I will tel it too you now, THE GRAND SPELLL OF THE LESSIR DEMIN!!!!!!!! Firstly, get a better bed than that peice of #&^* that you've been sleeping on, other-wise the demins will be displezed. Birn sum insense, make shur its cheep! Where cheep perfume,(if yore a guy, cheep colone, but keep it cheep, were talkin demins here), and call the demin of yore choyse. The erly catholics listed their numberz in the NECRONOMICON!!!!!! Invite the demin of yore choyce ontoo yore new bed and hav good sex. This is important. IF YOU HAV BAD SEX U WILL BE CURST!!!!!!! THINGS MITE FALL OFF OR GET PLUGGED!!!!!!!! After sex, smoke a clove ciggeret, and wayt until the demin falls asleep. Sneek out of bed quitely, go to the convenience store for beer, and leeve a note saying, "If u do this fore me I will luv u for EVER!" Along with a state of intent.... Go to yore best frends house and ask to stay the nite. Tell them that therz this demin in the hows, and he or she just wont leeve. Stay with yore frend until the demin is gone. If yore not shur, call and if the demin answers, hang up reel quick! Dont go back until the demin is gone because that'll be won pist demin let me tell u! Yore state of intent will be reelized! |