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Tattoos! (PICS)


Page: 123(4)

18:37 / 24.05.06
Start away!

I've definitely got a bagful of questions.
doozy floop
14:22 / 25.05.06
Ta for that xk, sounds sensible.
I've already asked millions of stupid questions about tattoos elsewhere but I'm sure I could think of more if a specially dedicated Body 101 thread were to appear...
23:31 / 25.05.06
I dunno, Megatron. There's something elegantly sinister about waking up in the middle of the night, going to the lavatory, and seeing Nick Cave's sunken face glaring back at you...

... then you remember these "Where The Wild Roses Grow" lyrics:

When he knocked on my door and entered the room
My trembling subsided in his sure embrace
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
He wiped the tears that ran down my face

Naaaa bad idea ...
00:17 / 26.05.06
There'd always be that tingling fear whenever looking in the mirror at the tattoo that the Real Nick Cave would appear in the reflection, just peering over your shoulder...
13:48 / 26.05.06
I remain bewildered as to why anyone would want a tattoo in a language they don't speak. Surely the potential for utter noberation is enormous?

You've obviously heard the many horror stories from when Chinese characters were in fashion then Haus.

Like the chap who was laughed out of his local chinese restaurant after he was told his art said "At the end of the day this is still an ugly man" rather than the noble statement he thought he had.

Or the artists who reach for the same transfer of Chinese characters no matter what the client has actually asked for (as told to me by the artist chap who did mine, see earlier, still no picture though).
14:02 / 26.05.06
I was told that a chap in Brighton, during the vogue for barcode tattoos (we are all HUMATONS!!1! etc), would ask clients what barcode they wanted. If they failed to specify, they'd get the digits from a box of tampax, which I find rather sweet.
Korso Jerusalem
14:27 / 26.05.06
I've decided to not get another until I really want one, so now I get to blow my savings on bourbon. Happy day.
johnny enigma
08:27 / 06.07.06
I'm getting two ravens tattooed on my shoulder blades by the woman I love real soon, and I just can't wait. It's a tattoo I've wanted for nearly two years now, and it will be my first.

I'll post photos for all to see on here when as soon as it's done.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
13:30 / 06.07.06
Here's mine:

Done about 11 years ago by Louis Molloy in Middleton.

Gagging to get another, but not sure where or what...
19:12 / 06.07.06
As a side note, does anyone know how to write Hail Eris in Greek lettering? I want to get this tattooed down my spine.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
19:45 / 06.07.06
Love this one...

Bit too large for my delicate skin, but love the design.
20:06 / 06.07.06
I really like that one, Cloned... it's a bit like....
Dead Megatron
20:13 / 06.07.06
I thought it looked like the skin and pieces of flesh were ripped off of his chest, leaving the muscles exposed*, but that may be due entirely to post-tattooing redness...

* not that that would not be cool, but, to me personally, it falls on the same category of a Nick Cave tattoo: as cool as it might be, I'd grow sick to see it in the mirror after a while.
Corey Waits
21:00 / 14.11.06
I hope I'm not ressurecting a thread that's too long gone, but I figured it was better than starting a whole new one.

From the first post in this thread:
This is a warning to you all, too much Hunter Thompson can do terrible things to your psyche.

Amen to that brother:

It's on my ribs, on my right side.

And another one I think most of you will appreciate:

The Invisibles Time Machines and Ragged Robin's eye. I've got the King of All Tears and Barbelith on the outside, as well as some of Slaughter Swamp from Seven Soldiers #0, but it's real hard to get good photos of the outside of your arm.
I will post when I can manage it though.
22:23 / 14.11.06
we like it when people use old threads. GOOD JOB!
23:09 / 14.11.06
Damn fine Tats JD!

Not posted my tats before but i am so SO much enjoying having a hand tattoo. It is odd having a tattoo so noticable. Shaking hands with people becomes strange if they notice it. Lots of strange looks on the train. I'll never work in a bank now. Here's a scan... It's of Osiris and the rest of the tattoo goes up my arm...

Hydra vs Leviathan
19:07 / 16.11.06
No tattoos myself (it sounds a bit weird, but i think i'd like to save such a physically affecting thing for if/when i'm ever in a really serious relationship with someone), but, well, i found and had to post this... now that's pretty extreme facial tattooing...

(sorry, dunno how to post images directly in a thread)

I've definitely seen people with extensive facial tattoos in the UK, but have no idea if they were done legally... one guy i remember from a London Mayday had the whole of one half of his face tattooed in black and red fractal designs... kind of like a really trippy version of Two-Face...

i'm intrigued by the whole "letter from a psychiatrist" thing tho - is that an "i certify that this person is not crazy" type letter, or an "i certify that this person is "crazy", and needs to have this done for mental health reasons"? Either way, i think that's a bit fucked up...
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
19:19 / 16.11.06
I have my family crest on the inside of one forearm, will need to take a pic of it and post.

My problem is that for the years since I got it I have been hating not having anything on the inside of my other forearm.

I have gone through a few ideas, but I think the hand grenade from The Bomb (and Invisibles #1) might be the way to go...
19:57 / 16.11.06
we're FINALLY getting our wedding ring tats on Monday. I'm very excited as it has been an entire year and some change because the spouse wears gloves in the lab and hasn't had a enough consecutive days off for a hand tat to heal properly. Plus I can't deal with the idea of the open wound on hand in his place of work. Eegehegeheh.

Our artist is very wonderful and is coming in on his day off to do the work so all our schedules line up..(big fat tip time)

I shall post pics of the completed rings (at least mine) next week!
19:59 / 16.11.06
I hear you Elijah, I always have issues when a new piece throws the whole composition off.

Will your new one have color or just be black?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:34 / 17.11.06
I think I would get it in the same colors as on The Bomb homepage. I was considering the same as the cover of issue 1, but I haven't seen pink ink work well in tats (it never seems bright enough). I think the slightly retouched red version from the web page would look pretty cool.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:35 / 17.11.06
Also xk, what kind of wedding tats are you getting? A simple band on the ring fingers or something more elaborate?
15:02 / 17.11.06
yeah pink always looks so pastel on the skin...vivid color is nice if your skin will hold it. I do really well with color but some folks ghost out right away. No harm in re inking something every few decades though.

Our silver rings (which we wear on chains) have our wedding sigils engraved on them. The rings look like spools with a recessed middle band and raised flat edges. The sigils run along the inner plane and on the two outer surfaces. For the tats I believe we're going to further evolve the design by combining the different sigils to run around the finger.

Our artist has asked that we not do a solid joining line as in his opinion finger tats are more likely to fade and have high fall out from the constant flexing. So I suspect the finished design will be three sigils on the three sides of the finger (top/side/bottom).

Though as I'm looking at the ring now the likely top sigil will probably run down to the sides a bit. Interestingly enough when I just stuck the ring on my finger I think I might advocate just repeating the one sigil on the top and bottom of the finger. Will see what the spouse thinks....
Corey Waits
04:10 / 19.11.06
Damn fine Tats JD!

Thanks gladys! And nice work yourself there. I really like the idea of hand tattoos, and other highly visible ones. It's just that additional reminder to yourself and everyone else that you're different, that you're not going to be content simply with a nice, steady job at the bank...
The main problem is that most of the hand tattoos I see around my area are big black Xs on Straight Edge guys... Put a bit more effort in!

More pics:

I'm one of Shelley Jackson's words. Any other words around the 'lith?

And here, as I mentioned before, is the King of all Tears:

The big circle above and behind the king is (obviously) Barbelith, but I wanted to ask you guys, what colour should it be?

In the comic it's sort of an orangey-red, but I always assumed it was that way 'cause it was printed with poor inks on worse paper, and it was supposed to be a nice clean red. But then one of my friends asked if I was getting it coloured in orangey-red and made me rethink me prior standing.

And sorry for the crappiness of the photo, but taking a photo of the outside of your right arm when you're right handed is quite difficult.

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