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Ice cream and monkeys and theft, oh my... it's the LATE SHIFT!!!


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01:52 / 29.07.05
3/4 life crisis. This is dog-years after all. It was the cover of a birthday card I made for a friend.

The problem I have with those horses is that I'd always want to jump on their backs and ride around, but I really don't think they're built to support me.

Belated night, night to PW.
01:53 / 29.07.05
Tis ace indeed.
01:57 / 29.07.05
Aptly enough, I also have this in the archive.....

Saint Keggers
01:58 / 29.07.05
Y'know, Smallville is really starting to piss me off. Krypto-villain of the week and somebody knows and forgets Clark's secret YET AGAIN.
01:59 / 29.07.05
(Mel's dog-sitting-naughtily-on-the-furniture looks more sceptical than sad, to me, fwiw)

hey, alll...

Why does any even marginally positive mention of Ayn Rand always manage to get my particular goat?

(And, believe me, normally I have a VERY particular goat. BTW, are goats welcome at this party, too? Or just itty bitty horsies that are kind of strangely terrifying?)
02:01 / 29.07.05
but that glowy-eyed dog pic is truly freaky--what's in his mouth, mel?
Saint Keggers
02:02 / 29.07.05
a kidnapped baby!
Liger Null
02:03 / 29.07.05
A bunny.
02:06 / 29.07.05
I've wondered that too. I grabbed the image from some random web-page. I'm only holding it on villagephotos because I don't think the original source allowed image-hosting.

I have my suspicions. It does look like a particularly evil dog...
02:07 / 29.07.05
Goats that hate Ayn Rand are ALWAYS welcome.
02:11 / 29.07.05
If anybody wants to see rejected artwork from grant and me's Jenny Everywhere, I have this....

Rejected by me because this is meant to be the title page and it's not as good as some of the other stuff.
Saint Keggers
02:14 / 29.07.05
Thats brilliant!

I cant draw comics worth a shit. I tried. I can do portrait type pics but beyond that... crap.
Liger Null
02:15 / 29.07.05
Very Henry Darger, Mel.

The problem I have with those horses is that I'd always want to jump on their backs and ride around, but I really don't think they're built to support me.

You could have them pull you around in a little cart-but it wouldn't be the same

paranoidwriter waves hello
02:21 / 29.07.05

Hi again...

Can't sleep (regretting that 10th cup of coffee) and glad I came back: Meludreen, I love your style! I wish I could draw so well.

Oh, also, regarding goats: are there any farming experts here that can help me confirm something I was told about goats and chickens? An ex-lover of mine grew up around goats and said that if one gets its head caught (say) in a fence, the others will butt it to death (whether as a way to route out weakness, or by trying to help, I dunno). I've always liked this as an analogy (only), and someone told me a similar "fact" about chickens: that if a chicken in a coup gets a spot of blood on it (even if it's not the chicken's own blood), the other chickens will literally hen-peck it to death. Are these just myths? Anyone?
02:22 / 29.07.05
That's just silly. And that woman looks vaguely like Sarah Ferguson, doesn't she?
Liger Null
02:24 / 29.07.05
It's not so much a carriage as a rickshaw...
Saint Keggers
02:26 / 29.07.05
Im not sure about the goats but the chicken one is true. They dont do it all at once but they will peck to get at the food (blood) on the chicken and will usually end up drawing more blood. It can take over a week but the chickens will decimate a weaker one.
02:28 / 29.07.05
We had a pet goat when I was young. She was a fucking psycho, but very cute.
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:28 / 29.07.05
Cheers Keggers. Wow, that really is a good fact to use as an analogy (I think).
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:30 / 29.07.05
Stoatie, my ex said the same about them being nutso animals. But ze loved 'em, which was fitting for a Capricorn, I thought. And their eyes are cool, of course. Actually, why are they like that? Anyone know?
Saint Keggers
02:30 / 29.07.05
Just one of the many joys of spending the summers on the grandparents farm.
02:31 / 29.07.05
I wonder then, why exactly are they "chicken"? Sounds pretty hardcore to me.

I'm now getting a vision of a minature horse stood next to a Double Bass (Or a "Big Violin" as many of the more Wildesque wags of my Scondary School used to call it).

This makes me chuckle.
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:37 / 29.07.05
There was an excellent scene in 'Married with Children" I remember where Al was sitting down on the sofa and Peggy (who I've always found slightly sexy) came up to him with a miffed expression on her face. She put her hands on her hips and, bowing with each word, she said:

"And why do you keep calling me chicken?"

I used to love that program. It was horrible and funny at the same time, and I reckon (based on no facts whatsoever) that The SImpsons owes a bit of a debt to it (?)
Saint Keggers
02:39 / 29.07.05
Great show.
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:41 / 29.07.05
All the lads I knew used to fancy Kelly, big time. I always thought Peggy was more interesting and attractive (the actress that is!)
Saint Keggers
02:42 / 29.07.05
Well she was great on Futurama.
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:44 / 29.07.05
Yeah, too right (another Great SHow). Hmm...Maybe it's her voice that get's me?
Saint Keggers
02:45 / 29.07.05
Might be. Neither of the females on MWC really tickled my fancy in the least.
02:52 / 29.07.05
I'm looking through the appendices of a book at this moment and noticed Jefferson Airplane, reminding me of a MWC joke.

See: Jefferson, Airplane, Marcie, Riding on the....

paranoidwriter waves hello
02:53 / 29.07.05
I'm not overly keen, either. But there is something special about her face. I know a young woman who lives round my way and is a friend of friends (so to speak), and she always reminds me of Peggy. But I've never wanted to say, because I could see how that might be misconstrued as a dig, etc. Indeed, sincerely, I seem to like women who are (for want of an accurate phrase) differently beautiful. Like Sinata out of Coronation Street, Angelica Houston, or this famous stunning Italian/Spanish film actress/icon (who's name and nationality, I always forget), who looks almost like Picasso's dream model. Not that I'm picky about my partner's looks (I have no real type), but there's something about faces with "character". It's why I love creases, wrinkles, freckles, strong noses, sparkly eyes, etc. Know what I mean? (I'm kind-of talking out my arse, by the way!)
Saint Keggers
02:53 / 29.07.05
I dont get it.
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:55 / 29.07.05
(note: last post in response to Keggers)
02:57 / 29.07.05
Jefferson Aiplane being a band. Jefferson being a character. Marcie being his wife. Her night-time thrills being riding on the "Jefferson Airplane". Wasn't particularly funny, just so happened that I was reading both those things at once.
Saint Keggers
02:57 / 29.07.05
Angelica Houston is quite attractive. I dont know the Coronation Street person though.
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:57 / 29.07.05
Keggers: I think the neighbours were called Jefferson and Marcie (Meludreen, is that right?)

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