The whole movie felt like an extended first act, which would indicate Synger does plan to make a trilogy out of it, and that would be no surprise, would it?
I can totally see a sequel in which Superman fights Bizarro. First, just Bizarro #1, but in the final act, a whole army of degenerated zombie-looking clones of Superman. Bizarro #1 can even change sides at the 11th hour (being the "prototype", he'd would be the only one of the Bizarros with a shred of intelligence and free will) and sacrifice himself to save Lois or Supes or something. Brainiac would be a cool vilain too. He can start as a virus program that comes from the space and takes over computer on earth, creating a robotic skeletal body for himself. And, in the final act, he can reveal that the program was only part of him, an advanced scout, and then he shows up in the full might of his true form: a gigantic ship with tentacles that comes to collect all human knowledge, as well samples of their technology and some living specimens for his museum/zoo, and then destroy all the rest. Another possible villain, and one that I'm amazed nobody seemed to remember, could be MXYZPTLK, as an incorporeal alien from a higher dimension that got curious about Superman and Earth and decided to "make some experiments". He can even look like a 4 feet bald guy, but that's not necessary. Lex Luthor, though, has to be in every sequel, of course. |