At the risk of seeming repetitive, ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
Golden Age Tannhauser
STRENGTH – Mental Strength of 9 versus fools.
MAX SPEED – Best expressed as the speed of thought over WPM.
FOOL TOLERANCE – Due to his detached existence, Tannhauser has a Fool Tolerance of 0.
FUNK RATING – Tannhauser feigns indifference to the opinions of others, but secretly enjoys a high rating amongst those who have passed through him into understanding.
Golden Age Tannhauser, also called Tannhauser the Gate, reigns from exile as the Vagabond King of Reason, his throne usurped by the Pretender, Emotion. Of whimsical design and the finest Swiss craftsmanship, his pneumatic body is replaced whenever mental fatigue has exhausted its capacity for expression; both statesman and soldier, Tannhauser's peerless intellect grows with every blow struck against the Pretender’s forces, his deathless brain suspended in an ideoplasmic distillate from which his vast knowledge is drawn.
His Philosopher's Eye possesses the power to transmute base deception into pure truth in those subjected to its merciless gaze; those unable to withstand its intensity are forced to confront their innermost fears as their ignorance is thrown into stark relief. Travelling incognito with his boon companion, his noble Pointer, Bertrand, with whom he debates the teachings of the Classics, Tannhauser wages his never-ending battle against the Pretender, having sworn to dispel the shadow of fear and ignorance from his kingdom, wherever it is cast.
I thank you. |