I was just in the pub and Tony Blair came on the big screen. I said (carefully phrased):
"He's one of the people with blood on his hands".
To which, one young lady in my company went ballistic and accused me of being two-dimensional ("IT'S NOT ALL BLACK AND WHITE!; etc), and despite me being REALLY calm and nicely explaining she'd got me wrong, the lady in question and her sister continued to address me as though I was one of the bombers. They were even arguing against me when I was nodding and agreeing with them. When (with a soft tone and huge nice smile) I asked what I 'd done to warrent such an attack, one of the sisters (who I fancied, which made things double-horrible), got teary-eyed and said:
"I missed that bloody tube. It could have been me"
I hate to type this, but emotions are bubbling and it's bloody fascinating.
One love. |