Because it's always been the case, I suppose, so everybody who follows this stuff expects it. You can trace it back to the first home consoles, where the game boxes would display screenshots from the arcade versions. That sort of dishonesty was probably at its peak when the C64 came out, with the Amstrad and Spectrum versions of games always featuring the more colourful, more detailed images from Commodore's machine.
I think it's also tied into the way that the industry exaggerates fact as a matter of course. The stats that get thrown around about new hardware are always... economical with the truth. Not lies, but not entirely accurate either. Things like the infamous PSX 'dinosaur' demo. Yeah, it looks bloody lovely. Now let's see it running at exactly the same level of detail with full backgrounds, collision detection, AI, a player interface - let's see it in a game. Doesn't happen. That doesn't mean that it's not an accurate representation of the console's power. You could probably have had that dinosaur in a game's cut-scene somewhere, provided that all it was doing was sitting there, just as it was in the demo.
Oh, and the press. Remember how the tabloids were spunking over the Emotion Engine? Games that will make you really feel something! Well, no. Not without anybody writing a story that'll make you feel something, or designers creating characters you care about it won't. But hey, that's the press for you. A bunch of ignorant divvies who take backhanders to copy the contents of press releases into their columns rather than doing any research. Or thinking.
It's not a shrug of my shoulders - I think it's despicable behaviour - but to try and make out that there's only one company passing untruths around is plain dumb. Gears of War, anyone?
I still stand by what I said about the FFVII tech demo, though. First up, it's clearly labelled as a tech demo. Secondly, it's clearly a non-interactive sequence, and thirdly, it's signifcantly less 'OMG teh pictures!' than the Killzone demo, which quite obviously *is* a pile of bullshit. |