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The Generally Snobbish Pretentious Asshole Mentality


Page: 12(3)45

Less searchable M0rd4nt
03:41 / 17.06.05
Yes, it's me, Daddy. Snoozypops.
paranoidwriter waves hello
03:42 / 17.06.05
I had a bad dream, Daddy. There were all these people shouting at each other and being nasty...
03:53 / 17.06.05
It's worse than that: they're being wacky.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
03:55 / 17.06.05
And zaaaaaany.

Don't make Vader fleshcraft a bitch.
paranoidwriter waves hello
03:56 / 17.06.05
"Wacky"? Does that mean they're going to get violent again? Cuz if so, I'm off...

There's a line here somewhere, aint the?
paranoidwriter waves hello
04:12 / 17.06.05
"I'm hearing a voice in my head. It says THUD!"

Off to dark place...
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:39 / 17.06.05
Oh wow. Thanks so much for that link to the Haus / PoS / Morrisey thread.

What a great way to kill an otherwise busy Friday afternoon.

I feel somehow purged.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
19:17 / 19.06.05
I got here late. Is the consensus "There is no pretentious asshole mentality" or "There is a pretentious asshole mentality, and it's not going to stop, so just go with it"?

Let's keep denying it exists. If we acknowledge that assholeness and self-adoration is common to repected people around here, losers and ugly people will start acting like assholes just for respect. You know, like Flyboy.

Nah, I kid. Of course there's an air of assholery here. It gets ugly sometimes, but hey, that's what you get when you have a lot clever people around. It that's the trade, I'm okay with it.
All Acting Regiment
19:41 / 19.06.05
I think this thread didn't work and that might be because of the emotive language used in the title (no offence to the poster). I think some of us have decided we're being called assholes, and, as you might expect, this is causing a world of shit.

I think something we can all take away from this thread is that, in future, we should all make an individual effort to keep things good, welcoming and quality, pretentious atmosphere or no.

I say that because some people think there is bad attitude here; others say there isn't. Well, there's one way to prove there isn't: don't be the one with the bad attitude. Personal moderation is the issue and the resolution.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
23:12 / 19.06.05
Hear, hear.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
01:07 / 20.06.05
I've managed to make it to page 2 of this thread and I'd just like to ask... there any way to erase my account along with all trace that I was ever interested in taking part in this forum? Any way at all?
07:05 / 20.06.05
"Don't make Vader fleshcraft a bitch?"


Elsewhere - what seems to be the problem, Cyberballs?
08:05 / 20.06.05
I like to say that I agree with you, Tom, my response to Shiney's initial post probably was a little strong. I just hate the programme with a passion and unfortunately my rage spilled over into indirectly insulting a board member. I won't say it wasn't intentional - I knew what I was doing and I didn't care. In other words, I was cross and behaving badly.

I don't like that kind of behaviour in others, and I'm not sure it does the board any good at all.
09:52 / 20.06.05 there any way to erase my account along with all trace that I was ever interested in taking part in this forum? Any way at all?

Don't think we do 'account-erasing'. You could demonstrate your present/future non-interest, though, simply by no longer posting. If burning your bridges is a priority, you could click on the 'change password' option in your profile, close your eyes and type a random combination of letters and numerals, then set this as your new password. That would prevent you from subsequently being able to access your own account.

Important, though, since this would be pretty much irreversible, to be sure it reflects a considered decision on your part, rather than simply a passive-aggressive way of expressing momentary snarkiness.
10:36 / 20.06.05
Jack Denfeld
10:41 / 20.06.05
Don't think we do 'account-erasing'. You could demonstrate your present/future non-interest, though, simply by no longer posting.

That's silly. What you want to do is start a thread about how you're leaving Barbelith, insult the people you secretly disliked all these years, read the responses, do some more insults, lurk on the board a few months and then start posting again like you never made a threaut how you were leaving. And then repeat.
10:45 / 20.06.05
Also, one's swansong should, for maximum impact, be in a thread of its own.
Cat Chant
13:19 / 20.06.05
Don't think we do 'account-erasing'

This was discussed here (and probably other places too). The consensus is that, although the right of posters to remove personal information should be upheld, in general a post should be considered to be pretty much public property (since it has become part of the hive mind... Sorry). The upshot was, no account-erasing. Sorry, cyberballs.
Spatula Clarke
13:42 / 20.06.05
I think he was being facetious anyway, given that he's still posting to other threads.
The Falcon
14:01 / 20.06.05
The third page is worse than the second, especially now.

There is an occasional tendency to posture. It is not a big problem, and certainly not comparatively a detriment. I think there's a form of ownership, inasmuch as those prone to this (and I'm fairly sure I'm not totally innocent; Leap certainly infuriated me) have not unconsiderable corpus' of good, or decent at least, posting.

These verbal beatings are quite often a) funny b) well-phrased and c) right (or at least logically consistent,) and it's quite aggrieving to be on the receiving end, particularly if you figure they're a) and b), but not c). Especially in a moral argument.
paranoidwriter waves hello
14:36 / 20.06.05
Er...yeah, sorry about the second page, etc (sincerely). It all happened during a difficult part of my therapy and well, the nurses say I'm better now.

Is there any way I can wipe out my comments on this thread?
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
14:55 / 20.06.05
I expressing sadness, because this thread makes me sad.

I was planning on hiding in videogames, at any rate.
14:56 / 20.06.05
I only just got around to reading this thread so I'm a bit behind the times but ahhhhhh that Morrisey thread. God that was good. Happy days.

I'm going to go home and whack Moz on the stereo. As it were.
15:16 / 20.06.05
I expressing sadness, because this thread makes me sad.

And "this thread makes me sad" is a rather more direct way of expressing that sadness than threatening to leave. Even better, you might tell us why.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
15:29 / 20.06.05
Because yet again someone makes a valid complain that someone's been a dick (in this case, over a thread that could comfortably fit into one of two forums, it being an abortive tv show about an obscure comic - probably only people who post regularly in Comics will have a fucking clue what Global Frequency is!) and the first thing I see after that is the standard cuntish reply of "no, it's just you". It isn't just him, because this keeps coming up. Then the usual parade of stuck up posts about how barbelith is better than other messageboards, and how this bitching encourages debate. This is wrong and maddening. Too many people have an ego about this place, when it is simply a message board, same as any other.

15:34 / 20.06.05
15:51 / 20.06.05
I dunno... maybe it's a forebearance issue. For example, I don't think I've ever bothered to start a thread about not liking the way somebody else is behaving unless it's serious enough to go in the Policy. That's primarily because I have long since accepted that it is not a good way to effect change - the original post in this thread was snide, rude, insulting and nebulous, assumed a position of superiority and generally provided a masterclass in how not to make people think seriously about any issues that might come up.

However, people have very different standards. You, for example, probably don't feel that your perpetuation of personal vendettas through Barbelith is in any way assholish, because you were doing it. That's one reason why vague insinuations or airy declarations of a "general mentality" don't really work here - because subjectivity is unreliable, and as such judgements can rarely be taken entirely on trust.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
15:57 / 20.06.05
And of course, the fact that you dislike me enough to enter into threads on account of it isn't a vendetta at all.

16:29 / 20.06.05
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means. Besides, wasn't I here rather a long time ago, at the beginning of this thread, talking to the actual issue raised? Rather than, say, giving it the big attention-seeking "Foreswear thy suit and be no more a Barbeloid!"...
Spatula Clarke
16:35 / 20.06.05
It isn't just him, because this keeps coming up.

Worth pointing out that this isn't the first time that King Mob has been the person complaining about this sort of thing - snobbery, moderation, whatever - though. So no, it isn't just him. Not all the time, at least.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
16:35 / 20.06.05
I was talking about the time you entered the DC Countdown thread, Haus.

God, actually I don't want to talk to you about this. I can see where this is going to go already.
16:54 / 20.06.05

So here's an idea... how's about NOBODY takes it there?


Oh well, it was just a suggestion, after all.

I've been avoiding posting in this thread, cause it seems like a shitstorm just waiting to take anything offered and turn it into pain.

But having done so, I have no choice other than to offer my ususl "can't we all get along?" bollocks. Basically, yes, people can get pissy and snarky, and largely it's because they have something invested in this place, and, whether their perception is accurate or not, they feel a stand needs to be taken. Sometimes rightly, sometimes wrongly.

See, this is a message board. Text only. No facial expressions, no context of "we're buying each other beers while we're screaming at each other", or "I may agree with you, but I just killed your family". Which means it's hard to detect someone's actual attitude just from the words alone (if this wasn't the case, a whole bunch of lit crit types would be out of a job).

Not sure what I'm saying, really, but maybe: ill-chosen (or indeed well-chosen) words can be hurtful, sure- but, as in real life (anyone remember that?) there are better ways of dealing than just getting shitty and doing the same back.

Possibly everyone should just leave this for a bit and come back later?

Ah... again, just a suggestion.
17:50 / 20.06.05
I guess we are Teh Nazi Snobtrolls...
Lurid Archive
17:54 / 20.06.05
This is going to sound a little heartless, but I do think that some of you guys should grow a backbone. Really, if you feel you are being bullied, or some moderators are abusing their power/status/ability to pun, start a thread in the policy. There are lots of us here who will take this all very seriously, if you go about it the right way. That means presenting complaints against specific incidents and having a little faith that we aren't all part of some giant conspiracy geared around fucking *your* life up. If you really feel that all the mods are part of some conspiracy...then I don't see how to help. But I also don't see why I should care that much.

As for the specific "simpleton" comment, I agree that Flyboy was being needlessly rude. If he'd said it to me, I might have replied, "Flyboy, right or wrong, I think that was needlessly rude." And I suspect that that might have been a touch more constructive than some of the passive agressive bollocks some of us are so fond of.
19:59 / 20.06.05
I was talking about the time you entered the DC Countdown thread, Haus

Ah! Now, this is good. It's an example, the absence of which is precisely what we were lamenting in these vague accusations.

Let's take a look at that thread. Your debut is on the first page, where you first start trolling for attention by insulting everyone else in it for being fanboy wankers, here. When the bait is not taken, you subside. Two pages later, you try again to get some attention by insulting the other people in the thread, here. So far, the only thing you have actually done in relation to the comic is post a cover scan. That is, the amount of effort yoou have actually put into writing words about the thread topic is zero.

I entered the thread here, not in response to you at all, but in response to a post by Rawkusboi. So, that is the time I entered the DC Countdown thread. It had nothing to do with you, a characteristic I suspect it shares with a number of things that may surprise you.

As far as I can tell, the first time I acknowledge your existence is here, in the sense that I pick up on an idea of realism that you have, although not uniquely, employed. That's about 18 days after your first attention-seeking squall. As a stalker, I suck.

At which point, as is usual when people (and by no means I alone am questioning yoour reasoning) disagree with you, you lose your shit. You deny you have said things, when called on the fact that they are right there you claim that you meant something completely different, you are rude, then deny having been rude, and in general you follow the Dudley Radiator playlist to the end. See also The Strokes, Girls Aloud and indeed almost any situatiion in which Barbelith fails to offer you the teat you appear to be missing so badly in real life.

And now I have had to do this, because once again you have made up a fantasy and presented it as truth. You lie, Dudley, like a teenager caught wanking into his granddad's support hose - furiously but unconvincingly. The fact that you have no idea that you are doing it doesn't make it any better.

Now, it's hot, I'm tired and you're on ignore. Abusive PMs to the usual address.

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