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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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17:55 / 23.09.06
Thanks grant!
paranoidwriter waves hello
21:20 / 23.09.06
So, I've just been stared out by a huge fucking brown rat on the front path outside my dwelling. I saw five the other night, jumping out of what was left of a torn and scattered bin-bag, when I came home late from a removals job. But my Foot Drop meant I couldn't clean up the mess until today (even though it wasn't my rubbish; and I've been putting mine out ion Tuesday mornings when the bin-men come.)

So, I need to remove or kill the little furry things, before I wake up in bed one day and see one about to eat my big toe. So far, they'd been pretty scared of me. But I had to stamp my foot hard on the ground and shout "fuck off!" to get that big one to stop staring at me and run away earlier. I'm also pretty sure I saw one scampering down the outside of a window sil (two floors up) recently.

Now, normally I'd have no problem with them, but... well... It's my domain, not theirs, and they're obviously getting cockier and cockier. I also can't afford a cat of my own, and as the rodents seem to be still outside, I see little point in borrowing a mouser from a friend.

So, any tips on how to get rid of them? I've tried asking them nicely and it didn't work.
08:44 / 25.09.06
PW - ask the council. I think it costs about £12.

Question - what is the highest point in London? Either from a tall building or a hill one can walk up. Thanks.
pointless & uncalled for
08:51 / 25.09.06
Usually the highest publically accessible point in London is considered to be Hampstead Heath. Crystal Palace is a worth contender though.
09:00 / 25.09.06
Well, the highest building in London is on Canary Wharf - it's One, Canada Square. However, I'm not sure how you'd get up it without an invitation, unless you fancy waiting till Open House day. It's 235m high. Tower 42 is 182m high, and you can get to the 42nd floor by booking drinks at Vertigo.

The highest non-building point, I think, in Central London is the mound on Hampstead Heath (which is already fairly high above sea level). This is a man-made structure - it was a reservoir in the 19th century, and was then covered over and had an observatory built on it. I'm not sure about the highesst natural formation - possibly Parliament Hill? That's about 95m at its highest point, I think.
09:35 / 26.09.06
When do the clocks change?
pointless & uncalled for
09:39 / 26.09.06
29th October at 1am
10:05 / 26.09.06
Doozy: Prompted by the OneWeb thread, what on earth did idle office monkeys do before they could play around on the internet all day at work?

I'm really not sure. I used to read my book on my lap under the table. I think I actually did the work a lot of the time, too.
12:24 / 26.09.06
Are there any books currently banned in the UK?
12:29 / 26.09.06
Not sure, but the Wikipedia entry on banned books makes for interesting reading-

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank has been banned or challenged for various reasons including being "a real downer."
doozy floop
13:15 / 26.09.06
What should I look for in a professional website designer-and-maintainer?
doozy floop
13:44 / 26.09.06
In fact, would anyone care to make a recommendation for website design, development and maintenance, mayhap by PM?
Evil Scientist
13:48 / 26.09.06
Are there any books currently banned in the UK?

The Anarchist's Cookbook is, AFAIK. I've wanted a copy on my bookshelf for many a year (purely for intellectual reasons you understand). Downloadable version just don't feel the same as a proper hardback book.
pointless & uncalled for
13:51 / 26.09.06
Jub, you can start with The Golden Chain by Richard Tomlinson, ex MI6 agent.
13:55 / 26.09.06
The Anarchist Cookbook doesn’t seem to be banned, Evil. Furnish that bookshelf now.
pointless & uncalled for
14:07 / 26.09.06
The Anarchist Cookbook was never genuinely banned in the UK simply because it was a compendium of information that was always accessible by other means. Banning would be redundant and the fact that all the information would always be available would make the setting of a precedent entirely redundant.

The notion of banning was something that was, and probably still is, hyped up by juvenile minds in search of the thrill of rebellion.
14:31 / 26.09.06
Is Spycatcher still banned?
14:33 / 26.09.06
Ah, no; lifted in 1988. Where did the last 18 years go?
18:49 / 26.09.06
If you shave your head and get it tattooed, would the hair grow back again?

I really want a treasure map I can bust out as a party trick.
18:59 / 26.09.06
This would seem to suggest that tattoos don't affect hair growth.

My question

If I make a muesli smoothie, will any of my ingredients loose their nutritional value in the blending process? I'm particularly worried my linseeds'll loose their omega fatty stuff, basically.
Jack Vincennes
20:43 / 26.09.06
doozy floop: what on earth did idle office monkeys do before they could play around on the internet all day at work?

I had to stop using the internet at work for a bit (because I was told to) so I can report that the following activities can take up that kind of quality time :

  • getting coffee

  • chatting with colleagues in toilet, or if no colleagues in toilet, obsessive scrutiny of face in mirror

  • gazing out of window

  • thinking about Brett Anderson (pretty much everyone's mileage will vary on this one)

  • drawing little pictures in notebook

  • working out arbitrary percentages on calculator and writing down the results (eg, percentage of week so far spent listening to Knife album)

These are not (all) as interesting as the internet but I usually found them more interesting than work.
Psych Safeling
20:51 / 26.09.06
Boboss, I would have thought it would help them (the friendly fatty acids) get out. Without any scientific basis, I like to tamper with seeds in any way that might make them softer, or crack their hard shells, to lessen the likelihood that they would just pass right through with all their goodnesses unabsorbed. Linseeds in particular just seem so impenetrable, y'know? Even to the fearsome might of gastric juices. I shall investigate, though. I'm quite frequently wrong in my nutritional instincts.
Psych Safeling
20:57 / 26.09.06
Looks like the risk is that since the oils are quite easily hydrogenated on extraction, the exposure to air that results from blending might make the oils rancid. I guess if you're blending then eating immediately there shouldn't be much impact, but if you mean to blend and then store then the acids might be chemically altered and rendered less beneficial?
20:58 / 26.09.06
What I REALLY want to know is what bored office monkeys did before the advent of the personal music system?

I forgot to charge my MP3 player the other day before work, having been all excited that it worked at all (it had been soaked and briefly died)... and fuck me, an office without music is no office I want to work in. Sure, you can while away SOME of the hours with idle banter, but the ones where you're actually typing, and clicking, and concentrating on doing stuff... I NEED music to do that shit.

I'm guessing what they did before the advent of the personal music system was quite unpleasant, very violent and probably not particularly productive.
09:32 / 27.09.06
Stoat, you are aware that some of us poor bastards work in offices where listening to music is prohibited?

Having previously worked in offices where listening to music and the radio was actively encouraged, I'm finding myself drifting ever closer to the hate and anger.
All Acting Regiment
09:34 / 27.09.06
Does anyone know of a central database of tru fax about the daily mail/other tabloid's various lies and deceits, with examples and details?
paranoidwriter waves hello
09:41 / 27.09.06
Legba, I just read their stuff and imagine I'm a scared, ancient, nice, but confused Headteacher at a public school, who has just been told "hir" school is being taken over by the State. Then, I imagine what lies I'd tell to halt "progress". Has about a 85% success rate according to my own inner stats. It's worth just comparing articles with (e.g) The Independent or The Guardian, as well; especially if you can afford to do this online...

Stoat, I imagine some of them found other ways to remind themselves they're just good for nothing animals in a cage of their own making. Like cigarette breaks, or sticking pins on the bosses chair; or wasting more paper by making paper-airplanes and throwing them at the office "gimp"; or gossiping more by the kitchen; or....

It's been a few months since I was in such an environment though, and years since I was in one without Internet access. So I might be waaaay off base...
Tabitha Tickletooth
09:49 / 27.09.06
May I sound a note of caution on music in the workplace: a job where you can listen to *your own* music is good. A workplace where there is one central source of music, over which you have no, or only limited, control is not good. It can reveal aspects of your fellow workers that you did not want to know about and increase the likelihood of violence in the workplace significantly.
pointless & uncalled for
09:53 / 27.09.06
Are you refering to the occurence of Celine Dion related beatings in the mail room or Usher related stabbings in the cafeteria?
paranoidwriter waves hello
09:56 / 27.09.06
Aye, Celine Dion has a lot to answer for... Mind you, I'm probably just jealous of her teeth...
10:58 / 27.09.06
You want her teeth? I can get you her teeth, dude.
12:07 / 27.09.06
How can you?
pointless & uncalled for
12:08 / 27.09.06
Pliers innit
paranoidwriter waves hello
12:22 / 27.09.06
Could you stick 'em in my gums as well? All of them? For free? With no pain and lots of drugs involved?
13:41 / 27.09.06
Pliers innit

I was thinking a hammer. PW, I'm no dentist, my duty ends at the extraction.

I was just echoing Walter from the Big Lebowski really. "You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish. These fucking amateurs... "

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