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Late shift yet?


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03:27 / 26.07.05
How's it goin everyone? Nope, nobody tried to take my clothes today. I got weed though. Lots and lots of weed. Anybody wanna smoke? I'm at the laundromat....
electric monk
03:28 / 26.07.05
"[Faceless] Media is a cutting-edge consumer magazine and book publisher based in Florida and is seeking a dynamic Sr. publication designer/art director.

We are looking for someone who wants a long-term position with a fast-growing, entrepreneurial company. From the CEO down, the team at [Faceless] Media places the highest importance on design excellence in all aspects of the company and its publications. We are looking for designers with a very clean, modern, minimalistic touch."

Does that sound like somewhere you'd like to work? I'm undecided.
03:29 / 26.07.05
Oh, and there's some dude talking to me, but he's talking really quietly, and ya know I can hardly hear anything anyway. And he's periodically looking at my screen. Damn I hate when people look at my computer screen.
Char Aina
03:30 / 26.07.05
i shouldnt be, but hey.
what can you do.
apart from read martha stewart's letters from prison, obviously.
electric monk
03:30 / 26.07.05
fuckbaked, I am relighting the roach in yr honor.

03:31 / 26.07.05
cheers dude!
Char Aina
03:31 / 26.07.05
"I'm happy to report that after one day I've already made a couple of new friends. They still refer to me as "Cunt," but they don't seem to be quite as angry when they say it."
electric monk
03:37 / 26.07.05
The single best slice of Job Description I have ever tasted:

* Advanced verbal and written communication skills including wrighting ad copy in a timely fashion with the ability of working in a faced paced environment with pending deadlines.

It is Jules to my Brad.

"Say 'What' again, Brad! I dare you!"
Char Aina
03:39 / 26.07.05
you have to wright copy?
dude, that makes about as much sense as a muffin tree.
Char Aina
03:47 / 26.07.05
terrorists now hate america 'times infinity'
Char Aina
03:50 / 26.07.05
no one else have links?
what about if i give you one for an animated movie that shows how lego is made?
03:57 / 26.07.05
this is a friend that I haven't seen in a while....I just googled this....*sigh*
Char Aina
04:00 / 26.07.05
i think i should prolly go to bed.
its getting ridiculous, hey.
heres three to be going on with...

one: nada.exe
two: dude falling!
three: more wee games than you need
Char Aina
04:01 / 26.07.05
hope you see your mate again soon, FB.
electric monk
04:03 / 26.07.05
It's nice to think that the sight of those closest to us is just a Google away. I like that.

On that note, I bid you good evening.
04:07 / 26.07.05
goodnight folks who're going....
04:08 / 26.07.05

Yeah, hope you see your friend again soon, fb.

And of COURSE we haven't got time to find links of our own... not since toksik gave us the snowflake one...

Finished work now. Just waiting for them to give us the okay to leave so I can go home and go to bed. Knackered, I am.
04:20 / 26.07.05
Heh heh...I just tried to call her again, and this time she answered. Well, her friend answered all weirdly because I called from a payphone and they thought I would be evil. I am evil, but nobody knows it. I'm gonna see her tomorrow! Yay.
04:23 / 26.07.05

Anyhoo, it looks like I can fuck off to bed now... seeya later, fb and anyone else who's still around!
04:23 / 26.07.05
later Stoatie
04:29 / 26.07.05

this is from and it's called "do I masturbate too much"
Char Aina
21:13 / 26.07.05
ring the bell, late shifters!
make me do some work as well, if you can.
i am procrastinating again, and i need the nudges.
convince me!

in case anyone is feeling link-lorn, here's one with trampoline riding lady.

click it!
Char Aina
21:15 / 26.07.05
or perhaps trying to figure out who's a serial killer and who's a computer programmer is more barbelith?
who can say.
21:16 / 26.07.05
Evenin', link-boy.
21:18 / 26.07.05
Hello youze.

Here we go again!
Bed Head
21:18 / 26.07.05
The most effec-tu-al Tok-Sik
Who's intellectual
close friends get to call him "T. K."..., etc.

How you?
mondo a-go-go
21:20 / 26.07.05
Who'd win in a fist-fight between Jesus and Zeus? [NB: you can take the answers over there instead of clogging up a lateshifty thread]
21:23 / 26.07.05
Wow. Kadymae. She used to run a Peter Milligan fansite. I had e-mail correspondance with her for a while when I was a nipper and ran an Invisibles one.
21:24 / 26.07.05
I'm trying really hard not to go to that snowflake site again...
21:26 / 26.07.05
I've already fired a few off already tonight (snowflakes, people). I think I may be addicted.
mondo a-go-go
21:27 / 26.07.05
KadyMae is a longterm contributor to Sequential Tart. I am an erstwhile contributor; that's how we know each other.
21:32 / 26.07.05
"Erstwhile"'s a great word.
Char Aina
21:32 / 26.07.05
zeus is mah boyeee, jesus is mah man.
i dont wanna see them fight!!
it'll be like that christmas when we all took PCP and went to watch mudwrestling!

on another note, can anyone suggest some poetry to pop on a website for display purposes?
i'm making one, and i have no content with which to fill all the boxes.
short ones, long ones, nothing epic please.
i just feel lik its a better use of ths space than "here's where the text goes!"
21:33 / 26.07.05
Anything by Pam Ayres.
Tryphena Absent
21:33 / 26.07.05
I've just made a snowflake! God help me!

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