Wait, why did I pick this up, this week?
I picked it up in the shop, and then quickly put it down again, as if it was a dead mouse I'd mistaken for a chocolate truffle, during a dinner party with my fiance's parents. It was for the best, I think.
Why is Warren Ellis bothering with the X-Men? If he wants a regular gig at Marvel fair enough, but if that's the case, shouldn't he have stuck with 'Thunderbolts'? Or, if he was tired of that, seen about a job on 'Moon Knight', or something?
Because isn't he almost bound to struggle, sitting there seething in his seaside local, drinking Red Bull, bemoaning the twinge du jour, if the characters he's writing about are supposed to be likeable?
Really, how many times can you type in
'double page spread: explosion/fight/rocket into space - you deal with it, love W' without beginning to feel a bit lonely and misunderstood, however good the money is? |