well, I love my GBA, so I've nothing against handhelds. I've been a Nintendo junkie since 1986, so playing games like Zelda: Minish Cap and Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission, as well as all of the quality 2D RPGs, has set my handheld plate for the past few years.
The question I have about the DS is whether or not it has a decent library of the games I like. I mentioned Metroid, Zelda and RPGs because I specifically like big, exploratory games on handhelds.
I hate racing games with a passion, so Mario Kart holds no appeal. I've heard that Meteos is great, but, as with racers, puzzle games don't thrill me. I'd just as soon do the crossword, honestly.
I suppose I would need a solid Action/Adventure/RPG/Sidescroller/Shooter library to wow me. Games like Animal Crossing (I thought there was an Animal Crossing for the 64 as well as the GC, that's why I said the DS version was the third- Is this false?) intrigue me because they seem to transcend genre. However, for every AC, I would need several other games to make the purchase worth it. Does the DS pack a respectable library of the above games? |