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Late shift yet?


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21:43 / 17.07.05
Anyone there? Having failed in my attempt to have a fairly chilled day, I'm hammered.
21:51 / 17.07.05

I just went to see D.E.B.S., a "hilarious teen lesbian spy spoof". Unfortunately it was rather disappointing.
21:55 / 17.07.05
On which point did it fail? I'm guessing the "hilarious" one...
21:57 / 17.07.05
Too hammered to post in the Barbelush thread? Cammarrrnnn
Benny the Ball
21:58 / 17.07.05
Is it worth getting out to watch though? I've been toying with watching it for a while. Is it Mean Girls good or Saw bad?
22:00 / 17.07.05
Pretty much.

It seemed to be more of an idea than a movie. It would have benifitted from a plot. Maybe some characters too. A bit of dialogue wouldn't have gone amiss either.

Thing is, the trailer made it look really quite sharp and funny, but the execution of it all got a bit mangled in the movie. It was all a bit "Agent Cody Banks" with Catholic schoolgirls.
Benny the Ball
22:01 / 17.07.05
you had me at 'lesbians'
22:02 / 17.07.05
Mean Girls was excellent.

Download the D.E.B.S. trailer, it really is most of what's worth seeing in the movie. It just seemed like there was so much in the concept that could have been great but was thoroughly wasted.
22:03 / 17.07.05
TBH, it's more crystal meth than booze, so I'm not sure the Barbelush thread is appropriate... I'm gonna go out and buy some more booze in a minute, though, so it may still happen...

Benny, I only saw SAW the other day, and I quite liked it. I was drunk at the time, though... it seemed like one of the sillier epidoes of Millennium, really. Only longer.
Benny the Ball
22:07 / 17.07.05
Oh Stoatie, no! I'm really sorry but - I hated that film - it flew into my top 5 worst films ever. I actually got angry at the film, shouted at the people in it. It was just so flawed, it was obviously a series of good ideas that made no sense and didn't link together that were cobbled together in a really weak way. It still makes me shudder when I think of it's idiocy.
Benny the Ball
22:14 / 17.07.05
MMMmm, just watched the trailer for DEBS - it looks like the kind of film that used to be advertised on the bad horror films my dad used to get for me to watch as a kid, like The STUFF and Basket Case...
22:14 / 17.07.05
I saw the end and bits of the middle when I was working and I couldn't bring myself to watch any of the rest. As for a physical reaction of anger, Van Helsing did that for me.
22:20 / 17.07.05
Van Helsing I didn't hate overly, Constantine much more so.
22:22 / 17.07.05
Oi, Van Helsing was ace, you twat!

In a "how the fuck did this get made" and "this is really cheesey" kind of way. It was the 00s tribute to the better schaudenfreude flicks of the 80s (starring Lundgren or Seagal... fighting poorly defined enemies... with explosions as co-stars).

Barbelith: Jesus, Triplets, don't you have any disgust for it in your heart?
22:24 / 17.07.05
Actually, I quite liked Constantine. But then, I don't have more than a passing familiarity with the comics. Keanu Reeves was pretty wooden, as ever but other than that I thought it was OK.

Van Helsing was just far too loud and overblown and stupid. All I could think of was how much money the whole thing must have cost and how it could have been better spent.
22:32 / 17.07.05
But then, being loud, overblown and stupid never stopped me from liking a film before.
22:35 / 17.07.05
Constantine was pretty good as action movies go. Fairly naff as comic book conversions go, but I'm not really familiar with Comic Const outside of stuff I've read on the interweb, so it's a bit moot - on the plus side I believed they managed to reign in some of the bigger changes they were planning on making like giving John his own Hellmobile or Hellicopter or something equally shit.

And it had lovely, sexless (and sexy) Tilda Swinton.

My biggest gripe, actually, was that it doesn't take fourty-nine seperate motions to light a cigarette. If anything, you're never going to get it working on the inevitable Hellarmour Constantine with swapped Helltorso (sold seperately).
22:46 / 17.07.05
I normally do enjoy the trashiest of horror movies from stuff like the wonderous Lurking Fear to Tales of the Crypt Demon Seed and Resident Evil 2 so I was fully expecting to like Constantine despite the bad reviews.
Purely aesthetically I think they nailed it and Tilda was an angel Gabriel par excellence, further more I've never particularly been offended by Keanu's stolid acting.
So I don't know why my hatred of the movie was so visceral but God I thought it blew chunks.
unheimlich manoeuvre
22:55 / 17.07.05
Constantine, Jesus that was duff. For fucks sake read Hellblazer. Although I must agree the casting for Gabriel was good.

Van Helsing was poo too. That manga by the same name was good though.

Stoatie - crystal meth, I haven't tried. Is it more than base?
23:24 / 17.07.05
Chemically, I have no idea. Physically, it's lots of fun. Except I'm still hammered, and am still drinking beer, and at some point will have to sleep. At that point, it may be something of a fucker.
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:29 / 17.07.05
Excuse me for butting in, but when was Google Ads added to Barbelith (when viewed as a non-member)? Today? I tried the archives and found nothing about it. Just wondering? Oh, and Hello.
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:39 / 17.07.05
Oops. Inbetween me seeing the ads and investigating (with a break for coffee included), a new thread has been started in Policy which answers my question (cheers for the heads up Cistern!). Sorry for the threadrot.
23:40 / 17.07.05
Hello. Tom's started a Policy thread about it. I'll figure it out tomorrow.
23:41 / 17.07.05
Ah, I've been beaten. You'd think all this excess energy would make me quicker off the mark. Obviously not.

the "hello" still stands, though.
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:49 / 17.07.05
Hello Stoatie. So you chomping at the meth? Do what I did in similar circumstances: don't go to bed, have an idea for a thread which you like on many levels, spend faaaar too long typing faaaaaar too much, post it, and then sit back and slowly realise what a stupid mistake you've made. Best bit of ego-exorcism I've had in ages.

Oh and tell yourself that web-porn is a decent avenue of research for a story, even if it's true...
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:51 / 17.07.05
LOL! Should have been "...don't tell yourself porn is..." The tricks one's mind plays, eh?
23:51 / 17.07.05
You can't actually rot the lateshift can you?
I thought the subject was just blah blah blah?
unheimlich manoeuvre
23:53 / 17.07.05
Hello paranoidwriter - Yes I noticed those ads too. Wish I still trusted paypal. Wonder if Tom will accept brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash?


I couldn't imagine having the patience for this while speeding. Bad enough when I'm drunk or stoned. Tripping I have trouble turning on the computer. Uppers have always been a gathering or festivals thing for me.
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:00 / 18.07.05
Cistern, yeah you're right: I meant 'interrupting the flow' but couldn't think of the right words at the time. I guess I was worried I might have been sticking a big ugly 'Rhubarb!' amongst the blah, blah, blahs (so to speak).
00:00 / 18.07.05
Yeah, they're (uppers) usually something I avoid too... but, y'know, I was round a mate's house, and it's rude to say no... I'm wishing I was ruder now, though.

Be warned- if you see me online tomorrow I may be very grumpy.

I'm drinking myself into unconsciousness, though.

Now... here's the question. Do I start watching zombie movies? I don't think I have the attention span, but, y'know, there's zombies and stuff.
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:04 / 18.07.05
Stoatie, have you tried doodling yet tonight? I can't watch gore in such a state (no matter how funny it is) as it starts to bring me down, and TV in general starts to sound like a family of noiser punters sitting next to me in a local pub and ruining my Sunday read.
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:07 / 18.07.05
Hello cistern, AFAIK threadrot doesn't exist in conversation?

Stoatie depends what movies you got? Romero is good in any situation.
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:13 / 18.07.05
OK, gotta go: the Dreamtime awaits. N'night my fellow orangutans and be careful out there.
00:16 / 18.07.05
I'm actually shit at doodling. Now, WRITING would be a good idea, but it's a real effort to know where all the keys are (I'm typing this REALLY slowly) and even I can't read my own handwriting.

AHA! This could be where the Xbox comes in handy...

Although at the moment I'm watching the live Big Brother stuff... for somoenone who rarely watches TV, this is a frightening experience. (Don't get me wrong... I'm addicted to reading threads about it, but as soon as these people enter into my flat by the magic of television, I swear a lot).

Actually, I swear a lot anyway. The parentheses were probably unfuckingnecessary.
00:18 / 18.07.05
And yes, Romero is always good. But, for me, as long as there's zombies, I'm happy.

Dunno. May drink one more beer, force myself to eat something, then see if I can sleep.

Zombies, though. I love 'em.

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