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The End of the World CD Mix


Page: 123(4)5

uncle retrospective
19:48 / 14.11.06
Ok here is the album on yousendit for 100 'Lither's!
The winzip file also contains a photoshop file of the cover and track list.
uncle retrospective
11:54 / 17.11.06
Ok Kali, the cd is back in the post and it's the waiting game again.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:05 / 17.11.06
Thanks, dear heart. I hope I'll get it this time around.
Hydra vs Leviathan
16:00 / 17.11.06
Thanks. Am trying to sort out a house move to a more permanent address at the moment. Will PM you when i have an address that i know i'll definitely be able to recieve things at...
18:13 / 18.11.06
Kali, if you can download it from Yousendit then we could get on with voting. Then your actual copy could take it's time and it wouldn't matter to us. How about that?
uncle retrospective
19:43 / 18.11.06
There's still 3 more days left on the link I posted if you can down load the winzip file.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:34 / 20.11.06
Since I don't have 'Net access at home, they sort of frown at that sort of thing at work.
18:56 / 20.11.06
Workplace "acceptable use" policies suck. A friend of mine was reprimanded last week for watching "unacceptable material" on YouTube. Apparently when he acted baffled they thought he was trying to pretend it wasn't him. In actuality he was trying to find out which particular thing it was he was being busted for.
01:43 / 21.11.06
um, i hope this isn't excessively rude, but i yousendit-ed the compilation and yay! i love it!

sorry for being a beneficiary without actually having contributed anything...i'll do better next time...
uncle retrospective
12:20 / 23.11.06
sorenson, I'm glad you enjoyed it, I put it up for any one who wanted to grab an copy.

Ok, kali, sorry about this but I've been getting pm'ed votes, so I'm going to open the poll.
I'll wait till Kali have voted before saying anything so no pressure.

Now is this going to be an open vote or a pm vote?
12:51 / 23.11.06
That way it's more of a suprise!
14:43 / 23.11.06
And not tormenting Kali in the meantime...
uncle retrospective
14:46 / 23.11.06
If I was tormenting her I would have sent an empty cd case.
Essential Dazzler
18:41 / 23.11.06
PM'ed my choice.
18:42 / 23.11.06
Thanks Uncle! I'm going to PM you an observer status vote...
14:18 / 27.11.06
are we voting by PM not in thread?
uncle retrospective
14:28 / 27.11.06
I've three votes in by PM so I think that's the way it's going to go. We can change either but someone is going to have to make a decision.
electric monk
14:55 / 27.11.06
Ooh, sorry. I somehow assumed the decision had been made to PM our votes and sent mine a bit ago. I'd actually rather we PM our votes till Kali's disc arrives, if that's cool.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:00 / 27.11.06
You know what, dear hearts? I've not received this so I'll not stop the voting on account of me.

Go ahead and cast 'em.
uncle retrospective
16:57 / 27.11.06
Wow, stupid, stupid, postal service!
22:41 / 28.11.06
goddammit, it sucks you still haven't recieved it. If you still don't get it, I'll burn a copy and send it from North Cackalacky for you (if you'd like). Maybe if it comes from the states it'll work.
As for my choice, I guess I'll PM it in, but it's really hard to choose.
21:25 / 30.11.06
Do you really live somewhere called North Cackalacky? Or is that a joke? If it isn't then is it as fabulous as it sounds?

I am PMing my choice.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
21:43 / 30.11.06
I'm afraid it's just a nickname for North Carolina, Lula, my dear.

I have family that lives in South Cackalacky.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:59 / 01.12.06


I just got the CDs.
15:19 / 01.12.06

I can sympathise. I had similar problems, and it´s more fun to actually hold the CD sent from a fellow Barbeloid in hands then having to get the music otherwise.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:31 / 01.12.06
Can't listen to it until I go home tonight, though.
uncle retrospective
16:37 / 01.12.06
Hope the second one makes up for some of the wait.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:20 / 01.12.06
I have no doubt it will. Thank you so very much for them.
uncle retrospective
18:26 / 01.12.06
Ok, I have 8 votes in, come my 'Lithers!!!

18:37 / 01.12.06
thank goodness I voted already I'd hate to die just before the holiday season gets really crazy. I have shoppers to growl at and who would kick the SUV's in the crosswalks!?!?
electric monk
18:47 / 01.12.06
I voted! I voted! Stop waving that gun in my face!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:15 / 01.12.06
I can't vote.

uncle retrospective
19:28 / 01.12.06
Not rushing you dear, just the other swine!
(not that I think you lot are swine)
Kiltartan Cross
20:21 / 01.12.06
Mmm, truffles.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:33 / 01.12.06
I'll make the CDs my soundtrack as I toil away on my short story this evening.

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