OK, will offer one of my own.
In my previous job I spent weeks writing up guides to our computer systems and how they integtared with the real world of selling books. I knew the tech, the physical systems, the customer service and the finance backwards and, as I would hope my new employment proves, I know how to communicate reasonably well. In fact, one of the people (aged fiftyish) who was previously terrified of PCs personally thanked me when, a few months later, she passed her ECLD.
So, I go into a meeting with our national ops manager about the possibility of extending my IT and related systems training role. Her first comment?
"Couldn't you make these into bullet points, make it simpler?"
Gragh! Fucking managerial PowerPoint mindset! My answer was no, so there was no job.
BTW, I didn't point out at the time that she was sitting directly beside a fire exit that was unsafe because no fucker had bothered for about 20 years (as I had) to check all the fire exits and emergency lighting in the labyrinthine building and that because their happy, shiny managerial approach didn't extend to practicalities, she certainly would have died had a fire broken out in the building.
So glad I left bookselling. |