Fourteen pages to the last one- by my reckoning, that's gone WAY too far. Call me an old stick-in-the-mud, or toad-in-the-hole, or fucking bull-in-the-heather if you will, but I figure it's time for a new one. So NER.
Who's up and about this fine Sunday evening, or Monday morning, or Wednesday afternoon, or whatever or whenever it is wherever or whoever you are?
I also should be in bed but I've just finished the barbelith emails and now i need to make a post about it in Policy.
Added to that is the fact that I'm not liking bed lately because the thought monsters lurk under my pillow and come in through my ears as soon as I put my head on it. They go, "Whooooo, think bad thoughts, whoooo, think glum things, it's all awful, awful we tell you."
They're not that nice and, also, I think they might be purple.
Ah now, what you need to do with purple monsters is this: before you go to bed rub some Lemsip powder behind your ears. Blackcurrant is especially good because it reminds them of their home and makes them wistful and therefore less inclined to take over your brain.
Then, before you go to bed recite 'Ace Of Spades' by Motorhead backwards. Should do the trick like a good 'un.
Or go on for fifteen minutes about how much they've grown, that really fucks them off! Be nice to them by talking to them like adults and giving them graphic novels on their birthdays, that's what I say.