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Never say never to lateshift


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00:20 / 10.03.05
ok, so my housemates girlfriend is ill and pissed off, which makes my housemate pisxssed off, which makes him turn off the tv when im drunk and tryong to mong, and now im thinking i could be mean and listen to drum n bass at high volumes, but i would prefer drunk and introspective songs, but ive just exhauste dradiohead, and now im listening to fly pan am, but its nto working what does anyone recommentd?
01:02 / 10.03.05
A holiday?
electric monk
02:44 / 10.03.05

I'd recommend Yungchen Lhamo "Om Mani Padme Hung" off the Tibetan Freedom Concert cd. Now THAT'S introspective.

And a bit sad, really.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:49 / 10.03.05
I have nothing to recommend....I'm just playing poker on-line and checking in with everyone.

Bwa-ha-ha! Poker without human interaction!
electric monk
02:55 / 10.03.05
How can you tell who's bluffing?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:00 / 10.03.05
I basically just run the odds in my takes a lot of the tells out of it, but you can tell by how much and when they bet if you're good.

And I'm almost good.
electric monk
03:05 / 10.03.05
Veddy interrresting.

I'm just getting the hang of meat-space poker (nyuk nyuk), and success only came when I realized how crucial it was to size up your opponents. I can't imagine how shit I'd be at interwebnet poker. Takes me multiple thread reads to pick up on the subtleties round about the 'Lith.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:13 / 10.03.05
Easiest tell in real-life poker:

Leaning forward, weak hand, leaning back in their chair, strong hand. That one has been enough to keep me in the money when I play in home games.
03:16 / 10.03.05
I must learn poker, it always sounds like so much fun.
My only real gambling experience was drunkenly putting twenty quid on Yeovil Town to beat Liverpool.
electric monk
03:17 / 10.03.05
Thanks for sharing.

I've got a friend who's bad-hand tell is to bet outrageous amounts of money while staring straight at you in an attempt to look hardcore. I've caught her out a couple of times on that one.
electric monk
03:25 / 10.03.05
Stoatie, you really should learn poker and I mean ASAP. It builds character and gives growing lithers strong bones.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:25 / 10.03.05
Heh...that's a standard one too. The problem is playing against good players, then you have to think "Are they giving me a fake tell? Do they think I think they are giving me a fake tell?"

It gets a bit nuts. But I love it.
electric monk
03:27 / 10.03.05
Alrighty, been one fuck of a long day and my work's finally done. I'm off to bed.

'Night all.

Good luck on virtual poker, Solitare.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:32 / 10.03.05
Night...I'm about to get knocked out of the tournement and then off to bed.
03:38 / 10.03.05
Night monk, Rose...
09:04 / 10.03.05
I wonder how many earlyshifters* like me there are?

We are the embodiment of bright sunlight and horrible concrete drilling machines outside. We are loud car horns and gallons of coffee on the way to work. We are not late night conversation, not the moon and the stars and the dark and the quiet. We are lateshift spies.

*Earlyshifters read the whole of the lateshift wistfully, frequently wanting to contribute, but then realise the futility of getting involved with a conversation that happened several thread pages ago during the nightime, and so go away again.
23:13 / 10.03.05
(looks around, sniffs air)

Has someone been here? How very odd.

Evening, all. Check this for stupidity- an article in the Sun by Trevor Kavanagh about the release of the Belmarsh 10, with the headline "Put them on plane". Surely this flies in the face of all we've been told about counter-terrorism? Surely, if indeed these men are dangerous terrorists, we should be keeping them OFF the plane?
Brigade du jour
00:04 / 11.03.05
De plane, boss, de plane!
00:26 / 11.03.05
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane! It's a FIREBALL! RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN!
00:29 / 11.03.05
Judging from all the underground bunkers we've got, can't we just give them some cheese and crackers, stick them in the Hollow Earth tunneling machines we stole from the Nazis and send them on their merry way, Oz-stylee? All they're going to blow up is some stinking mole-men, if anything.
00:31 / 11.03.05
Fucking mole-men. They've got it coming.
Brigade du jour
00:34 / 11.03.05
What about mole-women?
00:40 / 11.03.05
There are no mole women. The mole people reproduce via origami. Or something.
Brigade du jour
00:44 / 11.03.05
I thought they just popped out of the ground, like the uruk-hai?
00:51 / 11.03.05
Don't listen to Brian, he's a closet molevestite.
Brigade du jour
00:56 / 11.03.05
Oh thanks a lot Triplets, just tell everyone in the whole world! Would you like me to get you a friggin' megaphone?
01:01 / 11.03.05
Shut it, you. You've been spying. You're a filthy mole-men mole, that's what you are.
electric monk
01:58 / 11.03.05

We'll dice you up and make guac-a-MOLE-y.

Ya diggy bastard ya!
02:11 / 11.03.05
Can you hear the mole-men sing?

No-o! No-o!

Can you hear the mole-men sing?

No-o! No-o!

Can you hear the mole-men sing?

I can't hear a fucking thing!

electric monk
02:20 / 11.03.05
There's three moles in a tunnel deep under the earth. The first two are digging side by side and the third is bringing up the rear.

The first mole stops what he's doing and sniffs the stale air.

"Hmph" sez the first mole.

"What?" asks the second mole.

"I smell molasses."

"Really?" *snf snf* "Hey! I smell molasses too! Cholly, you smell molasses?"

And Cholly sez,

(you guessed it!)

"All I smell is MOLE ASSES!"
23:11 / 11.03.05
'oo's there, then?
Benny the Ball
23:18 / 11.03.05
I am. My eyes are burning from too much computer today, but I have just downloaded a whole bunch of Booty songs, so I'm listeing to them in my oh so quiet house.
23:22 / 11.03.05
Ah, sounds nice. I'm at work, but I had a productive day comic-shopping (Vimanarama, Shining Knight, Papa Midnite and Milligan's X-Men) so I'm fairly happy.
Benny the Ball
23:24 / 11.03.05
Having taken to getting my four coloured joy mail order, for reasons of weak will when the books are right there, I have to wait at the whim of the postmaster before I get to read most things - so I'm still at the Seven Soldiers 0 and Golgotha part 1 stage of things.
Bed Head
23:28 / 11.03.05
Is the Milligan X-Men worth buying? I generally refuse to trust threads in the Comics forum on all should I/shouldn’t I -type questions. I have a complicated tangle of reasons for this, but they're all a bit too dull to say out loud. But still.

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