
Dusk settles over the mean streets of Little Catlipocia, bringing with it a rising sense of unease. Down on 24th street, gathered around the lamppost, are the citizens of the community. A noose is fastened to the top of the post, and a chair sits beneath, upon which rests the figure of Don Catlipoca, idly waving his hat before his face in an effort to stave off the late May heat.
Fats the barber stands to the right of the Don, nodding to himself. His lips move silently as he counts the assembled members, then he turns to chair.

"Fifteen, boss. Deys all here."
Don Catlipoca gives a snort, then eases himself up out of the chair, ducking to avoid the noose that hangs directly above it.
"My fellow citizens of Little Catlipocia," he intones. "We are here to lynch our first-" he pauses suddenly, as though groping for the correct word, "suspect. Now I know that some of you has had doubts, Lord knows I’ve had them too, but we need to find the Barbelith Family and we need to do it fast." Don Catlipoca pauses again, this time to run his eyes over the citizens. Then he gives a nod. "By Fats’ reckoning, Jake 'Yaz' Gnosis has got the most votes. Send him forward."
The tension in the air changes. Now bloodlust seizes the mob, and the figure of Yaz, bound and gagged, is marched from the crowd to the chair. Fats assists in getting him to climb up onto the chair, then reaches up and places the noose about his neck.

Don Catlipoca places his hat to his heart, then gives a sigh. "If you was innocent," he says to the bound figure, "then you go to your grave a martyr to this fine community. If you was not, then I hope you rot in Hell." Then the Don gives a nod to Fats.
There is a horrible squeal as the chair is kicked away, a sudden crack, then a dreadful silence.
For a long time there is no sound as the crowd watch the figure of Yaz kick, then twitch, then swing lifeless. As Fats pulls the body down and makes ready the noose, Don Catlipoca turns to the mob once more.
"I am sorry to say, my fellow citizens, that we have one more duty to perform. Triple Fuss Emily did not vote, and so must also be removed from the community. I hate to do it this way, but those what don’t vote is either Barbelith Family themselves, or they don’t want no part in the removal of the Family, so either way there is no place for them in Little Catlipocia. Send them out."
And with that, Triple Fuss Emily, similarly bound and gagged is marched forward.
The notice appears in the centre of the street barely an hour after it all occurred. The crowd dispersed quickly, returning to their homes or to the bar to ruminate on what they’d just done.
Ten minutes later, the Don had sent out some men to take down the two bodies, and to return them to the barbershop, there to have the Don’s doctor examine them thoroughly. A few minutes ago the notice was put in place for all to see:
"My loyal Catlipocians, I have news both good and bad. An examination of the two bodies has revealed that Jake ‘Yaz’ Gnosis was part of the Barbelith Family Mafia, and had been working to undermine this fine community. The body will be sent back to the Barbelith Family as a warning to what happens to rats in this town.
However, this night was also tinged with sadness. Triple Fuss Emily was examined and re-examined, and every diagnosis is the same; they were Innocent.
I ask you all to be extra vigilant this evening. We still have two Mafia left and no idea as to who they is. Keep a close eye on each other, citizens, because you can bet your last dime that your Don is keeping a close eye on you. - Don Catlipoca".
It is now Night. Remaining Mafia, you must select a single target amongst yourselves, then PM me your choice. Detectives, Doctor, and Fink, please target one other character with your respective powers, then PM me your decision.
Night lasts until the end of the weekend, or until all of the specials have given me their decisions, whichever is sooner. As with day votes, any special failing to PM me before the close of the week will be automatically removed from the game. |