BARBELITH underground

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In which new members introduce themselves...


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14:31 / 14.04.05
And be aware of Mr. Funny
14:31 / 14.04.05
Beware of northerners selling books that never arrive. 2 weeks it's been!
14:34 / 14.04.05
//threadrot// Fuck, really? I know they had to recall some because the printers sent out the proof copies instead of the finished product, but that's a bit rich. Did you order through Amazon? //threadrot//
14:42 / 14.04.05
[threadrot]Yep it was Amazon. Am sure it'll arrive soon, once they scrape the sudan 1 off it.[/threadrot]
14:58 / 14.04.05
Have you seen the name of the newest member Sax? Watch out!
15:00 / 14.04.05
Yeah.. hes your evil twin/shadow-thingy!
15:03 / 14.04.05
be afraid!

they just keep on coming eh? where are the other new members on this thread? Come on, come out, don't be shy!
Tryphena Absent
15:04 / 14.04.05
And be aware of Mr. Funny

If you see him you need to run away. Very, very fast.
Alex's Grandma
15:04 / 14.04.05
It's been, what, ten days and you've got an internet stalker already ?! I'm impressed.
15:04 / 14.04.05
This is very exciting and I'm thrilled to be here.

My name is ShadowSax, which is sort of a conglomerate of allusions to Kerouac's novel, Dr. Sax. If a conglomerate can be only two, that is. Not so sure about that.

At any rate, hello and such. I'm a writer, so I suppose I'll be mostly in that area. I've been keeping up my ambitious goal of writing about a thousand words each day and posting them here for all to see:


Can I do html in these posts? Anyway, here I am. There are you. Imonna go poke around a bit I think. Thanks for the invite and I promise to play nice.
15:12 / 14.04.05
Heh - the battle of the Saxes begins - we already had one, also named after Dr Sax, now we have a rival...
15:28 / 14.04.05
The winner according to Googlefight is Sax and by no small margin either.

Welcome everybody new! *waves*
The Strobe
15:39 / 14.04.05
Hello newbies one and all. I'm Paleface, and though I sound grumpy, I'm really not. If I grump on you at all in thread, just ignore it, everyone else does. Also, if anyone forgets who you are, don't worry, still happens all the time to me.
15:44 / 14.04.05
ah rats. well, i didnt intend it that way and my apologies to sax. i've been using the name for a while as an alter ego on my blog. it's just like me to walk into a room by stepping on toes...which is why usually it's better just to stay home.

but enough of that...i'll buy sax a drink some time.
15:53 / 14.04.05
Welcome. Ever been on a horse? Ever gotten down from said horse and climbed up a mountain to accept a magic sword? Robert Plant has. Do you like Robert Plant?
16:08 / 14.04.05
never met robert plant but if he has a sword, i'm definitely not talking to him, especially if he's howling like he does.
16:16 / 14.04.05
I don't use the email address I requested membership through for very much. So every time I checked it and saw that there was mail in the inbox my heart skipped a beat. Could it be? Could it be the key to Barbelith for which I had waited for so long? After months of checking the registration page and seeing a promise of a revised membership policy in the next few weeks (and slowly coming to realize that one was not forthcoming for reasons I soon gleaned from several various threads), I hoped that an invitation would be forthcoming. I would imagine joining the board. But alas, yet more offers of home finance, friendships from Africa, and enhancements to body parts I may or may not have. But then, today, just one message. I think as I open the inbox, "What spam has come my way this morning?" But no! It is a message with three words in tech subject line! A verb, a preposition, and a noun, followed by my favorite punctuation mark. It is exclamatory in tone, and tells me that I have arrived at a place where I am expected and welcome. The email it announces tells me that i have been invited to join this group of people who discuss and debate and figure out problems great and small. I followed the link, and here I am.

Okay, sorta pretentious, but I am quite excited to be here. So hello, I look forward to the future here.
16:22 / 14.04.05
Did your tea taste funny today topper?
hanabius yamamura
16:26 / 14.04.05
greetings and salutations to all our newbie chums

h x
16:36 / 14.04.05
You are especially welcome if you speak dragon.

I know, it's a repost, but I love that little fella now.
16:40 / 14.04.05
Hey, folks! Checking in from the UK is your soon-favourite intrepid bartendrix.

Hoping to get my ass all magical again (although it has something going for it already, I suspect. . .must be all those candles) with the help of the Temple (PDFs never felt so electrifying), and absolutely loving the comic book surgeries and debates du jour present in the Head Shop.

Can't wait to contribute, most likely a treatise on whatever I get up to in Amsterdam next weekend and whether I actually get anything out of my cockamamie "rowing machine as time-machine" hypothesis other than sore shoulders.

You all seem like a bizarre amount of fun. I hope to join the London set for one of these drinks sometime!
16:53 / 14.04.05
Hello to all the new people. Wipe your feet, we have expensive carpeting here. This is of course the higly exclusive Club de Barbelith that you have received the tremendous gift of entering.
We have a fine wine cellar, the finest chefs in the world and for those of our members with a more simple taste we have a grill and a keg out in the back yard.
For our main attraction, being the incredibly social and intelligent people we are, we have our many rooms where our members share their opinions on many different subject, such as magic, litterature or science and of course our main dining room, which you passed through on your way here.
Further, we have the upstairs meeting room, where members may discuss issues of club rules or policy and the bar, where members arrange to meet outside the club.

Look around, meet the people and make yourselves at home. Your lives will never be the same again.

(Howard, what's with the name? You some kind of hippie or what?)
16:56 / 14.04.05
we have expensive carpenting?
17:01 / 14.04.05
Hello all you new members.

Don't post drunk. And if you do post drunk, try not to post drunk

And don't post when you are hormonal and/or suicidal and/or homicidal. It is hard to read the posts through all the blood.
17:10 / 14.04.05
(to Slightly) Yes about the tea. Having some? (to ShadowSax) A wise move, however one of you knows Robert Plant, I'm sure of it. (to mistress swank) It must be you then. Also I'm holding you to the Amsterdam thing. (to Strix) What was that again?
17:15 / 14.04.05
Jub and Xyu – Oh, okay, I’ll submit to a few initiation whacks on the bum (that’s what I’m saying; but what I’m thinking, is “You come near me with that friggin’ paddle, I’ll whoop your ass right back!”). ;-)

Oh, don't worry about me, I always thought the ass-candle thing was wierd anyway.
Rachel Melmoth
18:03 / 14.04.05
Hi! I'm Strangeidea for now, but I'll be someone else tomorrow. I'm from Maine. I do like Robert Plant, but not since the late seventies. And I'll have some tea too, thank you. With honey, if you please.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:08 / 14.04.05
You can only be someone else once a month here, strangeidea, so choose wisely. (I'm mostly this me, plus any useful attachments I might need.)
admiral sausage
18:14 / 14.04.05
Hello I'm new, and my name is admiral sauasage. I was very nearly a contestant on Bargin Hunt. Glad to be here.
18:26 / 14.04.05
The Shadowsax to Saveloy?
Oo, I hope so. I love it when the nice ones start budding.

Someone asked: Can I do html in these posts?

Answer: Yes, but not much. Formatting tags, links and img tags, no blockquote, true-type or marquee. Which is probably just as well.

a quote is almost always cut-n-pasted and slapped between angle-b tags. (Or brands. Brands from the Angle B Ranch.)
18:31 / 14.04.05
(to Strix) What was that again?

When I said hormonal, I actually meant menstruating, Topper. Any clearer?

Someone pass me a f**king Midol, wouldya?
18:58 / 14.04.05
With honey, if you please.

I think you might want to move to this ottoman over here as I think you're in the vegan section. Very protective of their bees. We, however, are glad to juice them when their backs are turned.
Rachel Melmoth
19:03 / 14.04.05
The VEGAN section? However did I end up there? My, but this place is hard to navigate! Be a dear and squeeze me a bee, will you?
19:07 / 14.04.05
we have expensive carpenting?

Well, I'm sure it was expensive at some point.
19:22 / 14.04.05
No it's cheap as shit. Ze must have meant extensive.

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