Neither of these things should have shocked me, and both were instigated by me, but it still rang a bell because they happened the same day:
I was reading the prosody book my therapist reccommended to me, The Ode Less Travelled. He used the first stanza of Poe's The Raven as an example of successful octameter. Shiny. I like that poem, and I've borrowed it's meter and rhyme scheme more than once.
Much later, I started to watch a CSI episode that was recorded on our TiVo. It started with a raven flying out over very blue land, and birders discovered it had an eyeball in it's beak. Grissom quoted the first stanza of Poe's The Raven. I laughed at the mis-quote, and then my boyfriend asked me to help take out the trash, so the show went on hold, and I never got back to it.
I don't actually think this one is highly significant, per se, but it got my attention. It's all terribly Odinic in style, so I thought I'd note it here.
--Ember-- |