Ooooh did I ever mention the 2 weird incidents in my house last year. Ok, so I was rinseing out glass bottles (beer bottles, tea bottles, etc) in the bathroom sink and then putting them upside down, about a centimeter apart on the edge of the bathtub. As I was standing at the sink, I heard an odd noise. It was a sort of a rythmic clanking noise. It was almost musical. I ignored it at first, assuming it was coming from outside or something (the neighbor's house is really close) but finally after listening to it for a minute or so (ok I forgot how long really) I looked around and found the source of the noise. One of the bottles, which had been sitting still on the edge of the bathtub, a centimeter away from the bottle next to it, was rocking back and forth, right next to the next bottle, so that it bumped against that bottle to make the noise. I stood there for a couple of minutes, watching the bottle rocking back and forth, not slowing down at all, and finally I said, "I take it I'm not alone." At the moment I said that, the bottle fell off the edge of the bathtub. I told whatever was in my house (assuming it was a ghost...I don't know) that I'd get a friend over to use a Ouija board to see if we could communicate with it. I know you all probably think Ouija boards are bunk, but I've had some strange expiriences with them. Anyway, I didn't have many friends (have I ever), but there was one person who said she was interested in coming over to use the Ouija with me. Before that happened, though, I brought the Ouija to her house. I used it with another person who was there, and even though whoever we were talking to was being really nice, they both got very scared, and refused to use it ever again. So some weeks went by, and I didn't bring anyone over to talk to the ghost in my house. Well, one day I got home from work and walked into my living room/bedroom, and the ouija board, which had been on the shelf in the closet, was no longer in the closet, but instead it was leaning against the wall next to the closet, looking quite precarious as it was balanced on it's corner, and the palanchette was sticking out of the top of the box in a very unusual way (I wouldn't be able to do justice to explaining the positioning of the palanchette without showing you how the box is set up). I figured the ghost had taken the Ouija board down from the closet to remind me of what I'd promised, so I started talking to it (of course, I didn't hear anything back. I was just standing there talking to a seemingly empty house) and I told it that I couldn't get any friends over. Furthermore, I told it that I had become a bit uncomfortable with the idea of using a Ouija board in my own house, and that I didn't want to communicate with the ghost inside my house (I only vaguely remember what I said). Anyway, a year has gone by, and nothing else unusual has happened in my house.
I've used a ouija board at work and it's been, um, interesting. I think the most interesting thing it told me was that I was going to die soon. I was mad until it told me exactly how I was going to die. I dealt with the problem and it said I wouldn't die from it anymore. |