What I want back is the swaggering, fearless, I’ll-write-what-I-want-and-you’ll-love-it Milligan of ten years ago. This scaredy, please-don’t-sack-me Milligan horrifies me, and I suspect that's the one who'll be turning up on the X-Men. Yet I dug out Egypt last week, and it’s absolutely *fantastic*. It doesn’t have to always make sense, he’ll happily suspend the internal logic just for the sake of a good joke. Of which there are many, and there's plenty of awful jokes too, and that's just fine. It’s like Sooner Or Later. I want *that* Milligan back again, I want the X-Men he could write, I want an X-Men line up that includes Swifty and Mirkin and which is drawn by Brendan McCarthey.
Arg. I want, I want. And I don’t think I’ve ever actually read an Ellis comic. I read the threads around here, and I kinda feel it’s too late now, that I’ve missed the Ellis boat. |