Right, I suspect a lot of this is going to sound harsh and unfair, but meh. Don't care.
Well, do, but still meh.
Comics. I've blamed the Comics situation on New X-Men before now, which I know isn't entirely true, but it is partly. Iirc, NXM coincided with Barbelith suddenly becoming visible thanks to the board being made visible to Google (and still having an open membership policy - that combination harmed all areas of the board, imo). And then we got all the X-fans and all the generic superhero fans and all that shit, and it drowned everything else out for a long time. So some of the people who were being drowned out left - Moriarty, Persephone, june. Maybe they didn't leave because of that, maybe the timing was coincidence. Dunno. Always felt like that to me, though.
It's not like they've not been replaced by equally ace newer posters, but those new posters joined when the superhero:everything else ratio had already gone mammaries ascendant, so didn't know any other status quo, so didn't see anything out of sorts with it.
Damage is done, probably, but I'd still like Barbelith to be made invisible to Google again, if that's even possible. Chalk it up on the ever-growing list of desirable things that'll never happen.
Is some of this my fault? I've thought for a while that the hopes that Haus and I had for the place were unrealistically high. Thing is, those hopes were based on the discussion that led to the creation of the forum, and the simple fact is that a number of the people involved in that discussion have *never* used G&G. There's been diddly-squat from them. That pisses me right off, I've got to say.
Same goes for those people who have a lot of worth to add to other parts of the board and who are obviously playing videogames - or at least aren't ignorant of the medium - but who don't bother contributing.
(And yes, I know I'm going on about videogames here, rather than sport or whatever, but I've never made any great secret of the fact that I didn't believe everything should be mixed together, nor that I'm just not interested in sport, so you'll have to forgive me if I still don't really care about how well those other areas of discussion are doing.)
I sometimes worry that it's partly that I'm an overbearing presence in the forum and am drowing out or shutting down other people. That, though, is inevitable given the circumstances. Only answer I can give, if that *is* the case, is that the solution would be for others to start posting to it more regularly. I'll be knobbered if I'm going to leave it to rot, not when my name's vaguely linked to the creation of the fucking thing.
Shit threads. I'm going to come down on shit threads like a ton of fucking bricks from now on. That's what we did when the forum first came into being and those first few months saw what are still some of the most interesting discussions in the forum taking place. That sentence contains a split infinitive or something, doesn't it? Pretend it doesn't. Ta.
Looking at the first page, I can't see many shit threads now. Not proper shit ones. Just two. For the record, thisun and thisun. I don't see the first justifying its existence until people like meludreen (I forgot yr new name! sorry much!), Saveloy and Suedey get hold of the game. The second I don't see justifying its existence at all, not even if the topic starter decides to display the basic good manners of responding to the people trying to answer his question.
Hmm. I can feel my temporary burst of righteous anger and religious zeal leaking out of me now. Like how a really satisfying piss is always slightly spoiled by having to shake yourself off. Not shake yourself off as in destroying an unborn civilisation, shake yourself off as in... well, shaking yourself off.
So tired. So very tired. |