I mean FFS, Cognitive Dissonance isn't even a condition, it's just a concept.
(I guess it might be the human condition...)
Here's a %rrrrradical% thought: Maybe if very bored rich people with way too much time on their hands didn't sit around looking for the latest "esoteric buzzphrase" to self-diagnose themselves with (often in order to excuse the random fuckitude that they engage in) aided and abetted by lifestyle mags and "have YOU got syndrome X?" type quizzes on the net, there wouldn't be any latest esoteric buzzphrases, and thusly a lot less pills being doled out by desperate doctors ("All right then, you're bipolar then, now put away the colour supplement, take two of these and fuck off so I can explain to this homeless paranoid schizophrenic that he doesn't need to amputate his own arm for Jesus!")
(Disclaimer: Holy fuck I'm drunk.) |