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The End of the World CD Mix


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uncle retrospective
18:33 / 06.10.06

Ok, there are lots of suggestions for mixes but very little moving forward so I'm going to throw my hat in the mix ring.
The CD is the End of the World and the only rule is no R.E.M.
I can't offer prizes but I can offer what I hope is a kick ass cd!
PM to join!
19:25 / 06.10.06
This will be a very short thread if everything happens by PM so I am flouting the system. I would like to join and I am saying it here. So there.
21:50 / 06.10.06
I will also join and be a witness to the end of the world (hopefully I´ll meet Rose Tyler).

This is the first mix CD, where I see so many obvious choices. That makes it more difficult, ironically.
22:10 / 06.10.06
I have sent the PM. I hope I am not too late.
22:40 / 06.10.06
I feel bad, should I? I had thought The One with Stoat in the Name had offered to do the next one, unless it would be ceded over to Kali, and a monthly idea had been floated, but perhaps it silently sank without quicker input? Blah, blah, I say, but I'd like to throw something in the next mix, anyway, whatever it is.
23:55 / 06.10.06
Are we not following the list then?

Ah well.

If not, I'll join.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
23:55 / 06.10.06
I'll send a PM with a choice. I'll take December's mix. It'll be my gift to you all.
23:58 / 06.10.06
This works- if I do the one after this, it'll still be in time for everyone to listen to their Christmas stuff for Christmas.
09:31 / 07.10.06
is it not legit?

is this the underground cd?

wow. okay. i'm in.
uncle retrospective
10:01 / 07.10.06
Ah, it appears I've been a bad uncle and jumped the list in the other thread but this is the 'Lith and to quote a 'Lither who is no longer with us "Lets fuck shit up!"

Or this will run outside the main thread and sorry if it jumps on any ones toes.

So far we have

Lula of Nephelokokkygia
Princess Swashbuckling
Black Stoats Ate The Sky
The Triplets of Bell Air

So there is room for about 8 more.
Go team!
Oh, post here if your in, PM me with your choice.
I'm really looking forward to see what people come up with.
uncle retrospective
10:35 / 07.10.06
No mad rush on song choices either. Take your time come up with some blinders.
Kiltartan Cross
10:31 / 09.10.06
Ooh, ooh, me. I've sent ya a PM.
12:09 / 09.10.06
I'd like to join in, but may need a little longer to choose a song, since there are a lot of good end of the world songs.
14:48 / 09.10.06
I believe I would like to contribute a song.

By someone else, I mean.
16:07 / 09.10.06
Yeah, this could take some time... I have a bunch...
17:01 / 09.10.06
I'd quite happily join in, if there's room, and I have a few suggestions I'd have to narrow down.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:06 / 09.10.06
I'm up for it as well.
Mike Modular
19:04 / 09.10.06
Me too, please.
00:38 / 10.10.06
room left for me?
14:56 / 10.10.06
I hope I made it! I have my song in hand and am jumping up and down!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:51 / 10.10.06
I sent mine in this good morn.
18:47 / 10.10.06
I sent mine in just now. How many left?
uncle retrospective
10:24 / 11.10.06
Ok, back in work, I'll get sorting this out. Will post back later tonight.
uncle retrospective
10:37 / 11.10.06
Ok, so my boss went off for a bit. The CD is now full for contributers here is the list.

Lula of Nephelokokkygia
Princess Swashbuckling
Black Stoats Ate The Sky
The Triplets of Bell Air
Quarter Circle Back and Kick
Kay's Catastrophic Kill
Feverfew's Spooky Susurrus
A Fly Agreed Upon
Mike Modular

I look forward to hearing what you come up with.
PM me your choice and your snail mail address.
uncle retrospective
10:35 / 16.10.06

Get the last of the songs in now please folks!
15:54 / 17.10.06
uncle retrospective
15:59 / 17.10.06
Only 2 songs left to get in and I'm working on the Cd cover, it should be in the post sometime next week.
There will be a vote as well, I'll try to find some prizes to send on.
17:04 / 17.10.06
My squeeage is great. Thanks for the update.
uncle retrospective
13:19 / 19.10.06
Ok, i now have all the songs. I'll let you know when it's in the post!
Cheers again you've given me some great music to check out.
uncle retrospective
14:16 / 21.10.06
I'm going to throw this open again for 2 more people if your intrested. The CD clocks up at 62 minutes and I have room for two more songs. It also gives me more time to work on the cover. The Fool just went and raised the bar too bloody high!
electric monk
16:35 / 21.10.06
Just PM'd you, Unc.
uncle retrospective
16:51 / 21.10.06
Ok, room for one more.
uncle retrospective
17:15 / 21.10.06

Ok, I need addresses from the following,
xk (i deleted your address by mistake! and I'll get the country right this time.)
Feverfew's Spooky Susurrus
The Triplets of Bell Air

pm me thanks.
18:40 / 21.10.06
I am so crazy excited. Squee. Squee. Squee.
uncle retrospective
20:32 / 22.10.06

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