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Liger starts a Lateshift


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Saint Keggers
01:31 / 27.05.05
G'night Stoatie!
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
01:54 / 27.05.05
Aw! Everyone off to bed?


I hate couvade. Actually, it's annoying, but okay.
02:39 / 27.05.05

Damn, I leave and everybody gets all talky, and when I come back everyone has gone sleepers.

You all hate me, don't you?
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
02:53 / 27.05.05

We all love you here! Look, me talky!
02:56 / 27.05.05
Hey! I'm up! I'm in a cheesy hotel just east of the middle of nowhere, using the wireless...
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:56 / 27.05.05
I hate no one.

Well, except maybe you. And you. And the tubby guy over there pawing through my DVDs.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
02:56 / 27.05.05
Ooh. Posh. I'm on a PC. In my living room. On a HUGE ball.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:58 / 27.05.05
I am at home after a 16 hour day at work. With a cat trying to hang herself by putting her throat on the edge of the desk.

What have I missed today? Any celebrities kill anyone?
02:59 / 27.05.05
On a huge ball? Is that painful?
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
03:01 / 27.05.05
It's Swiss, as well. And blue.

Hurt? Less than the chair, at the moment.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
03:01 / 27.05.05
No homocidal celebs that I know of, but we're working on it.
Saint Keggers
03:06 / 27.05.05
Im still here. I just went to make some coffee.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:08 / 27.05.05
I'd like a green tea and some pretzels next time you're up, Keggers.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
03:08 / 27.05.05

Some gaviscon, please?
03:10 / 27.05.05
I'd like a whiskey, if you don't mind, Kegs. Neat. And a glass of water on the side. Oh, and do you have any pickled herring?
Saint Keggers
03:11 / 27.05.05
Ok. They're on the coffee table. Im not bringing them to where you folks are.
Saint Keggers
03:12 / 27.05.05
The shooter on the grassyknoll.

My mistake. That was a red herring.
No. No pickled herring.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
03:13 / 27.05.05
Isn't this the coffee table?

Wait... what the hell is this?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:16 / 27.05.05
Pickled herring? People actually eat that? I thought they just had it in the store to hold space until real food was invented to fill that part of the shelf.

But then again, I eat Circus Peanuts and all of my friends tell me it's not food.
03:18 / 27.05.05
Well, if I can't have any pickled herring or red herrings or herringbone tweed, I'm going to bed. This orange couch is hurting my eyes and my yass. Good night, me luvvies. Drink a toast to me if you ever find the coffee table. The one in front of me has a bunch of fake flowers on it in a kind of bowl thingy. But No Whisky! None! Alas!
Saint Keggers
03:18 / 27.05.05
Circus Peanuts?

Is that a combination of The Family Circus and Peanuts comic strips in food form?
03:24 / 27.05.05
Aigh! I went away and now there's talkies but alas is leaving!

'Night, alas!
Saint Keggers
03:27 / 27.05.05
Darn Alas and his talk of whiskey! I want some.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:27 / 27.05.05
Night alas!

And I had never thought of Circus Peanuts in that way...they are also known are Orange Marshmallow Peanuts. And their first 5 ingrediants are sugars.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
03:28 / 27.05.05
Night Alas!

Night, everyone! Off to sleep (touch wood).
Saint Keggers
03:29 / 27.05.05
I know there's a joke waiting to be made there...
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
03:30 / 27.05.05

No, touch wood, then...

Can't do it, poor taste. G'night everyone.
Saint Keggers
03:31 / 27.05.05
G'night Alas and TTIFTR!
03:37 / 27.05.05
Marshmallow candies are all kind of gross.

Do you have Peeps in Britain?
Alex's Grandma
03:37 / 27.05.05
Guys !

Is there anyone still alive out there, as The Police might once have said ? The bastards ? 10 minutes, and then I really have to get on with, like, er... Gah !
Saint Keggers
03:38 / 27.05.05
Peeps! Horrors of Easters!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:41 / 27.05.05
Peeps are the greatest thing ever! Well, maybe not better than kittens and sex, but still, they are fun. I don't know if I like them so much or if I just like watching people get grossed out when I eat them.
03:43 / 27.05.05
I am one of those people who are grossed out.

There is some guy who does massive art installations that are made out of Peeps. That seems to me to be the only reasonable use of the things.
03:43 / 27.05.05
Hi Alex!
Saint Keggers
03:44 / 27.05.05
Cheesecake is the greatest thing ever.
Ofcourse the cheesecake was known as sex on a plate... so they may be tied.

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