Whew-ee. Sorry for the delays. My server is up and running (which crucially means I can play World of Warcraft again...) and so, here are the turns. You'll notice I've changed the symbols for units so they're easier to read (thanks for the suggestion Bryan). It's pretty simple (A) for army, (F) for fleet.
Anyway, here goes. Double check to ensure there are no mistakes:

Results for Spring, 1902 (Movement)
Order Results:
A alb Holds
A bud Hold
F gre Supports A ser - bul
A ser – bul - Bounced with bul (2 against 2) .
F tri - adr
A bel Supports A edi – hol
A edi – hol Convoy path taken: edi – nth – hol .
F lvp – nao
F nth Convoys A edi – hol
F nwy - bar
A mar Holds:
A bre - pic
A mar Holds
A par Holds
F por – mao
A spa Supports A mar
A ber Holds
F den Holds
A kie Holds
A mun Holds
F nap – tys
A pie Supports A ven
F tun - ion
A ven Holds
F rum Supports F sev – bla
F sev - bla Bounced with ank (2 against 1).
A sil – ber Bounced with ber (1 against 1).
A stp – nwy
F swe Supports A stp – nwy
A ukr – sev Failed because Russia: F sev - bla failed .
F ank – bla Bounced with sev (2 against 1).
F arm Supports F ank – bla
A bul HoldsTurkey
A con Supports A bul
Which should leave it looking like:

Let us know if there are any errors quickly, so they can be edited and we can get on. |