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The End of the World CD Mix


Page: 12(3)45

Essential Dazzler
10:33 / 07.11.06
Got mine! Got mine!

Can whoever picked the last track be my new best friend?

electric monk
11:26 / 07.11.06
Mine arrived last night! Ripped it to my mp3 player this morning and am listening to it now. Great choice for an opening track!

Whoever picked track 12 is my new bestest buddy.
electric monk
13:01 / 07.11.06
Brilliant song choices in a brilliant sequence! Well done all! And huge thanks to our Uncle, for making it possible.

I'll have more to say when everyone's got theirs.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:06 / 07.11.06
I'm still awaiting my copy.
16:00 / 07.11.06
It's in!

I'm going to enjoy this...
17:42 / 07.11.06
Has been played in car.

Turn around, bright UFOs hovering, my guardian dear until the end of the dead rising.

Voting later.

Before the supplies run out.
17:47 / 07.11.06
Got mine!

Thanks, Uncle R!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:13 / 07.11.06
Dammit, where is my copy????
18:22 / 07.11.06
Patience, o Kali, Patience.

Or a game of Patience. Whichever works.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:25 / 07.11.06
Well, as a distraction from the fact that everyone has their CD and I don't, I posted the details of a sordid affair I had with beautiful young Englishman on my blog.

I have no shame.
Kiltartan Cross
20:22 / 07.11.06
You say something like that, and you don't provide a link? F'shame!

Got mine earlier, impressions still forming. Track 7 was neat.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:43 / 07.11.06
Here you go.

Dammit, I want my CD.
Mike Modular
21:42 / 07.11.06
Mine has come. It is playing now. It is good!
22:59 / 07.11.06
Mine is now all ripped to my player. I'm a little too monged to listen now, but all being well it'll be my dog-walking music tomorrow.
uncle retrospective
14:17 / 08.11.06
Glad people are liking the CD's. If your CD doesn't show up I'll either make you up a new one or yousendit you a copy with the cover.

There were some great picks there, I loved the Dirty Three song, Modest Mouse seem very good, I can't stop listening to to Guard and to Guide and I never though I be in love with a song by anyone called Toad the Wet Sprocket! Cheers again!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:44 / 08.11.06
Still waiting.

Waiting uselessly.
Essential Dazzler
17:04 / 08.11.06
I never though I'd be in love with a song by anyone called Toad the Wet Sprocket!

I was dreading that track. That name gave me images, bad images. Arse-end of Anti-Folk images. The reality was a fantastic surprise.

Is voting public? I'm one listen away from deciding.

I think.
17:12 / 08.11.06
I'm waiting too though all this talk of which who got and what is unsettling.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:14 / 08.11.06
Mail time has already come and gone and still no CD.
18:24 / 08.11.06
Well... It is worth the wait, that's all I can really say...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:09 / 08.11.06
I'm sure it is, but I'm a bit miffed that it seems everyone on my side of the world has already gotten theirs.

But I'll stop whinging now.
07:13 / 09.11.06
One of the songs made me feel quite emotional last night. I can't remember which though. I better have another listen.
13:18 / 09.11.06
got mine and am plugged in currently!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:11 / 09.11.06
Oh hell, I give up. It ain't coming.
21:23 / 09.11.06
I'm sure it is Kali. I think something similar happened in the first ever one, and then it rocked up.

Can I just say this CD is wicked? I am really stuck on what to vote for. I like a lot of them very much; track three is really lovely, track five has funky lyrics, it's cool, makes me laugh. You lot like the same music as me I think. I like track six and track fifteen a lot too. There is more here to like than not to like.

Whoever put Holzt on was inspired.

I have never heard of some of these bands and it's cool to be educated. Thank you heaps. I also want to say thank you to Uncle - this CD has been well thought out, I really like the order. Sometimes things just really don't go, but you've put things in the right place. Go you.

You are a DJ and I claim my five pounds.
21:55 / 09.11.06
I think something similar happened in the first ever one, and then it rocked up.

That happened to me. The customs people sat on my CD for ages.
23:08 / 09.11.06
I'm still torn as to what to vote for. There's some great shit on here. I THINK I know what I'm going for... but it may be a different one tomorrow.

Hurry the fuck up, Kali's postman!!!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:38 / 10.11.06
Mail time has come and gone AGAIN.

No CD. Is my postman a Walliams/Lucas-created character?
Hydra vs Leviathan
20:32 / 10.11.06
I totally and utterly forgot about this, after emailing my track, so i presume it didn't get on. Can i have a copy anyway (or at least see the tracklisting, i'm really interested in eschatological music)?
22:30 / 10.11.06
I think Kali has a postal problem. Didn't you not receive another package before? Perhaps your postal carrier has personal problems or something.
I hope you get it soon, though I'm not ready to choose, I've only been able to listen to it twice. It's going to be a hard choice.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:14 / 11.11.06
I've received all other Barbe-CDs so I don't know why I haven't received this one. It makes me sad. Everyone else is having fun and I am not.
electric monk
02:03 / 12.11.06

I bet it's this guy's fault.

Yer headin' th' wrong way, jag-off!
uncle retrospective
13:33 / 13.11.06
Kali send me your address again and I'll make up another copy for you if you want. Natty, pm me your address and I'll send you a copy to. That or I can yousendit you a copy.
17:56 / 14.11.06
How about Yousendit to Kali too and then we can get on with voting?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
18:06 / 14.11.06
Something I sent to you got back to me months later with "no address" stamped on it, Kali. Perhaps you need a postbox or ... something?

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