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Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
03:53 / 02.09.05
Your local Health Food store carries a wide selection of imported beers? Sheesh, I wish my local health store was that liberal minded.

Actually "Terrible" looks like this: and can even replace port as an appertif. Damn, I gots to try this beer.

Anyway, it really is getting late now, and I do have to work tomorrow, so good night all.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
03:55 / 02.09.05
G'Night, all. That may have been the beer I was thinking of. I guess now I have an excuse to go beer shopping tomorrow. Sweet.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
01:05 / 03.09.05
Today has been totally fucked-up and incredibly sad. I bought lots of beer and booze to help me cope. I'm sick of thinking. Now I'm shifting.

Who's out there?
Tryphena Absent
01:06 / 03.09.05
Hi. I'm watching the 24 hour news feed. It's utterly misery-inducing.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
01:31 / 03.09.05
Yeah, me too. I'm switching between all three of the major networks, but I'm watching it on closed-captioning so I don't have to hear their voices. I swear some of these dicks are almost gleeful. Daniel Lanois is providing the soundtrack.

I actually feel bad that I have a nice apartment and beer to drink. This is the worst. At least the worst in my lifetime. I wish I could do something besides clogging up Olympia Snowe's mailbox.
Tryphena Absent
01:35 / 03.09.05
I'm watching CNN because they have a US feed on and they're being quite realistic. The figures are unbearable though: 50,000 still trapped on rooftops. Un-fucking-believable, that's FOUR days.
Liger Null
01:53 / 03.09.05
If Bush were to be assasinated right now, what would happen? Would people mourn or would we cheer? I can honestly say that I would do the latter, and I don't apologize.

I'm just so angry right now, these smug bastards and I don't give a fuck what people say it's ALL THEIR FAULT!!!!! There is no excuse for this shit and it's too fucking late to do anything about it. Any of it.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
01:57 / 03.09.05
Yeah, no kidding. The response of our emergency services has been shameful. There's no excuse for this. It's been four days, and organized aid just arrived. This is one of our major cities. First of all, there should have been buses set up to evac everyone who couldn't leave by themselves. Y'know, fuck people with Greyhound fares. ALL of those buses should have been commandeered. Second, there should have been thousands of guardsmen ready to act BEFORE the storm hit. Hello, meteorology!? Unfortunately, they were in I-fucking-raq. Fun fact- It used to be illegal to deploy the NG outside of US borders. I'll have to Google up when that particular edict was erased. Wish we still had it. Finally, I don't give a fuck, EVERYBODY available should have been triple-timing it to Louisiana. There are something like 15,000 NG filing in now? FUCK THAT. Fort Polk is right there, and it's home to some hardcases like the 10th Mountain division, as well as a serious contingent of Army engineers. they could have been there within twelve hours if someone gave the word.

I'm so pissed. Sorry. I should just enjoy the high-class ale I'm sippin' on and realize that I can't do a damn thing. So... How are you, Nina (that is, if you lasted long enough to put up with my boozed-up ravings)? I'm such a fucking buzzkill.
Liger Null
02:29 / 03.09.05
Ahem...Sorry about that.

The Ex-lither thread just cheered me up. No more ranting tonight...
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:39 / 03.09.05
I'm with you, pal. I think I got my rant out, too. There's plenty of time for rage tomorrow.

Right now it's all about beer, music and fluffy critters.

I have Unibroue Terrible Ale (contrary to it's name, it's delicious), Morrissey (Bona Drag, my fave) and Attila the Bun (my rabbit. He's the best).

So! Who else has something that is non-hurricane related? I'm sick of sad. Bunnies and beer are good. Horrible shit can wait 'til tomorrow.
03:45 / 03.09.05
I'm sorry Jake, I don't mean to be a prick; it's just back in November, when I was in Battle Mode, I contacted my local Democratic Party Coordination Office to help with 2006 D:Senators. They never responded. What happened to the Revolution?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
04:47 / 03.09.05
No worries, Chad. I am a prick.

There is no revolution anymore. At least not in the US. I would recommend standing behind Independents. Republicans and Democrats are too easily pigeonholed. I'm a Democrat by default: I was all about Kucinich 2004, for crying out loud, and the man had no chance in hell.

I honestly don't know what to do. My philosophy is help who you can, while you can. This whole damn thing makes me sick.
23:57 / 03.09.05
Lateshaft anyone?
00:36 / 04.09.05
I'm kind of here...
01:03 / 04.09.05
Damn just saw this... actually no longer here myself.... Somnus beckons. Good night.
05:46 / 04.09.05
I'm here *sigh*. I was going to rant on Barbelith, but I ended up ranting at my mom. She still thinks Bush is wonderful. She sends him anniversary cards and stuff. *sigh*.
06:49 / 04.09.05
ok, I thought this was sort of funny. I tend to be rather disorganized, and um....ok, so I just noticed a minute ago that the pockets of the jeans I'm wearing were enormous so I figured I'd get some stuff out of them. What did I find inside? 6 lighters, 2 half-empty packs of cigarettes, 2 rocks, a checkbook, 2 pens, 3 sets of keys, and some recipts and folded papers. It's the 6 lighters that made me laugh, really. I mean, usually I have one lighter, until I lose it or it runs out. Not long ago I bought a 5-pack of lighters. Then I cleaned most of my house, and found even more lighters. I've got a few sitting around at home, 6 were in my pocket, there are more in my backpack. Anybody need a lighter? (A month from now my house will probably be a pit of hell again, and I'll be unable to find any ligthers).
06:50 / 04.09.05
Those are some big ass clown pants.
07:00 / 04.09.05
Yeah, they really are. They're more like a clown car actually, in that they don't look all that big, but then 10 people jump out of the pockets. :-)
07:00 / 04.09.05
It's the rocks that make me laugh, though. I mean, ffs, rocks! One day you're going to reach for a pen, you'll retrieve a small child instead - and it won't even be a suprise.
07:03 / 04.09.05
They're lucky rocks! Well, one of them is a lucky rock. The other is a rock that I found on the ground a few weeks ago, and obviously I had to pocket it since it was purple.
07:06 / 04.09.05
Thanks for the funniest image I've had all day, baked Quick, Honko! To the clown cave!
07:10 / 04.09.05
You're walking sedimentary in action. Maybe you could give your four hundred lighters to someone else and form half of the Fantastically Budgeted Four?

I think the funniest thing I've found down there is my house keys wedged inside a Mars bar (it was a hot day)
07:34 / 04.09.05
thanks. :-)

the stupid ghost (yeah, I know you're not stupid....don't take out your wrath on me, please) just turned off the light again. *sigh* Yeah, I'm at work. Ya know, this place used to be located in a different building, and everyone said that building was haunted. No one ever told me anything unusual that had actually happened, just stuff like "when I walk down the stairs into the extremely creepy looking basement at 3 am, I feel like I'm not alone". I always suspected it had more to do with the fact that the house looked like the sort of place that would be haunted, rather than it actually being haunted. This place is haunted for reals, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed.
07:37 / 04.09.05
Who's that behind you?
07:39 / 04.09.05
I can't believe I just looked behind me.
07:44 / 04.09.05
That must be pretty creepy. I work in a renovated dock building and kind've bought into people going "oh yeah I've seen this that and the other on the lateshift".

Unrelated note: I can make it from my desk to the lifts in about eight seconds.

What's the weirdest thing you've seen?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
07:51 / 04.09.05
George W. Bush trying to act presidential.

S'up, y'all?
07:52 / 04.09.05
At work I haven't seen anything weird, really. All it does it turn off lights. Actually, one light in particular, in a room that I keep locked with the light always on (yeah, I know, I'm wasteing electricity when I'm not in there, but I really don't like walking throught the dark hallway, in which I don't ever turn on the light, and into a dark office at 3 am. Especially after the incident a few months ago where some kids who live in a nearby house broke in through the window of that office in the middle of the night while I was here. Not that I'm scared of kids breaking in. I gave those kids a good talking to and sent them home.)
07:54 / 04.09.05
'sup Jake.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
07:57 / 04.09.05
Not a whole hell of a lot. Still sick to my stomach about the whole NOLA clusterfuck, watching the Cowboy Bebop movie on Cartoon Network and drinking rye whiskey. It helps the stomach.
08:12 / 04.09.05
Ooooh did I ever mention the 2 weird incidents in my house last year. Ok, so I was rinseing out glass bottles (beer bottles, tea bottles, etc) in the bathroom sink and then putting them upside down, about a centimeter apart on the edge of the bathtub. As I was standing at the sink, I heard an odd noise. It was a sort of a rythmic clanking noise. It was almost musical. I ignored it at first, assuming it was coming from outside or something (the neighbor's house is really close) but finally after listening to it for a minute or so (ok I forgot how long really) I looked around and found the source of the noise. One of the bottles, which had been sitting still on the edge of the bathtub, a centimeter away from the bottle next to it, was rocking back and forth, right next to the next bottle, so that it bumped against that bottle to make the noise. I stood there for a couple of minutes, watching the bottle rocking back and forth, not slowing down at all, and finally I said, "I take it I'm not alone." At the moment I said that, the bottle fell off the edge of the bathtub. I told whatever was in my house (assuming it was a ghost...I don't know) that I'd get a friend over to use a Ouija board to see if we could communicate with it. I know you all probably think Ouija boards are bunk, but I've had some strange expiriences with them. Anyway, I didn't have many friends (have I ever), but there was one person who said she was interested in coming over to use the Ouija with me. Before that happened, though, I brought the Ouija to her house. I used it with another person who was there, and even though whoever we were talking to was being really nice, they both got very scared, and refused to use it ever again. So some weeks went by, and I didn't bring anyone over to talk to the ghost in my house. Well, one day I got home from work and walked into my living room/bedroom, and the ouija board, which had been on the shelf in the closet, was no longer in the closet, but instead it was leaning against the wall next to the closet, looking quite precarious as it was balanced on it's corner, and the palanchette was sticking out of the top of the box in a very unusual way (I wouldn't be able to do justice to explaining the positioning of the palanchette without showing you how the box is set up). I figured the ghost had taken the Ouija board down from the closet to remind me of what I'd promised, so I started talking to it (of course, I didn't hear anything back. I was just standing there talking to a seemingly empty house) and I told it that I couldn't get any friends over. Furthermore, I told it that I had become a bit uncomfortable with the idea of using a Ouija board in my own house, and that I didn't want to communicate with the ghost inside my house (I only vaguely remember what I said). Anyway, a year has gone by, and nothing else unusual has happened in my house.

I've used a ouija board at work and it's been, um, interesting. I think the most interesting thing it told me was that I was going to die soon. I was mad until it told me exactly how I was going to die. I dealt with the problem and it said I wouldn't die from it anymore.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
08:20 / 04.09.05
I don't think Ouija boards are rubbish at all. It's just a tool. You might as well say screwdrivers are rubbish because you stripped a screw with one.

Have you tried any more contact with this ghost-entity-static pattern since then? I've never had that sort of experience, myself, but I'm quite curious.
08:24 / 04.09.05
"Still sick to my stomach about the whole NOLA clusterfuck"

yeah, me too. I've been glued to the news (mostly reading stuff online, but I've been turning on tv's when I'm at places where there's a tv, and I practically never watch tv in general).
08:27 / 04.09.05
Nope. If you're ever in California, you're welcome to come over to my house and use a Ouija board with me. I've used ouija boards plenty of times, though, and communicated with lots of different ghosts/entities/whatever they are.

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