I'm not entirely sure what exactly you are saying here, and I'm not entirely sure you are either...
Since you are a very old lady, however, I'll see if I can answer. Would you like some Rooibus tea? OK, now then...
First thing is to reiterate my disclaimers peppered throughout this would-be blog : I have nothing to sell. This is not a system of beliefs or any kind of message I have for the world. The world, clearly, has more than enough of that kind of thing already.
This is nothing more than my description of a sequence of events that happened to me, and the consequences of those events. It describes my emotional response to experience, and my subsequent mentations relating to those emotional responses.
I think for clarity you need to make it obvious what you mean by 'real'.
These things happened to me. I experienced them, and described them to myself in pretty much the way they have been recorded here.
Was your breakfast this morning real? Was your day yesterday real? I have no way whatsoever of verifying what happened to you yesterday, but on the other hand, I have no reason to doubt that your description of it was how you intersected with the ocean of data you encountered and had provided to your brain by your perceptual apparatus (over 11 million bits per second, if we want to explore information theory...your conscious experience of which is made up of just 16 bits or less...that's 950,400,000,000 bits of information passed from your senses to your brain in 24 hours (assuming you were awake that long) and your experience of a conscious 'I' was made up of just 1,382,400...demonstrable by the simple fact that describing, in English, 950,400,000,000 bits if data would most likely take several decades, if not lifetimes, whereas you could probably run dry for what to talk about if asked 'What happened to you yesterday?' in about an hour or two, yes?)...
So, what does your question really mean? I think in a way you are asking me : What if SD is a liar?
What if, when all is said and and done, the seriousness and profundity alluded to within the visionary realms of the Porridge are nonsense, a lie, effectively.
It's a fair question, I suppose. One I used to wonder about as well, no doubt.
However, and linked into what MC said after your question, it is the question of a non-serious person. No offense meant, in fact, you actually self identify as such. You do this, perhaps - here's what I suspect, my theory, you no doubt have your own, at odds to mine - because you believe you have time. You still suspect, deep deep down, in a place you guard very carefully, and will deny the existence of, but it is there, defining you, and protecting itself, always on the move, always one step ahead of the game, refusing to be still, avoiding the mirror, that you are immortal. You have the time for this question, because you believe, strongly and in spite of all the obvious evidence to the contrary, that you, maybe just you, maybe no one else, for you can see the decay of others all around you,but surely you, you alone, are going to live forever.
Does that answer your question?
For me it does. The problem, of course, is - which is why I have peppered all the discaimers throughout this adventure - that nobody ever listens to anybody else. Nobody, ever, has. Its not possible. Completely impossible in fact. You can only listen to your'self', just as you can only see 'your' own 'mind', and taste 'your' own 'mind', and smell 'your' own 'mind', so 'you' will only ever hear 'your' own 'thoughts'...and even then, they are not 'yours', since there is no 'you' there to hear them, only the weight of your cultural conditioning, received and selected and filtered and organised by that wonderful receiver in your skull.
There is some spectacularly useless breeze-shooting over in this thread. If I may copy and paste, and paraphrase myself:
I've radically altered my take on the veracity of the 'models and metaphors' used within 'magic' over the past year because, well, I haven't really had much choice about the matter...if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and smells like a duck, and drops mallard feathers on your carpet, and has a large neon sign above it blatantly blinking on and off with the word 'DUCK' and an arrow pointing at it, then there seems little point, to me, in struggling to explain it as a duck-shaped product of some other as-yet-undiscovered-by-science duck manifesting duck-like phenomena merely because accepting that, y'know, it's a duck, makes you sound like a bit of a weirdo who most likely played a bit too much Dungeons and Dragons (or Dungeons and Ducks, whatever).
Personally, I have no problem accepting it's a duck and engaging with it as a duck, and possibly finding out if it and me have any sort of useful relationship to explore (no rhyming jokes, please...)...Like, you know, stuffing pillows or something.
and also
cultures since the dawn of time have constructed false realities and associated ceremonies to make sense of their place in the world.
Including this one, of course. Western rationalist scientific determinism is no more nor less of a 'false' reality cult than any other, historically or culturally, and the fact that it is the consensus shared by you does not make it any other way. To elevate it as 'truer' is centric to your own immersion in it.
Science is a very (very) useful way of looking at the Universe with a specific agenda or desire for outcome as the intention. The italicised caveat is essential, and applies to every replacement of the word 'science' with any other discipline, be it magic, poetry, art or music (though that would be listening not looking :-)) or whatever takes your fancy. It is your fancy that is important.
Example - not a perfect one, but pretty good. Look at the room you are in. Do a quick sketch of it. A draughtsmans sketch. As quick as you like.
This is your subjective, draughtsmans Way of Looking at The Room. It is entirely 'correct' and makes 'perfect sense', yes?
Now, for the sake of this argument, lets say (it may even be true) that this room holds a lot of memories for you. So now, either do, or imagine, a painting of the room intended to convey the overall emotive connection you have within your memory-nervous system array and The Room. A painting of your feelings about the space.
This is (one of) your subjective, artistic Way(s) of Looking at The Room. It is entirely 'correct' and makes 'perfect sense', at least to you, yes?
Now whip up an architects blueprint of the room. You know the form. This, if you like, is the scientific-rationalist Way of Looking at The Room. It is entirely 'correct' and makes 'perfect sense', yes? To architects, at least.
Now take a photograph of the room. Now suspend yourself from the ceiling and sketch the room again. Close to the arhitects view, but not quite. Now write a song about the room. Warrah warrah fishpaste.
To argue that the architectural view is the 'real' one is clearly nonsense, though it is mathematically precise and would enable a qualified builder to recreate the rooms structural manifestation exactly. But, the problem with it is, it doesn't actually exist, anywhere, except in the abstract, ghostly world of mathematics. It is a map, not a room. It won't help you try to make your way across it, right now, in the dark, without barking your shins on the coffee table. For that, you will need your eyes (and maybe a torch) and your brains experience of the room. Nor can it tell you anything about the beauty or aesthetic of the interior design, nor about what the room means. It is a Way of Looking at the room which serves a particular purpose. If you elevate it above any other Way of Looking as 'more real' you are succumbing to a form of Idolatry and dogmatism that is the calling card of that most despised of scientific-determinism, the fundamentalist. Strange, eh? It can be corroborated by others, sure...is that really your gauge of 'reality'? The say so of the mob?
...So anyway, Ways of Looking. You seem, though perhaps I am mistaken, to be of the opinion that outside of yours, mine, Stephen Hawking's, Walt Whitman's, Damien Hirst's or Whoever Else's Ways of Looking, there is One Ultimate Way, which is Actually Right and True, and once Science has 'discovered' it, that'll be that and we can do away with all the other ways...or something like that, I don't know. What will we do with all the other Ways? I don't share that opinion, if that is your opinion. That One Way is the Universe.
Try this one : you drink an entheogenic (psychedelic, psychotomimetic, hallucinogenic - not just Ways of looking, Ways of Describing which influence Ways of Looking - isn't it great?) sacrament which science would explain chemically and describe the neuro-chemical effects within the blood and brain of said sacrament intersecting with a human organism. That is a Way of Looking at that process. Great. Substitute imbibing of sacrament with ritual chanting, drumming, invocation, whatever floats your magic boat.
Meanwhile, the subject who has imbibed the sacrament, peformed the ritual, beat the drum, invoked the pantheon, finds themselves in a sensory-perceptual world within, behind and all around the ordinary world of the five senses, which is populated to the brim with alien, apparently independently autonomous agents/entities, which interact, forge relationships, reveal information and have agendas with regard to the manifest world they are so interested in...
Now, faced with this, you can rush of to the scientific establishment, and they will absolutely say you are delusional, hallucinating, making it up, a charlatan, or simply ignore you completely as some wacko nutball. It just isn't Science, you see. It's in your mind (as if everything else isn't), and rather amusingly, science, the product of a highly evolved consciousness, cannot explain...Consciousness! That which we are using to discover the Secrets of the Universe is the biggest Mystery within it. Can you use a tool to work on itself? Can you shine a torch to find...the torch you are using? Can you Reach for own hands? Look for your Looking apparatus? It's a toughy. So...bugger off! That's Not Science!
But this will not change your need, your imperative requirement, to understand what the fuck is happening. Being told, in response to what i have described above 'You were just hallucinating' really, really doesn't cut it, I'm afraid. That is not the fucking point at all.
The question is NOT 'Why?' or 'How?' - which are the major concerns of scientific rationalist cultists.
The question is 'What does it mean?' - a question scientific cultists are mostly either not interested in or actively scared of...because of where it leads.
When you do this, this happens. Weird. What's it all about? What the fuck do you mean 'I'm imagining it?', 'It isn't real?'...I just fucking saw it! Talked to it! Got a cuddle from it! Had feathers stuck in my back by it! It was an angel, I tells ya, an angel! a Reptile insectoid alien! An adversarial demon! An African tribal God! Don't lay that scientific rational crap on me now, I need some answers! Not excuses!'
Well, that's the point at which I personally became really interested in magic, cause, well, people have been doing this shit since the dawn of the species, and much of it has been worked out...channeled, written, recorded. It's esoteric, occult - meaning 'hidden' - precisely because most people do not care for it at all...Good for them. I don't really do, nor watch much, sport, which many people absoltely go crazy for...Nor do I watch soap-operas, which seems to be the national past-time de rigeur where i live. I'd rather spend an afternoon in fear of my sanity and mortal soul fighting a Satanic Adversary that wants to possess my body than watching the Omnibus edition of Eastenders any day...different strokes for different folks, horses for courses.
At that point, engaging with it becomes essential because it is powerful and it works...so as stupid and silly as it may seem to the rationalist part of the memory-mind, accepting the Way of Looking, for example, that there is an Angelic host who occupy positions within a Celestial Court at the behest of the source of all this Isness, this KaPOW! Here it IS! this underlying condition of being - this Supreme Being, if you please - IHVH, Dao, I Am that I Am, Allah, Atman, Jehovah Elohim, whatever...becomes not only a viable and interesting Way of looking, but essential for understanding the workings and benefits and pitfalls of the new memory-mind you are creating by engaging with such powers.
If you like, think of them as energies, patterns within the dance of the quantum flux of all this hadron, quark, strangeness and charm which, due to the nature of your brain-as-a-receiver, tend to become personified, anthropomorphised and attributed qualities you are able to relate to. If you think that will help.
Me, I can just about dig being enfolded in the energetic appendages of one of those quantum doohickies. Sweet. A pattern in the quantum flux that wants me to be safe and well. How inscrutable.
But I prefer, it makes so much more richly resonant and lyrical sense, has so much richer meaning being held in the wings of St. Michael 'cos I'm singing his songs and he is my protetora It just, y'know, gels. And I know what it means. It's available, and it works.
Apologies for the extended cut'n'paste, but I hope that answers your question. |