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Wha..wher..who...why...whe... LATE SHIFT FOOLS


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Saint Keggers
02:15 / 17.10.05
Hello Alas, Czernobog and Wembley!

Its not too cold right now here 10c / 50f. Not to bad at all.
Bastard Tweed
02:16 / 17.10.05
Bah, Dallas weather is a capricious, fickle entity.

Still in the nineties some days, then back down to the high fifties at others.
02:22 / 17.10.05
I squandered a few evenings last week and am paying for it tonight and tomorrow.

Ah well, the MS is officially done, now I just have to scroll it into a bottle and throw it in the ocean. Coming soon to a beach near you...
Saint Keggers
02:22 / 17.10.05
Here the main problem is, being so close to the river, the cold air is the type that heads straight for the bones and chills you from the inside out. Brrrr!
wembley can change in 28 days
02:27 / 17.10.05
Current conditions in Helsinki: 3C / 37F. It's great to live by the sea but that wind'll getcha. It's actually been the sunniest and warmest October on record, like, ever, here and so it's about time for winter anyway...
Bastard Tweed
02:35 / 17.10.05
Shifting out.

Mr C shall now make with the drinky drink.
02:39 / 17.10.05
Well, so okay: guys, I set us down a path of talking about the weather?! Of course, it's more interesting than a real-life weather conversation, since we're all in different climactic regions, but, still... I hang my head in shame a little.

Surely we can do better.

I think I should drink more water, as a general rule. [Wait! Jesus! let's not talk about health! forget I said that!]

Great weather we're having, no? whistles
02:44 / 17.10.05
I have been working pretty much straight through from 7 AM, with only short breaks. I cannot look at this screen any longer.

I love you all! I love the weather you're having! I wish you were here or I were there! but I must head off to bed. Say hello (hei?) to Helsinki for me, et merci to Montreal, and Duh! to Dallas . . . it's good night alas.
02:49 / 17.10.05
Actually Alas, it's "bonne nuit" ...but a thanks is always appreciated.

Bonne Nuit!
Saint Keggers
00:25 / 18.10.05
00:26 / 18.10.05
Allo Allo.
Saint Keggers
00:33 / 18.10.05
How's things with the Stoatster?
00:37 / 18.10.05
Yeah, not bad... slow night at work. How's the Great Canadian Boozemaking Venture coming along?
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:38 / 18.10.05
lo. I'm here. 'ow do?
Saint Keggers
00:53 / 18.10.05
Hi Meme!

Well Stoats, TGCBV is going well. It'll be a while yet before I can enjoy any of it.
01:02 / 18.10.05
Should be worth the wait though, I'm guessing. Booze usually is.
Hey there, GGM.
Char Aina
01:03 / 18.10.05
areet peeps.
Saint Keggers
01:04 / 18.10.05
I think it will. That's assuming nothing goes horrible wrong. I'd hate to poison all my friends who try it.
hehehe. Time to thin the herd!
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:07 / 18.10.05
You could test it out on people you don't like very much.

Just a thought.

I'm trying to decide whether to have some more wine or go to bed.

Or possibly go to bed with wine. Choices, choices...
Saint Keggers
01:10 / 18.10.05
I will flip a coin for you,
heads: you go to bed
tails: you have more wine
edge: you go to bed with wine.

(ok, so it was 2 outta three!)
Char Aina
01:13 / 18.10.05
i always find going to bed with alcohol resukts in waking up with some left in the glass, and that always makes me feel silly.
i had a pint in bed on saturday, incidentally.
hotels and that, eh.
Saint Keggers
01:17 / 18.10.05
I find that waking up with alchohol in my glass makes my day start better than usual. After all I could put milk in my cereal any day. But not today!!!
Char Aina
01:24 / 18.10.05
beer flakes?
bad kegg!
01:25 / 18.10.05
Evenin', toksik.
These days I make a point of NOT going to bed with alcohol. In my youth I would regularly take a bottle of high-strength cider to bed instead of a glass of water. That was probably a bad idea, looking back.
Saint Keggers
01:29 / 18.10.05
Beerflakes? Toksik thats just wrong... Its Whiskey Wheaties or Barcardi and Booberry.
Char Aina
01:36 / 18.10.05
man, i had a pint in bed.
i bought it at the hotel bar at about six, and then got ready for bed. i sorta clocked myself and the inconguity of the whole deal about halfway down and went to brush my teeth to stop myself drinking it, reasoning that mint and hops go togther really badly.
i couldnt find the toothpaste, so that didnt work for shit.
turns out it postponed my hangover til at least 12 the next day, well after i had dealt with breakfast and checking out.

i mean, it could have been the rest of the copious amounts of booze consumed floating my brain down a river of ease till lunchtime, but i reckon its more fun to credit the kronenbourg.

i seem to be changing my mind...
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:36 / 18.10.05
Oh, there will be water as well.
Char Aina
01:38 / 18.10.05
water is your friend here, i feel.
you do live in brighton, however, so i might suggest you make it a glass of ice and add a dash of lemon.
cold and fruity is the only way to drink english water.
Saint Keggers
01:52 / 18.10.05
You kids and you fancyfied water. Im my day we didnt add lemon to water. In my day water came in one flavour: water. Thats the way it was and thats the way we liked it. The only people who added flavour to their water was the french and they called it Perrier and you dont wnat to know about all the fighting that has gone on here because of that.

Water. Now in either water flavour or water flavour
02:01 / 18.10.05
No, No. I think toksik means the diffence between scottish water and that liquid that pours out of english taps.
Char Aina
02:18 / 18.10.05
dude, you live in a forest country.
they have ise and lakes and water aplenty.
i'll bet that a lot of canadian water tastes like water, and not like flouride and cleaning chemicals with a dash of h2o for colour.

have you ever been to london?
i assume most big cities are the same, but in london they say that the water has been through seven or eight people before it gets to your glass.

that shit is BANANAS.
which necessitates LEMONS.
Saint Keggers
02:20 / 18.10.05
Oh yeah, I know. Im just having some fun. we have some water in certain parts of the city that at times tastes like enemajuice.
02:22 / 18.10.05
Can't say I've sampled that delicacy before
Benny the Ball
20:29 / 18.10.05
Evening all. I'm just relaxing at home, waiting until tomorrow when Mrs The Ball arrives for a nice, long, fantastic visit.

What you all up to?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
20:34 / 18.10.05
Just finished left-over pumpkin pie and listening to traffic outside the window. Was going to take a crack at another scene for the short story I'm working on.

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