Seth rules, as I have previously contended.
I'm doing pretty well, actually. Work is incredibly busy (so busy that obviously, I've loads of time to post on Barbelith) but it's enjoyable. I'm sheepdogging some client publishing as well as the mag I edit, and I recently got to get dressed up and hand out awards that we sponsor to uni students, so I feel a bit like a Respectable Member Of Society, which is a bit of a shift! So work's good.
I'm not as far on with my writing as I'd like to be, but that's because of a couple of things. The place I used to do most of my writing at has turned out to be - well, not what I'd expected. Thankfully, I own all the copyright to the stuff I've written - they only have a limited license - so I haven't just flushed it down the critical crapper. There's plans afoot for a new site up and running, though, which I'm pretty excited about - will let you know more later when it's a bit more firm. But it's exciting, even if it's a bit of a drain on my time spent on my "proper" writing: I'd like to think that the novel I've been broadly sketching will come to fruition, and I'll be known for that, rather than some record reviews or my mag work.
(I'm still planning on buying the Hunting Lodge disc, and Sax's novel, too - don't despair, dudes... it'll happen!)
I'm still planning on getting Oxbow to tour Australia, and am pretty sure that I can pull it together, with some connections I've made down here. Suffice to say, though, that this is, increasingly, becoming less of a pipedream than it's been when I first suggested the idea to the band, and more of an Experiment In Awesomeness. Which is rockin'.
I recently got married, and it's pretty awesome, too. The same, but different, if that makes sense. I turned 30, got married, and played my first gig in front of a bunch of people at the Annandale here in Sydney, so I got three big things done in under a month! Pretty impressive, in terms of confidence-boosting, and it's pretty much galvanised me into musical action, also: I'm currently working with another couple of people on a new musical project, which seems really positive.
I dunno, it's strange - things seem to be falling into place a bit more, and I'm learning lots. Had an actual ghostly-esque encounter a couple of weeks ago, with a big dark energy ball thing at an old prison, and have since been getting more and more into my tarot, as well as the musical/writing stuff. Is it all connected? I dunno, but I feel pretty energised (work notwithstanding) at present, so I'm just going with it.
At the end of the day, I'm content with me. Which is something that I used to never be. It's a nice place to be. And there's cats there, purring away.

So how you doin'? |