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Mafia - The Game


Page: 1234(5)

21:15 / 07.06.06
Little Johhny finishes his floral arrangement of boots and used French letters fished from the harbour and wishes he had something better to send to Fiver's ma. And really hopes they all got it right.
Baz Auckland
22:50 / 07.06.06
Bazmo shrugs and adds his name to the list for Fiver. It's a done deal, then.... whattareyagonnado?
Baz Auckland
01:15 / 08.06.06
Bazmo sticks his head into the Blue Lotus looking for Stoatface and Feverfew...

"Where are those suckers? I gotta shipment coming in to take care of... The deal's done, and maybe we can get this lynchin' done before the weekend..."
15:57 / 08.06.06
Feverfew stands in Thursday's sunset, pondering, among many things, the current shortage of Texas watermelons. Oh, sure, there were many watermelons that called themselves Texas watermelons, but there were very few of the real thing to be had these days...

The other thing occupying his mind was this sudden and inexplicable desire to see Fiver swing. That and Little Johnny's flower arranging skils, but mostly the inexplicable sudden swinging desire. While it was odd, it certainly wasn't inexplicable in the current climate of paranoia.

His thoughts were interrupted by a customer wanting some of the more specific stock, so he took them to the back of the crates that held the stall up and hooked out two bottles of Negotiably Unalcoholic Fruit Juice, before they set off on their way, happy but furtive.

'Anyway', he thought to himself, 'I reckon it's either that Stoatface, or maybe they're all on the right track and it's Fiver. Who can say.'

Ah well. I voted for him before, and made it up to him afterwards, so voting for
Stoatface would be a safe bet. However, maybe there's some intelligence behind the popular voting, even though Mob Rule... Um... Crowd Rule is No Rule at all.'

His reflections getting him nowhere, Feverfew walks up from his stall to the board and, sighing, puts up another vote for Fiver because, now, frankly, votes for anyone else would do naught, and, maybe, just maybe, One-Mitt was right...
P. Horus Rhacoid
16:35 / 08.06.06
Fiver's hand twitches again in his sleep. More scratch marks appear in the dirt.

Oh, come on.
17:37 / 08.06.06
"That Baz Auckland certainly seems to have been keeping up with these shenanigans better than I ever could", thinks Stoatface, queuing at the chemist's for bandages, last night's fight having proceeded according to the rules which seemed to define his entire career. That is, he got his ass kicked again.

"Hmm. Maybe boxing was a bad career move. Shoulda tried chess. I'm shit-hot at that", he mused.

"So that leaves two reasonable assumptions. Either Baz is Family and throwing us off the scent, or he's probably got a decent idea what's going on. Given that he reckons it's either Fiver or me, and I know for sure I trust the second of those two, it looks like either Fiver or Baz. And a vote for Baz at this point isn't gonna achieve anything, even if he's the BarbeDon himself. So Fiver it is then. But if Fiver's an innocent man, then I'm coming for you, Baz."
18:28 / 08.06.06

Dusk settles over the community of Little Catlipocia, bringing with it a sense of unease. What if Fiver is innocent? or a detective? Such bloodthirsty conviction from so many has sealed the poor man's fate, what what will become of the community if the hated Barbelith Mafia escape justice?

The community has gathered in the centre of the street, their faces lit by the eerie glow of the streetlamps.
Fiver stands, blindfolded and bound, in front of the mob. For a time there is no sound, save for the wind in the rooftops. Don Catlipoca steps forward, then raises a hand.

Winston 'Legs' Diamond steps from the crowd. There is a click as he cocks the tommy gun for which he is so infamous. The air is tense as 'Legs' raises the gun to him shoulder and takes aim.

"Proceed," says Don Catlipoca simply.
Then the air explodes into a riot of light and smoke and fury as the weapon discharges its entire drum into the unfortunate body of Fiver.

When it is has finished, the body lies on the street, a tattered mess of holes. Don Catlipoca steps forward and lays a wreath on the body. "Così muoia tutti che oppongano la mafia Catlipocian," he whispers.


"Yeah, it's here as well, boss. Look."
Don Catlipoca, with a cigar in hand and a smile on his lips, leans over to where Fats' is pointing. The paper is a page from an account book, discovered in Fiver's belongings; a page that directly links him to the receiving of large payments by the Barbelith Mafia.
"And again, boss," continues Fats. "Turd of June, seventh, this guy was being paid a lot of dough for his information."
"Excellent work, Fats, excellent work," replies Don Catlipoca. "Now, let's head back to the shop. I got me some invitations to send..."


The card was delivered by one of the Don's men only a few minutes ago. 'Congratulations' is printed across one side is expensive type. Turning the card over, you read the message on the back:

"My loyal Catlipocians. My guys have now had the chance to investigate Fiver. We discovered several payments made to him for service rendered and information passed on. In short, my friends, he was both part and the last of the Barbelith Mafia.
It is therefore my wish and blessed duty to open up the speakeasies for an entire day at absolutely no charge in recognition of the hard work you have all put in. Drink up, guys and dolls. You've earned it. Yours, Don Catlipoca."


That's it, people. Congratulations and thanks for taking part. For those who were curious, Jake Gnosis, Fiver, and Bizunth were our three mafia, Stoatie our doctor, Rupert Dalliance and Joy-Division our two detectives, Flyboy our bulletproof, and Feverfew our fink.

Now, as the Don commands, go and have a drink. You've earned it.
19:31 / 08.06.06

"Hell", thinks Stoatface Capaldi, "at this rate I may actually start winning fights".
20:05 / 08.06.06
Oh good. That was fun. Congratulations, Well done One-Mitt and the rest!
Joy Division Oven Gloves
20:20 / 08.06.06
That was a whole barrel of fun, but we got too lucky. I was really hoping Fiver and Stoatface were both innocent at the end there so we could keep going. I loved the quality of the posting and big thanks to Tez for the work running it.
20:31 / 08.06.06
Yeah, I really liked some of the characters it would've been nice to see how they played out.

Oh, and also thanks to the Don.
20:34 / 08.06.06
Nice one, Tez.

Looks like Baz really did have it all figured out...
21:33 / 08.06.06
I had no idea the whole way through. None. Fun, if kinda sickening at times.
Eloi Tsabaoth
21:37 / 08.06.06
Yeah, I'd like to know who the tecs investigated.
maneki neko
21:42 / 08.06.06
I was pretty confused most of the time, but guessing was fun. And I really thought Feverfew was just a harmless fruit seller, I suspected Elijah to be the fink.
Joy Division Oven Gloves
21:59 / 08.06.06
Yeah, I had Elijah pegged as the fink too. Sorry Mr. Profit.

For posterity, I was totally useless with my 'tec questions. I asked about Feverfew, Bazmo and Cube in that order. The whole von-Mises thing threw me, I was sure it was between Bazmo, Cube and Paleface for the 2 mob roles - did the mafia set that one up?
Joy Division Oven Gloves
22:12 / 08.06.06
Gaahh.. cross thread confusion.

Maybe we should stick to this one for the post match analysis.

Page: 1234(5)

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