Oh, just quickly, before I tootle off this virtual coil, can I ask a quick newbie question? No.... Well, you see I was reading back though loads of old posts and threads (etc), and I wondered if you've ever tried to do a Barbelth Magazine. I guess the wondering notebooks are far better than a mere ordinary "glossy" (the poorer likes of which I haven't bought since 'Spirit' magazine disappeared from the shelves), and I can see that Barbelith is a published record anyway; but there's bloody loads of untapped (or wasted, or pre-occupied, or busy, or whatever) Guinness on this site, and print does have some advantages.
Just wondering. Please forgive me if my research skills have let me down once again and I've overlooked something like Kate Reid's character with epilepsy in the 'The Andromeda Strain'...
Oh, and grey hair can look amazing. Look at French Parisian's in their middle-age. I always looked forward to looking more distinguished but as they're arriving they look more like I've been making a clumsy effort at painting a white ceiling.
Er... right, that's it: to paraphrase my Mum, "I'm tired and I'm showing off". So I'm gonna finally love you and leave ya. I've got away with another day without any new bruises or scars, so I guess I can claim Saturday as a success and call it a night.
One love and g'night duckies. |