Here we go - Fall 1902
Orders looked like this (again, double check them to ensure no mistakes have occurred - its a pretty intensive round this one):

Written orders read as follows:
Results for Fall, 1902 (Movement)
Order Results:
Austria: F adr Holds
Austria: A alb Holds
Austria: A bud Holds
Austria: F gre -> bul/sc
Austria: A ser Supports F gre -> bul
England: F bar -> nwy
England: A bel Holds
England: A hol Holds
England: F nao -> iri
England: F nth Supports F bar -> nwy
France: A mar Holds
France: F mao -> wesFrance: A par -> bur
France: A pic Holds
France: A spa Supports A mar
Germany: A ber Supports A mun
Germany: F den -> swe Bounced with swe (1 against 1).
Germany: A kie Supports A mun
Germany: A mun Holds
Italy: F ion -> aeg
Italy: A pie -> tyr
Italy: F tys -> ion
Italy: A ven -> tri
Russia: A nwy Supports F swe Support cut by Move from Barents Sea. Dislodged from bar (2 against 1).
Russia: F rum Supports F gre -> bul
Russia: F sev -> arm Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Russia: A sil -> galRussia: F swe Supports A nwy Support cut by Move from Denmark.
Russia: A ukr -> mos
The Army in Bulgaria cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Turkey: F ank -> bla
Turkey: F arm Supports F ank -> bla Support cut by Move from Sevastopol.
Turkey: A bul Holds Dislodged from gre (3 against 2).
Turkey: A con Supports A bul
This leaves Europe looking something like this: