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Late shift yet?


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Scrubb is on a downward spiral
22:16 / 12.07.05
What are you wearing?

An expression of fear and panic about the state of my work. Also a tweed dress.
paranoidwriter waves hello
22:19 / 12.07.05
What are you wearing?

A silly grin after reading Stoatie's band names. Nice.

Re: 'ARCHBISHOP OF RECTUM': did you know there's a place called beer somewhere near Somerset? I didn't until I found myself there a few years ago.

'RIFFSHITTER' definitely gets my vote. I'd buy the album.

And Jack? What are YOU wearing? You know, seeing as you've got no body an'all (groan).
Jack The Bodiless
22:19 / 12.07.05
Tweed. Tweed. Tweed. Tweed. Tweed. Tweed. Tweed. Tweed.

The word has lost all meaning.
Saint Keggers
22:22 / 12.07.05
Shannon or Tracy? Personally I'd go for Tracy as Shannon has that Kiss guy attachment.
Jack The Bodiless
22:23 / 12.07.05
Am wearing out my welcome. Think I'd better go to bed.
22:24 / 12.07.05
I'm all confused now.

Spoilery stuff for people who haven't seen Near Dark (it made so much more sense years ago...)

Caleb, right, who starts the movie with naught but a funny hat, has, by the end of the movie, decided to go back to his funny-hatted life, rather than all manner of fun shenanigans with the hot chick and LANCE FUCKING HENRIKSEN (yes, I know he still gets to hang out with the lady afterwards, but still, this is LANCE FUCKING HENRIKSEN, the man who I am SO not stalking, we're talking about here...)

Caleb is a fool. I should have guessed that from the hat, really.
22:31 / 12.07.05
Come back!
Come back!
Tryphena Absent
22:32 / 12.07.05
What do you think of my recovery post? Am I making things worse?

I'm a little confused by your perception of whats-his-face having an ideology but since this may be an invitation to talk about polar bears in Late Shift I'd prefer it if you pm'd me to explain what you think the ideology is...

I wish I owned tweed.
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
22:34 / 12.07.05
I like my tweed. It gives me an air of offialdom even when my brain is full of "La! La! Shiny pretty things and chocolate and - ooh! Wolverine!"
22:38 / 12.07.05
I'm even more confused now. Ideology? Of whom?

I'm making food now. Fire is involved. Pray for me. Pray for my entire street.
22:44 / 12.07.05
Crikey. Scrubb, lend Stoatie your healing factor. He'll need it.
22:47 / 12.07.05
Do we have polar bears? Does that mean we have huge mints for them to sit upon? Cos either way, I think it'd be good.

Tweed? Not such a fan, really. I'm unadventurous with clothing, gove or take the odd rubber or leather shiny thing. Tis always plain black, or occasionally white for contrsat with me. (Someone did actually say to me the other day "******, you've got an image sorted, and that's something I could never do". To which the only sane response was "no, I dressed like this several years ago and couldn't be arsed thinking of anything different. Easy." Of course, the downside is that people keep saying "*****, you look like a tosser", and there's me thinking "well, I have no other wardrobe..."

What were we talking about again? Was it badgers? I do hope so. I like them. They're stripey. I think I should go to sleep soon. My caffeine experiment, while possibly not so pronounced as my ketamine experiment, appears to be proving a similar point to me- chemicals bad for stoatie.
22:50 / 12.07.05
Meant to add- other than alcohol and nicotine, obviously. They're essential for my well-being.
Tryphena Absent
22:53 / 12.07.05
I should like to amass 500 polar bears and dye them flourescent pink- the exact colour of a Bodum kettle.
22:58 / 12.07.05
Oh, put a bright pink polar bear on top of a practically-invisible mint, and it'd be the most beautiful thing EVER!!!

Other than Lance Henriksen, obviously.

Remember, kids, it's only about three months until Greg Evigan's birthday!
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:05 / 12.07.05
I'd prefer it if you pm'd me to explain what you think the ideology is...

Will do. You should have something by tomorrow, as I'm probably about to try and sleep.

As for Polar Bears. They are damned cute, but the idea of someone full of love running towards one, arms oustretched, beaming "Huggles!", gives me a happy for all the wrong reasons.

Oh, and I'm sure I saw an advert for wine on TV earlier with a pink polar bear.
Tryphena Absent
23:11 / 12.07.05
My sweet heavenly angels of fire.
Saint Keggers
23:18 / 12.07.05
I dont know why, as I so should have been expecting it, but this 'Remember, kids, it's only about three months until Greg Evigan's birthday! made me bathe my keyboard in coffee!
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:18 / 12.07.05
Nina, you should meet my mate's Dad. He has a completely pink flat (furnishings, furniture, etc) and even a pink Cadillac (I s**t you not). I've only ever said "hello" to him, but I love him for the fact that he exists. He's also a charming and extremely intelligent fellow by all accounts.

I'm more of a blue person. Typical.
23:22 / 12.07.05
You know, sometimes you terrify me, Nina.

And in other news- I made my dinner and didn't burn down the street! It was kind of touch-and-go at one point, though... but it was all okay.

I've had better dinners, though.

I have to get up tomorrow to do this photo-shoot thing with mutley, Gecko and Yoda Is A Furry... for some reason I am the guy they want in their photo-story. Should be a laff (did the same thing about a year ago... I think they've now decided that digital technology means if they do all the shots again they can make me look less ugly- which can only be a good thing, yeah?)

God, I wish I had a polar bear. Or at the very least, an enormous mint. Or a fox that could steal an enoromus mint from a polar bear. I seem to remember the fox was fairly good at that...
Saint Keggers
23:24 / 12.07.05
No polar bears, but I have 9 skunks and a groundhog living in my yard... just thought I'd share.
23:27 / 12.07.05
Can any of the skunks play bass?
Saint Keggers
23:27 / 12.07.05
As close as I've gotten to them, I havent had the opportunity to ask.
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
23:29 / 12.07.05
Groundhog on percussion?
Saint Keggers
23:29 / 12.07.05
goes without saying..
23:34 / 12.07.05
Hey, I'm gonna do the sensible thing and go to bed now, in a moment of clarity.

Goodnight all, and keggers, if you DON'T have a seriously kickin' animal band going by the next time I see you in lateshift, I'll be really... cross. Yes. I'll be really cross.

I'm going to sleep now, because I'm quite fucked. And I've managed not to burn my house down, so I think that's a fairly good point to quit.

Goodnight everyone, Polar bears, mints, foxes, skumks and groundhogs all. And Lance. Oh, Lance. Goodnight.
Saint Keggers
01:40 / 13.07.05 this it then? Has everyone gone to bed, embraced into the quietudes of night?
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
03:02 / 14.07.05
Wot's this? Is no one up but me? You londoners are suppose to be as hard as fuck - what's a little sleep deprivation, eh?

Seriously, the sun is never suppose to set on Barbelith. Anybody up? And if you are, what are you doing (aside from surfing Barbelith)?
Mike Modular
03:15 / 14.07.05
I am here! I've just got in from doing an overnighter at work. Taxi rides through the empty roads of SE London as the sun is rising do, indeed, rock. However, I'm now probably going to bed. In a bit...
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
03:30 / 14.07.05
Oh pooh. Go to bed if you must and leave me all by my lonesome.

Nah, it's okay, I know it's very very early for you in the UK - about 6:30-7:30 in the morning. It's late for me too. I should go to bed as that I have a teleconference tomorrow morning.
Mike Modular
03:43 / 14.07.05
Actually, it's only 5:40, but my bed is a-calling... G'night/morning, and yes you should sleep if you're teleconferencing. I mean, they'll be able to see you, right? (Yawns, tired eyes and all...)
Saint Keggers
04:15 / 14.07.05
Im here.
00:48 / 17.07.05
Is anyone up for lateshifting, or am I all alone here, waiting for my daughter to finish reading Harry Potter so I can get my grubby paws on it.
02:16 / 17.07.05
Sorry, just a brief halloo before I collapse into bed... just went to see Seth's band, Hunting Lodge, and they were fucking awesome.
That is all.
02:47 / 17.07.05
Most humble greetings to the Lateshift. I have a feeling that my knee is permanently damaged.

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