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Ice cream and monkeys and theft, oh my... it's the LATE SHIFT!!!


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01:30 / 29.07.05
Keggers, I just told your joke to a friend of mine who works in the same office.

He told me to run, then he started throwing things.
Jack Denfeld
01:30 / 29.07.05
How did they find a man that small?
They put him in a giant testicle sack and poured ice water all over?
Tryphena Absent
01:30 / 29.07.05
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:30 / 29.07.05
Now that's a Big Cat. (Lovely kittens as well). I remember reading on the web somewhere about how these tiny horses (size of a labrador) had been bred and were becoming a fast selling pet in the US. Don't know if it was fake (*searches Google*..."Where's the source, damnit!"), but it was, well, a little creepy. Mind you, imagine breeding a tiny pet dinasour/dragon like Lockhead.. That would be a cool companion.
Jack Denfeld
01:31 / 29.07.05
Fuck yeah! I want a Lockheed!
Saint Keggers
01:31 / 29.07.05
I want a mini giraffe.
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:33 / 29.07.05
Wouldn't mind a Soul Sword either. Jack, you read this yet?
01:33 / 29.07.05
Lateshift. I love you. For reasons self-evident.

I've been told that ferrets would suit me, but I always thought that a domesticated squirrel would be the most amazingist pet ever.
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:35 / 29.07.05
I love Giraffes. I went to London Zoo last year (still have mixed feelings about that) with my mate's three year old daughter, and SHE had to pull ME away from the Giraffe House!
They are soooo elegant.
Saint Keggers
01:35 / 29.07.05
Ferrets might suit you but you'd most likely have better luck with a tailor.
Jack Denfeld
01:36 / 29.07.05
Careful paranoidwriter. When the suits start messing with your personality it's slowly killing the "real" you.
01:36 / 29.07.05
No, you misunderstand, Keggers.

My tailor is also a taxidermist.
Jack Denfeld
01:36 / 29.07.05
I want a french bulldog. I'd name it Barbelith.
01:37 / 29.07.05
Ferrets are good, but you have to make sure you have the right trousers.
01:37 / 29.07.05
Meludreen, may I introduce to you the sugar glider?

Pay no attention to the demonic, posessed eyes.
Saint Keggers
01:37 / 29.07.05
"Ah from Armani's Road Kill collection"
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:38 / 29.07.05
I'm fighting it Jack, I swear. But - the - damn - thing - is - so - powerful!.... If - I - could - just - reach - my - sword.....
01:38 / 29.07.05
Nina's cat is lovely. But surely zhe is capable of being more evil than that.

Unless... Doe zhe have contacts on the other end of that phone line?
Saint Keggers
01:38 / 29.07.05
Im going to get wine. Its what I do.
Jack Denfeld
01:40 / 29.07.05
Have to go to work now. SHould have a day or two more of internet connection before I head to the great unknown. Night night everyone.
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:40 / 29.07.05
Night Jack.

"Be careful out there." (Hill Street Blues)
01:42 / 29.07.05
Enjoy work Jack.

Embrace the unknown. It has more mouldable potential than the known.
01:42 / 29.07.05
Night, Jack. Good luck with work.
Saint Keggers
01:42 / 29.07.05
Night Jack, keep your stick on the ice.
01:42 / 29.07.05
Good night, Jack. Poo, no more kitties, then?
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:44 / 29.07.05
Yeah, I should go too, probably... I was only supposed to be popping in.

'Night John-boys and John-girls!
Saint Keggers
01:45 / 29.07.05

How about a cow?
Liger Null
01:45 / 29.07.05
I remember reading on the web somewhere about how these tiny horses (size of a labrador) had been bred and were becoming a fast selling pet in the US.

They've been breeding those for decades, PW. They're called Miniature Horses or Fallabella Horses (after the family that founded the breed, I believe.) I seen some even smaller than Labradors. They're quite cute, I've always wanted one...

01:45 / 29.07.05
Night, PW.('swhat I used to say to Botha, you know.)
Liger Null
01:48 / 29.07.05
Arrrgh! It's a stampede!

01:48 / 29.07.05

I just found this in my Villagephotos archive. I drewed it!
Saint Keggers
01:49 / 29.07.05
I've got a problem with any horse that looks like I could have won it at a carnival
01:49 / 29.07.05
Liger, I think the correct term is minipede.
Liger Null
01:50 / 29.07.05
Wow, that's good. But why's he so sad?

Is it a mid-life crisis?
Saint Keggers
01:52 / 29.07.05
Real purdy Mel. I keep wanting to shout "Bad Dog! Off the furniture!"

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