campaign. Is it that?
17:29 / 29.11.06
Could be -- I don't know that song.

Maddening. I'll have to look it up. Thanks.
17:33 / 29.11.06
Argh -- I *do* know that song, and it ain't it. Hmph.
18:27 / 30.11.06
From TV Guide:

1) "... Heroes creator Tim Kring is jam packing his December 4 mid-season finale with several seismic shocks, including the death of a characcter, a hero turning traitor, and a prophetic painting of Hiro raising a sword to do battle with a gicantic... OOK, we won't give it away."

2) "Every classic hero has a sacred object that helps him obtain special powers," Kring says. "For Hiro, it will be a very special and ancient samurai sword."

3) Claude, an invisible man played by British actor Christopher Eccleston appears January 22. "He's been living with his invisibility for many years and has come to grips with is, so he'll give us a diiferent view into this hero world."
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:36 / 30.11.06
Christopher Eccleston invisible?????

Be still, my heart.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:37 / 30.11.06
And an obvious reference to Claude Rains, the original Invisible Man.
03:32 / 05.12.06
Wow. Fantastic episode tonight. January 22 can't get here fast enough.

In about three seconds, Eden turned all of the distrust and animosity I've had for her character from the very first episode completely on its head. And I don't know if I'm supposed to be scared of the Haitian or Claire's dad, but I'm scared. And why is Peter sick? And who is giving orders to Claire's dad? And, yay!, "Mister Isaac" did it!

Prediction: The scene that Isaac painted takes place in a museum, not the past.
12:50 / 05.12.06
Which hero turned traitor? I don't remember that happening to any of them.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:10 / 05.12.06
Now that Pixie Girl's dead, who on the writing staff do I send these flowers to?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:18 / 05.12.06
Yeah, you can't really see much, but it looks like Peter and Claude from the January 22 episode.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:22 / 05.12.06
And more quasi-spoilery goodness.
14:26 / 05.12.06
My god, that could just as easily be a picture of Nessie. What are you seeing that I can't?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:28 / 05.12.06
I know it's a crap screencap, but I think--THINK--it's Eccleston and Ventamiglia.
15:09 / 05.12.06
Nothing too spoilery but there's a few choice bits in this interview.

Any speculation on why Peter looked like a strung-out junkie before collapsing?
15:12 / 05.12.06
From the interview posted a couple of posts back, seems to be that his power absorption business is too much for him and sends him into a coma.
17:26 / 05.12.06
So... Eden didn't know that The Haitian could speak. Does Claire's dad know he can talk?

I love that we're seeing factionalizing withing the Paper Processing Plant / Evil Government Conspiracy - Claire's Dad is taking orders from someone, The Haitian is pursuing his own agenda, and Eden went off the reservation to get killed.

I'm going to guess that, at some point when we know more about Sylar & his abilities, the fact that his powers didn't work through the glass when Claire's Dad was talking to him, but did work when Eden was there will make sense. Right now I'm not sure at all what happened that let Sylar kill Eden.
17:57 / 05.12.06
I just think he didn't want to kill Claire's dad, for whatever reason. Or maybe it was better for him to let Claire's dad believe he was powerless in his cell.
19:41 / 05.12.06
I'm guessing peter picked up a touch of sylar's disease in the last episode. maybe his power copying has some lingering side effects
20:57 / 05.12.06
Which hero turned traitor? I don't remember that happening to any of them.

Oddly, I think that refers to either Pixie Eden Precious Moments or else the Haitian -- both of whom work for Horn-Rimmed Glasses.

I am now wondering about Peter's dream sequence and how that might tie in to Mohinder's dreams with the soccer ball kid.

Human bomb = interesting turn of phrase.

Peter's sickness also seems linked to Suresh's bit with the DNA and the cancers. He absorbs all sorts of mutations, maybe.

And I agree that the dinosaur is probably gonna be in the same museum the sword comes from.
21:36 / 05.12.06
I can understand why Sylar would have wanted to sit in the cell and figure out who these people were and what they knew.

But something seems strange about them assuming that glass would stop him. And if not glass, then the Haitian. But he's not there all the time. And even if he was, what does he do? It seems like he's just really good at confusing people -- increasing mental static. Is that it?
02:29 / 06.12.06
On thinking about it, I'm guessing that there was some kind of No Powers Allowed field which Eden turned off, in order to persuade Sylar to kill himself.

Of course, her power's sudden lack of effect on him was sort of a surprise...
11:12 / 06.12.06
Maybe he felt her power as she started to use it and realized he could use his too.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:28 / 06.12.06
I assumed that the Haitian guy was always around when Bennet was talking to Sylar.

Eden underestimated Sylar and as soon as he saw her using his powers he knew his were back on as well.

What I wonder is why the gun wouldn't have any effect on him. If he is already invincible why does he need Claire's power?

One thing that bugged me about the episode. It would make sense for Eden to know the guy is Haitian, they all work together. When the Cop (or Human Bomb?) was describing what he last remembered before his blackout he described a 'Haitian guy'. Seems like a bit of an assumption really.

My theory on Peter's vision is that he somehow picked up some of Bomb Man's powers (maybe he is driving through Texas on his way east?) and doesn't have an inherent immunity to the radiation. The vision at the end would then be like the visions he was having early on where HE was flying, but it was really his brother.
13:57 / 06.12.06
"No Powers Allowed" field seems weak, to me, as a story device.

I think they had no idea what they were dealing with.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:04 / 06.12.06
"No Powers Allowed" field seems weak, to me, as a story device.

And overused. See also: Every Other X-Men Story For About 20 Years.

I don't really think that would stop them from using it. The know Sylar can survive a fall from a huge height and can throw stuff around with his brain. If they really thought they could hold him with a double paned window they were being dim in a Veronic Mars cel phone use kind of way.

I think that every time Bennet went into the room with Sylar the Haitian was nearby. Before Eden goes to see him we see the Haitian leaving with Bennet, which sets up the later explanation that he was dampening Sylar's powers (if that is how they want to explain it).

I think that MAYBE Eden didn't know that was how it worked, so she thought the cel would hold him.
14:49 / 07.12.06
Oh, she knew how it worked -- she had to have, having been part of all them retrievals & wipes, hadn't she?

I think she just thought the Word would work on him. I wonder why it didn't.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:03 / 07.12.06
I think she wasn't specific enough. She said something like:
"I am going to put this gun in the tray and you will take it and shoot yourself". The problem being before she put the gun in the tray he attacked her.

If she had said "You are going to hold still and not use your powers" that might have worked...
15:12 / 07.12.06
Also, I think Sylar's original power is to find the flaws and quirks in things. Eden’s power worked on him once until he figured out how to curtail it. Same with the cell. I think he couldn’t get out at first, but it was only a matter of time before he figured out its weaknesses.

He’s out now, though.
16:12 / 07.12.06

sylar is all about gaining power. if he saw how things worked at Bennett and Co. he knew, with patience, there would be an opportunity to acquire another power or two. Bennett was no interest to him in that way, so he chose not to escape until the opportunity presented itself - in the form of Eden.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:11 / 04.01.07
Corey Waits
21:39 / 07.01.07
Well the way I saw it was this:

1. Everything in Sylar's cell is bolted down. He can't use his telekinesis to break the glass when there's nothing to smash it with.

2. When Bennet is in the room, the Haitian is just outside the door dampening his powers.

3. Sylar uses Eden as a cudgel to break the glass after she underestimated him/overestimated herself.

I've thought for a while now that the Haitian's abilities include the dampening of others abilities, though I down know why Nathan Petrelli was able to fly away so easily. Seems like somebody overlooked that bit.
19:51 / 18.01.07
OK - new issue of TV Guide offers the following:

"... Hiro ... will steal an ancient Japanese sword from a display case [in the Natural History Museum in LA] and zigzag his way through a crowd of patrons. He runs into the prehistoric-exhibition hall and spots a life-size model of a T.rex. before making his escape, he can't resist having a quick joust with the beast."

And about Peter's dream:

"...Kring advises fans to watch closely: The sequence is peppered with hints of plot twists to come. 'There are clues in the physical positioning of the characters, and the fact that Claire is seen in a cheerleading outfit ... The dream will alter and expand as the season progresses.' Case in point: A new hero, Claude (C. Eccleston), has been added in the dream, laughing insanely from the sidelines."

"Also this week, HRG confronts Mohinder and is the first to utter the show's new slogan 'Are you on the list?'" Matt will admit to his wife that he can hear thoughts, Niki displays a power we didn't know she had and - in a very trippy scene - Claire restages her notorious suicide leap from Episode 1. Expect renewed sparks between Isaac and Simone..."

I, for one, am pretty psyched for this.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:26 / 19.01.07
I will not be answering the phone at nine pm on Monday. Not while this is on.
Jack Fear
23:24 / 19.01.07
Pix of Eccleston in this week's ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, bearded and HOTT.

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