What is it about the Haitian that makes chasing Sylar a good idea (even if he's got some anti-power power, why wouldn't Sylar want to steal it)?
My guess is, that in a no-powers confrontation, the Haitian would kick seven shades of shit out of Sylar. He's some sort of highly trained superspy.
Why does Claire stay dead with a spike in her brain, but Peter doesn't with a piece of a taxi shoved through what could very plausibly be his heart?
The spike was in the part of her brain that controls her power, is my guess. Once it way pulled out it could regenerate itself, and her.
Why doesn't Claire feel pain (the focus is on her arm, but she doesn't appear to flinch at all when she cuts herself)?
No idea.
And how on earth does a person go from free man to death row between the time Jessica killed those people and now?
That storyline sucks. In so many ways. I'm trying to ignore it, myself. |