I'm sure the straight-edge fans will get a show-by-show thread rolling once Torchwood starts in a few months. But I gathered from the Doctor Who Season 2 thread that there are plenty of us who like speculate wildly about whats coming up on our Who-related shows. So lets start here.
The only thing I suggest is that we do signpost spoilers as such (just in case straight-edge browsers swing in).
For the new and curious, here's the link to the Torchwood wiki (possible spoilers):
The show was introduced in last weekend's Dr Who Confidential. RTD described it as being targetted at a slightly higher age range than Dr Who itself. The obvious comparison to be made is that it will be the Angel to Who's Buffy.
The plot centres around the Cardiff branch of the Torchwood Institute (an organisation set up by Queen Victoria to uncover alien threats to Humanity). The team is led by Captain Jack Harkness, a time-traveller and con artist last seen being abandoned by The Doctor in the far-future (Parting of the Ways, Doctor Who Season 1).
Other familier faces include Eve Myles, who previously appeared as Gwyneth in the Doctor Who episode The Unquiet Dead. She'll be playing local police detective Gwen Cooper who, presumably, gets recruited into Torchwood in the pilot. Also Naoko Mori will be reprising her role as pathologist Toshiko Sato (small role in Aliens of London).
The Cardiff rift will play a big role in the show (continuing with the Buffy analogy I'm guessing it'll be a Hellmouth-esque draw for aliens and weirdness).
The show starts with Captain Jack already working for Torchwood, presumably the story of his trip back from the future will be covered in later storylines.
Now for some speculation:
I reckon that this show will take place after the Army of Ghosts incident and will have a slightly less imperialistic version of Torchwood in it. That could all be revised depending on what happens in the finale of Who season 2 (which, I suggest, we don't discuss here until it finishes next week).
I'd like it if they minimised any appearances by The Doctor. A cross-over episode is inevitable, but hopefully they'll keep it until Season 2 (assuming there is enough interest to warrant one) at the earliest.
Although a Classic monster would be nice, perhaps for the season finale. But not one of the obvious ones (ie no Cybers, Daleks, or Autons). |