
The citizens of Little Catlipocia gather once again on the cold wharf, colder still with the recent memory of Von Mises' demise.
Two figures stand at the edge of the wharf, their hands tied, blindfolds fixed over their eyes. Both stand near-motionless, the chill wind snaring their cloathes and hair.

Don Catlipoca stands to one side of the mob, his face calm and impassive.
"Well Fats?" he asks.
Fats walks over to the figures, bends down, and taps at the vast concrete blocks that have been set around the feet of both people. He gives a critical grunt, taps them again, then nods.
"Theyse good, boss. Hard enough."
Don Catlipoca nods, then turns to the crowd. "This has been a strange day, my friends. Like the first day, we are here to remove not only one we believe to be a threat to this community, but also one who has failed to vote in time. May the death of Paleface serve as a warning to those who might be backward in coming forward with their votes." The Don sighs. "And may the death of Johnny Biz prove that we can spot a guilty man. Proceed"
There is a grim finality in the air as three of the Don's gorillas step forward and, with much grunting and weating, heave the two figures backward.
There is a great splash, and two plumes of water shoot up over the edge of the wharf. for a moment the droplets hang suspended in the oily brown air, then fall back to the inky waters and are lost.

Two hours later, as the night settles over the community of Little Catlipocia, the notice goes up. Citizens gather eagerly around to read the paper that has been pinned there.
"Loyal Catlipocians,
A strange day indeed. It would seem like we repeated not only the nature of the lynching, but also the results. My guys have finished going through the belongings of both victims, and I can now announce that whilst poor Paleface was innocent of anything other than late voting, that dispicable rat, Johnny Biz, was the second of the Barbelith Family Mafia.
Citizens, take heart. We have now eradicated two of the Mafia. But be vigilant, since the remaining one is still dangerous, and he or she is now on their own, making them harder to track down. Citizens, take heart, you have won a great victory for your community this day. - Don Catlipoca"
Well done, people. It is now Night. Remaining Mafia, Doctor, Fink, and Detectives, please PM me your respective targets. |