
Dusk settles upon the wharf of Little Catlipocia. The town has gathered, tense with excitement at the prospect of having brought to rough justice yet another of the vile Barbelith Family.
Von Mises stands at the edge of the wharf, his hands bound behind his back, his eyes blindfolded. There is a calmness about him; that same calm that settles over a man who sees his end and is prepared to meet it.
Don Catlipoca steps forward, then raises his hands for silence.
"Any last words," he says firmly, turning to the good doctor.
Von Mises gives a derisive snort, then remains silent.
Don Catlipoca nods, then waves his left hand in signal...

Winston 'Legs' Diamond steps out from the crowd. A large man, resplendent in his striped suit, hat, and chewing his trademark cigar, Legs has been the Don's sharpshooter for as long as anyone would care to remember. An old soak he may be. A cigar fiend, perhaps. But Legs never misses.
And suddenly the air explodes to the sound of 700 rounds per minute. There is a shower of sparks, and the air buzzs wildly as the bullets ricochet from the body of Von Mises. The crowd hits the floor, some drawing their own weapons, as Don Catlipoca yells out for Legs to cease fire.

There is a splash, then the sounds stop abruptly. A wisp of thin grey smoke curls up out of the barrel of the now spent Tommy gun.
Don Catlipoca, together with the rest of the community, stands up and brushes himself down.
The body of Von Mises has vanished, forced backward by the fury of the bullets, and tumbled down into the black depths of the Chicago River.
Don Catlipoca walks slowly to the edge of the wharf, glances down at the now still waters, then turns to the crowd.
"Fellow Catlipocians," he begins gravely. "I don't think any of us is in any doubt as to what we just witnessed. That poor drowned guy was Bulletproof, immune to all but the justice of this mob. By now he's sleeping with the fishes, but we must not loose heart, or our vigilance. The Barbelith Family is responsible for this man's death, not us, and rest assured that they will be found out."
Ok, people. It is now Night. Remaining Mafia, Detectives, Doctor, Fink, PM me your respective targets please. |