I got a tattoo in London last October (first one pictured here, actually) and the tattoist told me that facial tattoos were legal if there was a signed note from a mental health professional accompanying the request. Or something similar.
Anyhow, two tatts here, adding another in July.
This was my "I'm in London, should celebrate" tattoo:

My London friends saw this, still bloody and oozing under Saran wrap, and said unanimously "you're bloody mad." Which, if I lived in London, would be entirely justifiable: tattooing the symbol of an antiquated, broken-down source of torment on my arm. For me, though, it was a symbol that (a) the London transit system has the best graphic design, bar none, of any system in the world, and (b) that the best things in the world all start underground. Note the word after BARBELITH at the top of the screen, folks. And that was long before I joined the site.
My first tattoo, though, was this:

...which was chosen based on some spiritual interests at the time (back in 1996, before Madonna had any interest whatsoever in Kabbalah, I hasten to add) and also on the principle that it is a nice, simple, geometric design that will never require reams of explanation for the potential future kids or grandkids. It's either a profound statement on the nature of divinity, or a nice goddamn shape. Note that one of the lines isn't complete... a mistake on the tattoist's part, but I took it as a sign at the time. Might get it finished at some point.
And both in context: