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Late Shift! Baby, Late Shift!


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02:33 / 30.04.05
Eh. Reading over the potential dietary restrictions to prevent kidney stones, and am kinda freaking out. This one wasn't too bad, but I'm worried about getting another one, since I've heard they're absolutely agony, and I don't think my pain threshhold his that high. Hell, the one dietary thing that most people would be amped about (drink more beer) is one of the few things I can't stand. So here I am, in need of company.
Saint Keggers
02:36 / 30.04.05
I thought I read somewhere that coffee was good for that. Or maybe it was gallstones.
02:38 / 30.04.05
It's possible. Diuretics in conjunction with lots of water are supposed to help in general.
Saint Keggers
02:42 / 30.04.05
My fingers will be crossed that the only Stones you pass are Mick and his crew in the streets.
02:43 / 30.04.05
I passed their blimp once, though I have no idea if they were in it. But cheers for that. What's going on in your life?
02:44 / 30.04.05
Hello Sally, Keggers. Drink coffee and eat less saturated fat seems to be the general advice. Or a fruit diet, in particular, apple juice because if contains lots of Malic acid. Which is good allegedly.
Saint Keggers
02:48 / 30.04.05
I always wondered what the acid in apples was called.

Hmmm. In my life... well I've started the horrid task of job hunting. If I dont get one soon Im going to get a job as a telemarketter.
Im still working on my Tarot deck and thats about all in kegworld.
02:55 / 30.04.05
Hey olula. I'm jumping the gun, really, because I'm not sure what kind of stone I have yet. Once they sort that out, treatment'll be determined. There's something called oxalates that I'd never heard of previously, blah blah blah, research before data collection leading me to probably erroneous conclusions which'll bite me in the bum later.

How are you, olulabelle?
02:56 / 30.04.05
Job hunting blows. No one wants the ginchy skills folks like us have accumulated. Just once I'd like to see someone seeking a secretary with double jointed shoulders and thumbs, and damn the spreadsheets.
Saint Keggers
03:01 / 30.04.05
I'd hire a secretary for those skills alone... then the harrasment suits would bankrupt the company. Then I'd have to go job hunting. What a vicious circle that would be.
03:02 / 30.04.05
03:10 / 30.04.05
Any promising leads of any sort, keggers?
Saint Keggers
03:12 / 30.04.05
Nothing yet... so for now its just small freelance gigs.
03:45 / 30.04.05
back from dinner
and assorted bands
still no asparagus
does playing helium balloons count as an instrument
Saint Keggers
03:46 / 30.04.05
yes. yes I believe they do.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:13 / 30.04.05
Too bad no one lives near me. We're going to have about 4 full-time group home type jobs opening up, and I will be having to sort through the resumes of a LOT of people who shouldn't be working with teenagers for any reason to find the few that should.

Of course, if I do well in the poker tournement in July, I'll be leaving the job and becoming one of those annoying poker professionals cluttering up the cable channels.
05:41 / 30.04.05
Then I will be watching you, and yelling at you if you play seven - two off suit.

Night folks.
Brigade du jour
00:15 / 01.05.05
My word, we're slacking in the Lateshift department, aren't we?

My friend came over today and she'd never seen 'Spaced'. Needless to say, I have educated her in the ways of 16 Meteor Street.

How's you? Whoever you are?
00:24 / 01.05.05
-Ahem -23 Meteor Street.

Somebody wasn't studying, evidently. Me? I graduated top of class. Stevenson certificate and Pegg medalist, don't you know.

I'm doing fine. How's you otherwise?
Alex's Grandma
00:27 / 01.05.05
I'm... all right, I think, but then again, I don't know.

I bought one of those mobile phones with a camera in it today, and since then I seem to have been unable to stop myself from trying to photograph people's underwear with it.

Basically, it really hurts to move now, but on the other hand, I've got some really good shots for the website tomorrow, as and when I can move my hands again - I'm not sure if that makes me a winner, or not ?!!
00:32 / 01.05.05
You were taking pictures of your own underwear, weren't you Alex?
00:56 / 01.05.05
I'd think I was scaring people from Lateshifts, if the idea of me scaring anybody wasn't so laughably impossible.

Talk to me?
Alex's Grandma
01:01 / 01.05.05
( Moderators - while not wishing to subscribe to the notion of 'exile' in any way, shape or form, there is nevertheless a precedent for this kind of thing in the Greek tragedies, about what must perforce be the fate of those who 'see things too clearly.' Just saying, is all. )

My underwear though, is the bomb, and I ought to know, have pictures to prove it. I...

'Must... find... coat...'
01:15 / 01.05.05

You work fast.
01:15 / 01.05.05
I like the way they float. How do you do that?
Alex's Grandma
01:29 / 01.05.05
I drank a lot of milk I guess, back in the Nineties.

Now the shadows are hovering, there are two or three squad cars outside the door, and a helicopter, it seems as if they are going to go through the bins this time, find all those used cartons of damaging material. But, but, I am entirely innocent of the charges against me, I applied for a job as a peadiatrician, damnit, and not the other thing.
Brigade du jour
01:36 / 01.05.05
23 Meteor Street? Jesus, I'm ashamed. In fact, I'm so ashamed I'm going to bed. Maybe some cold pizza first. Later, dudes!
01:41 / 01.05.05
They know. They can smell your fear. They can smell other things too. There's only so long you can convince yourself. They've already seen through it.

Hear the footsteps coming up the hall? The way they echo? How they count out the moments of your dwindling freedom? Sounds kind of like those squeals, doesn't it? The ones you lived for. The ones that drew and repelled you in equal measure. Time's up sunshine. That's inevitability creeping up to the door. Fate. You knew what you were doing. You called them up and invited them over with that very first mention of puppies.

That smell of stale milk covering the walls is overpowering.
01:44 / 01.05.05
Those little faces, inanimate now, staring out en masse. Plastic, cardboard and ink.
Bed Head
02:20 / 01.05.05
*stumbles in*

Anyone still here?
02:23 / 01.05.05

How's Bed Head?
Bed Head
02:29 / 01.05.05
Hey, ‘dreen. I don’t think I’ve said so far how much I loved your Jenny Everywhere things. Let me just correct that oversight, you talented beast.

Just watched Dr Who, am *dismayed* to now find myself at odds with just about everyone else in the F&TV thread, am even more dismayed that I’m too smashed right now to be articulate about the whys and wherefores. So stumble into lateshift instead. Same old story.

Aaaaannnd how are you?
Bed Head
02:31 / 01.05.05
Also, why oh why doesn’t barbelith have a Bob Dylan thread? Again, not that it’d be much use to me right now, yadda yadda, incapable of enthusing beyond “thish ish my favorite album, thish is,” but surely I can’t be the only person on the board whose heart goes kboosh at this stuff? Just because joy loves company.
02:38 / 01.05.05
Perhaps you need to educate, come tomorrow and sobriety.

I'm Ok. Little out of sorts, trying to do some work but I just can't get my head into it. I think I need to get out for a bit more excercise and stuff, get some fresh air. But not the now.

So instead, I shift. Same old story.

Thanks for the Jenny-related compliments. I'll see what I can do in that department if you promise to deliver trumps unto us all soon.
Bed Head
03:00 / 01.05.05
Promise, then.

Y'know, actually, 4-5am is a fine time to take a walk, I find. If you *want* fresh air, its when the air is freshest of all. Seriously.

I mean, another time, not now. I’m just saying. And not that I’m any expert on blowing the cobwebs away. I’m all cobwebbed-up. I just try to work ‘round them.

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