So, I've just been stared out by a huge fucking brown rat on the front path outside my dwelling. I saw five the other night, jumping out of what was left of a torn and scattered bin-bag, when I came home late from a removals job. But my Foot Drop meant I couldn't clean up the mess until today (even though it wasn't my rubbish; and I've been putting mine out ion Tuesday mornings when the bin-men come.)
So, I need to remove or kill the little furry things, before I wake up in bed one day and see one about to eat my big toe. So far, they'd been pretty scared of me. But I had to stamp my foot hard on the ground and shout "fuck off!" to get that big one to stop staring at me and run away earlier. I'm also pretty sure I saw one scampering down the outside of a window sil (two floors up) recently.
Now, normally I'd have no problem with them, but... well... It's my domain, not theirs, and they're obviously getting cockier and cockier. I also can't afford a cat of my own, and as the rodents seem to be still outside, I see little point in borrowing a mouser from a friend.
So, any tips on how to get rid of them? I've tried asking them nicely and it didn't work. |