BARBELITH underground

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In which new members introduce themselves...


Page: 12(3)4

Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:29 / 14.04.05

Weeeee're gonna geeeeetcha, time to go to sleee-eeep... not another peee-eeep... Weeeee're gonna geeeeetcha...

19:38 / 14.04.05
we have expensive carpenting?

Is the hide of the Trolls of Barbelith™ expensive?

Nah, Loomis must be right. Feel free to walk all over it, newcomers.
19:43 / 14.04.05
Hi new folk. I'm resisting the urge to refer to y'all as "youth" since I have no idea what your relative ages are. Anyway. Hi.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:04 / 14.04.05
Hello All, again:

Since I last posted, I did two hours' removals work with my mate Dave, which helped pump some much needed oxygen into my think muscle. However, my previous post now reads like a facile attempt at gaining approval from my peers, and my face is red from re-reading it.

All this means I'm going to have to do what I've been trying to avoid all along: describe myself. So here goes.....

*deep breath*

I write music and stories, but I'm skint and do odd manual work to feed myself. I'm a hermit who needs to have his brain prodded every day or I might just sleep forever. I go through phases where I read everything around me, then suddenly and thereafter for sustained periods, I can't even decode the message inside a greeting card. I believe that "Belief is Everything", and am currently struggling with the fact that trying not to fall into a belief system is actually a belief system itself, etc. I come across as arrogant when I try to describe myself. This description is getting worse by the word... I waffle too much when I'm tired and it's time to turn on the borrowed 8xtrack....

Hope that's good enough.



P.S. Cardinal Bizunth, was that any better? Don't tell me: "You had me from 'Excelsior'...", right?  ; )
20:19 / 14.04.05
Hi All

Well let me introduce myself I'm Russell I work in I.T in education.

Interested in social issues, American sport and motorsport.

What else been waiting for that Golden invite, feel like charlie out of charlie and chocolate factory.




Sorry if a spell anything wrong my spelling is atro.... atroci..... reall bad !!!
20:32 / 14.04.05
Err, watch it with the spelling. There are spelling demons lurking in the shadows who like to pounce on the weaker spellers and drag them into the underworld.
Polka Snibbs
10:45 / 15.04.05
Erm.. Hello everybody. I brought coffee, just to show that I have Good Manners(tm). And chockolate chip bisquits.
10:47 / 15.04.05
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Now theres a whole slew of newbies I can pretend to be an old timer and not someone who sneaked in a few months ago when nobody was looking.
11:33 / 15.04.05
Don't post drunk.

Now there's a rule I've broken... umm... nearly 10,000 times. Bugger.

Welcome one and all!

Here's a free life lesson which I learned from the top of a Smoothie bottle.
Keep chilled and shake well.
(Although they could have done worse than to add "and beware Mister Funny".)
11:56 / 15.04.05
bisquits!? where?!
12:25 / 15.04.05
[Whistles innocently, but a bit crumbily]
Polka Snibbs
12:35 / 15.04.05
Here you are. Just found a nice plate for them.
Perharps I should introduce myself.. I am P. Snibbs from Finland, I read a lot, drink a lot and listen some music. At the moment I study handicrafts. Weaving rugs, towels and tableclothing mostly. (So I´m going to be quite unemployed when I graduate...)
But for a while my finances will improve, I just got a spring/summer job on a cable-production line (suitable for a metal-head like me), and the salary is good. Of course, this delays my graduation for a couple of months, but hey, one has to eat, buy books, travel to Sweden and do other Very Important Things.
Here, up north, spring is finally coming. Last night there wasn´t frost!
So my current mood is happy, especially now, when I finally can communicate with you guys. You took your time, didn´t you ?
12:52 / 15.04.05
I read a lot, drink a lot and listen some music

I like you already
Polka Snibbs
12:56 / 15.04.05
Oh, and by the way, I know someone, who also got in. We are planning to celebrate this by drinking some bubbly stuff. Too bad that we are both broke. It would be somewhat nicer -more revolutionare (or something, English is not even my second language)- to have real champagne. But it doesn´t matter. We are here, and we are here to stay...
Brigade du jour
13:22 / 15.04.05
Wow, nobody told me there were biscuits afoot! Yum yum yum ...

Oh hello everyone! Who are you? Welcome anyway! It's nice here in Barbelith, but it could do with a quick lavender spray, between you and me.
13:25 / 15.04.05


*steps into the light*

Wow. It's not at all what I thought it'd be like, I thought it'd be all leather recliners, semi-clad men and ladies fanning us whilst popping sun-ripened grapes into our ass-candled asses.... errr... hang on, that's not right..

So, what do you want from me? An introduction? To whom? ME? Right then.

Hi, I am me, who are you?

Details! you say? Well I'm Scottish (shut up you sassenachs), run a blogging directory site (if you are interested a quick and obvious Google should help) and have been on the interwebnet since around 1996.

I'm pretty sure I don't have a specific area of speciality but I'll tackle anything and always enjoy a 'discussion' and generally broadening my brain. I am frequently sarcastic (lowest form etc etc) and have a tendency to flip-flop in mid-argument as I suddenly see that the other side is actually what I agree with (basically I'll argue black is white but I'm always open to having my opinions altered).

Life is full of grays, and I'm looking forward to drenching myself in the colours of Barbelith (start in a week or so when I'm not posting 70 hour weeks).

Should I shut up now?

P.S. I also have a tendency to waffle, I'll try and be succinct where I can but I really really like the tapping sound my keyboard makes.
13:25 / 15.04.05
Dont you like my man smell?
I am not Shaun Macartney
14:25 / 15.04.05
Hello. I am new here also and I *do* like Mr Slightly's man-smell. It is my sole reason for joining. Mmm, musky. Is that how you spell 'musky'? I do not know as I have never had much opportunity to write it down before. Actually as a native of Lincolnshire I'm not even sure it's even a real word. I was 21 years old before somebody told me that 'trett' was not a real word. As in, "Oh, he trett those kids awful - just awful". Trett is a real word in Lincolnshire. Further, it is widely believed by my kinfolk (we like words like 'kinfolk' in Lincolnshire) that clouds do not move, that it is the earth that moves while the clouds stay still. I was 23 before that particular myth was dispelled.
ibis the being
14:36 / 15.04.05
Boy, all the kids have those "blogs" nowadays, eh?
15:33 / 15.04.05
When I was a child I thought I had something physiologically wrong with me because I ate with my mouth closed.

I now realise I just had a good upbringing.
Brigade du jour
16:11 / 15.04.05
Shaun, everything moves. EVERYTHING.

Everything Changes, too. Welcome along to the show!
18:13 / 15.04.05
Hi all. I just wanted to post up and say thanks for the invitation before I go back to lurking. It seems like a great community here and I look forward to being a part of it. You probably won't hear from me much until I get a better feel for what's is being and has been talked about. Hell, I'm still getting used to the timestamps being day/month/year.

As for me - I'm a programmer (dislikes the term 'software engineer') from upstate New York, what spends his days feeding the American military-industrial complex, and in turn being fed by it. Someday I'll find work more in keeping with my politics, but not likely while the current administration holds power. I have a wide range of interests and a narrow band of expertise, so while I might offer opinions on a lot of things, don't expect me to actually back them up.

All for now. Thanks again for the login, and I'll see you around.
18:47 / 15.04.05
Please fill out this form I am not Shaun:

1) Where did you hear about my man-smell?

2) How would you rate it(man-wise) from one to ten?

3) Will you buy it if I put it in a fancylooking bottle?
Tom Coates
18:51 / 15.04.05
Just a quick aside to everyone here to say how delighted I am that everyone's making the new members really welcome and just to remind everyone that in the rest of the board people are expected to be a little more focused and on-topic than they are in here. Just don't want the new guys to get the wrong idea, eh? Anyway - lovely to have you all with us and looking forward to getting into really rigorous and intellectually challenging fights with you all...
19:10 / 15.04.05
oh I forgot to say I brought my own chair...

Brigade du jour
20:08 / 15.04.05
Now why didn't I think of that? No wonder everyone hated me the first six months.
Dune Tails
21:19 / 15.04.05
So, I wake up this morning (the eve of my 24th success trip around the sun!) wondering two things.

Should I *actually* wear the kids Captain America watch my twin has bought me as a present?(Is there such a thing as geek chic? Ok,that isn't the second question but answers are welcome anyway).

More importantly, have I been rejected for Barbelith membership due to a long and rambling request e-mail(not unlike this one).

Luckily,the answer to both is no (though I might still wear the Cap Am watch...)

The boring facts:
Name: Drew Tilley
(Though Dune Tails is not on my birth certificate, lately it's almost equally as valid.)
Occupation: Hand Model
Location: South London
Favourite word: Boodleshank
Age: 24 in just over an hour
Last single I heard and liked: Stevie Wonder- So what the Fuss?
Most awaited album: Maxwell's
Most awaited TPB: Zenith.
Addictions: Comics,movies,laughing
Weakness: Boredom, talking too much
Manga: Naruto,Bleach
Wine?: Red

I should have just left this at a "hello, please be gentle with me" shouldn't I...

Nice to meet you!
22:13 / 15.04.05
Look, look! 1 more to join for 5000!
22:14 / 15.04.05
oh, and hi new people!
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
00:56 / 16.04.05

Hello, hello. C'mon newbies, grab a cookie. Take one, quick, before the rest of the 'lithers descend like a swarm of locusts and gobble them all up!

*Whispers* Just between us, certain 'lithers can be quite the pigs, y'know? They have a tendency of rifling through the pockets of new members, looking for chocolate and other interesting bits. So I suggest you hide your bits. And, of course, your chocolate .
02:28 / 16.04.05
Dr. Nick: Hi everybody!
Everybody: Hi, Dr. Nick!

Well. Thanks for the membership! alterity and some other people summed it up nicely, I think. I've been checking my e-mail all the time hoping it would be that golden ticket. Today, voila! I'm in the chocolate factory. I just hope I don't end up like Augustus or Mike Teevee.

My name is Matt, but my professional (copyrighting) name is M. L. C. Montgomery. I am a published author, which is to say I've had a couple short stories published in a couple literary journals. I hail from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, so some shout-outs to flat-landers are in order.
I'm a University student working on a Masters in English, and eventually, somewhere down a long and dusty road, I plan to get my PhD in Vladimir Nabokov, the greatest prose stylist Earth has ever seen (in any language, by the way).
I'd like to think I'm a music/literature/movie geek, but my knowledge is merely above average. I can stump my friends, but I can't stump a true geek.

The favorites are:
-Coen Brothers, Tarantino, Soderbergh, Fincher, Leone, Woody Allen, Altman, you know, the greats.
-The Beatles, Tool, Foo Fighters, The Beatles, The Fugees, Avenged Sevenfold, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Tool, My Chemical Romance, The Band, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Face to Face, NOFX, Bad Religion
-Jonathan Franzen, John Irving, Clive Barker, Stephen King, Douglas Coupland, Robertson Davies, Chuck Palahniuk, Neal Stephenson, whatever.

I'm really eclectic in all my tastes, as somebody might notice.

Any questions?

I look forward to discoursing with you all....
Tryphena Absent
02:35 / 16.04.05
Christ, it must be time for bed, I actually found myself wishing this was a chocolate factory for a moment there. No slight intended, I like chocolate more than anything.

Welcome to barbelith everyone. Surely this is the first time an introductions thread has had so many new people posting in it? I'd better get dressed for success. I mean to impress... damn that Per Gessel.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
03:41 / 16.04.05
Mmmm! Chocolate. Now I'm hungry.

Welcome on board, everyone.
05:44 / 16.04.05
102 replies. Damn. I feel like i'm late for the party. My name is Ram. I'm a systems programmer; I write networks software. I'm interested in cryptography, internet security, privacy, and things like this. I'm also interested in movies, photography, design, and things like that. I run the website a funkaoshi production. (I'd like to say you can learn more about me by reading it, but that's probably not true.) Cheers.
Benny the Ball
06:32 / 16.04.05
Hello all new folk. I'm only a year old myself, but don't worry, they soon warm to you.

Have an inflamed tendon in my shoulder, so can't do much at the moment, so me and Barb are going to be close for a while, make it interesting for me will you?

Also, don't worry about flip-flopping, shows a progressive mind, oh and be prepared to have a large percentage of questions to be answered with the word "google" being mentioned somewhere.

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